Baihao heavenly army has dug two rectangular pits. Some are similar to paddy fields, but the salt content of this land is relatively high. The soil is covered with white frost.

Now the temperature has risen, and it won't freeze when it's coldest outside. Tian Yuqiao asked people to transport sea water into the salt field.

Twenty ox carts walked back and forth several times, and soon filled one of the salt fields with salt water.

Now the weather is good. Tian Yuqiao plans to get the salt out of the sea by drying the salt. The other field is reserved for crystallization.

The first salt field is used for evaporation, which can make the salt concentration in seawater higher. Then put the high concentration brine that has become gray white into another field, continue to evaporate, and then let people fry the water in the concentrated brine with a large iron pot.

Every time the sea water is sent, the impurities in it are filtered with fine gauze, and then poured into the salt field. At first, people were not used to it, but after a few days of adaptation, haotianjun and their families were familiar with these processes.

Now the sun is not very big, which makes the work of drying salt slow. But Tian Yuqiao has money. That little thing can spit fire!

In the dead of night, martial law has been enforced around, and even birds can't fly over. At this time, Tian Yuqiao will let Ali secretly go to the salt field to vent his anger, but don't spray the flame higher than the fence by two meters.

In this way, Caicai can vent his anger, and secondly, it can accelerate the evaporation of water in the brine.

Tian Yuqiao also knew that it was unkind to stuff things into the virtual environment, which affected Caicai's living environment. Knowing that he was depressed, he found such a way to let him vent.

Caicai is even more depressed. He was originally turned into a collective dormitory by people. Now he has to be caught doing hard work. It's really depressed!

But at the thought of big ash and second ash being sent to catch fish, even Honghong and small broken tail are not reduced to pulling carts! There is Tuan Tuan, which is now regarded as a mascot with the same furnishings and should be used as a mount at any time. Even Xiaobai is not very good. The best person to mix now should be the hot tempered Da Bai~

Half a month later, Tian Yuqiao had a pool of gray salt in his hand. After looking at the quality of the salt, I think it should be mixed with some soil. I couldn't help sighing. I was a little dissatisfied with it.

So she asked people to put all the salt into a large water tank, and a tank would hold a quarter of the salt. After putting all the salt into the tank, Tian Yuqiao secretly poured the virtual lotus pond water into each water tank and filled it up.

Then she asked someone to sew a pocket with gauze, which was full of broken carbon foam. The simple filtration device is almost done. The next step is to purify the salt.

Xiaoyu asked in some surprise, "Miss, it's not easy for us to fry the water out with a big pot. Now why do you put water in it?"

"Don't you know that? Look at the color of these salts. How ugly."

Tian Yuqiao is too lazy to explain. After all, it's too troublesome.

The salt water filtered by gauze and charcoal became much clearer. After such continuous filtering for three times, Tian Yuqiao nodded with satisfaction.

"Everybody, fry all the filtered water three times!"

She said a word, the upper mouth skin touched the lower mouth skin! And the people below will be busy. Dozens of large iron pans, with temporary earth stoves at the bottom, began to fry the salt water desperately.

In order not to waste the heat, Tian Yuqiao also specially asked people to build a big Kang behind the big stoves. It's actually a big platform, but it's hot up there.

Looking at the super large Kang, Tian Yuqiao hung a string of shredded squid on the Kang to dry! In this way, it is much faster than drying in the soft sunshine of spring. As for the taste, Tian Yuqiao thought it was OK. After all, it was in the open air and there was no need to worry about the smoky smell of shredded squid.

Let people hang the pork on the stove, which can also smoke a batch of bacon!

Fang Wenhao came to see it once. He was happy with Tian Yuqiao's "small family spirit" of not sparing any resources and making full use of them.

Especially after the first batch of salt was made, when Fang Wenhao personally held the snow-white fine salt, his eyes stared at the boss.

"Is this really salt made from sea water? It's whiter than the tribute salt they gave me."

Someone pinched a little salt and put it into his mouth. Although it hurt a little, he still couldn't bear to spit it out.

"It's so pure. It's really good salt!" Fang Wenhao couldn't help sighing.

Xiaoyu was very aware of the current situation and handed him a cup of tea. Fang Wenhao drank it all at once, which solved the saltiness in his mouth.

"Joe, how many kilograms of sea water do you need for a kilogram of salt?" Fang Wenhao asked with a smile.

After a rough calculation, Tian Yuqiao said, "there can be about three kilograms of salt in a hundred kilograms of sea water. If I refine it in this way, it will take about fifty kilograms of sea water."

Fang Wenhao took a breath and said, "I see. Joe, you are really powerful. The sea water is inexhaustible. Our soldiers and people will never worry about lack of salt in the future."

"Hehe, if the method of drying salt is announced to the world, everyone will not be short of salt." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"That won't work. In that case, this method will be leaked to foreign countries. At that time, how can we exchange salt with them for those good things?" Fang Wenhao said.

"Yes, according to the current proportion, we can exchange a kilogram of crude salt for a sheep. My salt is enough to exchange them for a cow, don't you think?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

Fang Wenhao nodded and said, "that's right, so this method must not be leaked. I'll go back and arrange some haidongqing to come and watch. You can't be careless here."

Seeing that Fang Wenhao was so cautious, Tian Yuqiao was a little nervous.

In order not to let the things here leak out, Fang Wenhao stipulated that a group of people are only responsible for one part, and one person must not be allowed to participate in the whole process of salt making.

Tian Yuqiao also nodded and agreed. Fortunately, she arranged a different division of labor for everyone before her, so no one really participated in the whole process.

Fang Wenhao also repeatedly ordered those Hao Tianjun and women's dependents to keep their mouths shut.

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