Tian Yuqiao has begun to sun salt in full swing, and the salt she makes is not only white and delicate, but also very pure in taste. Now her salt has been transported to the palace.

It seems that she has lost some money to exchange refined salt for coarse salt with Fang Wenhao. However, after all, the crude salt is sent to the west to change things. It's too good to give them, but it will boost their appetite. That's not good.

Originally, there were only two kinds of coarse salt and fine salt, but since Tian Yuqiao got the salt, there has been another classification, that is, refined salt! This was personally approved by Fang Wenhao's Royal pen. This refined salt is only provided to the royal family. The emperor can reward it to the minister and will not take it out for the time being.

People who make friends with Tian Yuqiao's family can naturally get some such refined salt. Even the refined salt is used for cooking in Xianxiang restaurant.

Those rich businessmen who know that refined salt is a good thing can't buy it, but when they think they can eat it at Xianxiang hall, they run to Xianxiang hall more frequently.

Having obtained the benefits of refined salt, Fang Wenhao asked, "Joe, the stones over there in the salt mine, can you also think of a way to purify them?"

Tian Yuqiao frowned and thought about it. Then he said, "you can let someone send the salt stone to have a try, but the salt mine contains a lot of toxic substances. I'm not sure if you can separate those things."

Fang Wenhao was a little excited when she didn't say anything. As long as she doesn't say she can't, there's still a chance!

At the thought of several large salt mines in his hand, Fang Wenhao couldn't help feeling a little excited. If you can turn all the salt produced by those salt mines into this refined salt, you will be invincible in the future.

"Now the refined salt should not be publicized. We have to expect to exchange these refined salt for war horses with those barbarians." Tian Yuqiao reminded with a smile.

Fang Wenhao nodded quickly and said, "yes, now I reward the refined salt to the civil and military ministers in the court, but I say that the value of this kilogram of refined salt is as precious as 100 kilos of fine salt. Those ministers who got the refined salt are crazy to thank the emperor for his kindness."

"Originally, one kilogram of coarse salt can be exchanged with them for a sheep, and one kilogram of fine salt can be exchanged for a cow. I can exchange one kilogram of refined salt with them for a war horse!" Tian Yuqiao said excitedly.

"Yes, that's what I want! Now if we have cavalry, our Haotian army will be even more invincible. It's said that the horse bandits don't rob the past merchants on the other side of the original mountain. We can try and exchange some things with them."

Tian Yuqiao asked curiously, "Oh? Why don't they rob businessmen?"

"They would rob the aborigines there, and even occasionally the barbarians. But if there were merchants in the past, they would not rob, and even escort them along the way. Because the merchants brought things they could not get by robbing alone. If the news of their robbing merchants was spread, no one would go to do business in the future," Fang Wenhao explained.

"Oh? How do you know?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

"Hehe, I've asked them to dress up as businessmen and call you the front station. After all, you said you wanted to open the business road at the end of Eryuan mountain in the west, so I arranged it. You can't go there in person. I'll be distressed." Fang Wenhao began to talk nonsense solemnly.

The truth of the matter is that big head joined hands with Yelao and brought six haidongqing and several eagles to Yuanshan to catch two bandits. He didn't know until he was interrogated.

The bandits in the original mountain are small teams. But they all have a common leader, who is nicknamed mountain carving. It is said that the old man is cruel and cruel. From time to time, he will take people to rob the county beyond the mountain.

For merchants who come and go, they will "forcibly" buy all the things in others' hands at a high price with silver money slightly higher than the original price.

Even so, no merchant reported it to the official because of this matter. Because after all, people spend money on it, and they haven't hurt anyone. Therefore, in the mouth of merchants, the image of Yuanshan bandits is still good.

Salt is also what bandits need most, especially fine salt with good quality. However, the court originally ordered that businessmen should not sell private salt, otherwise if they were caught, they would have to be interrogated and beheaded by the whole family.

Now Tian Yuqiao's is different. She can sell crude salt there. But the price I paid was to exchange the white refined salt in my hand with the imperial court for the coarse salt with sand.

This is also beneficial to all three aspects. Fang Wenhao naturally took a big advantage. Because of this, he can stop the chatter of the courtiers. Tian Yuqiao can exchange this free salt for the silver and good things in the hands of Yuanshan bandits. There is no need to say the benefits.

For those hateful bandits, it is difficult for them to rob salt. If she brought salt to sell, even if it was coarse salt mixed with sand, she could exchange a lot of money with them. It's not too much to exchange a kilogram of salt for one or two gold.

Fang Wenhao spread a map on the table, pointed to Tian Yuqiao and said, "this road was washed out by a mountain torrent a few years ago, just from the mountain to the outside. Then we can let people follow this road, and soon we will meet the bandits of the original mountain. Naturally, they will buy all our salt, and maybe they will exchange it with us with other things."

"As long as we don't suffer," Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"It's not bad to suffer. The captured bandit said that as long as it's salt, there will be a high price. Then I asked the big head to put the bandit back, and asked him to bring a letter to Zuoshan carving and trade with them in the name of Eji." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

"What do you give to the guitars?" Tian Yuqiao asked with an eyebrow.

Fang Wenhao smiled and said, "they are naturally happy to allow them to trade in the whole range of China. Moreover, I gave the guitars the identity of a Chinese people. Now they should be regarded as our Chinese people."

Well, Tian Yuqiao knows what abdominal darkness is. But now Fang Wenhao's family background is still a little thin, and it's nothing to be black.

After they made a plan, Tian Yuqiao frowned again.

"Joel, what's the matter with you? You've frowned several times today."

"Although the crude salt is very valuable, we can't exchange too much with them at one time, otherwise they will come and rob us."

Fang Wenhao nodded and said yes, it's really such a truth. Only when there are few things can it reflect its value. It seems that we have to think of another way.

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