Salt can be sold to the Western Eryuan mountain, but not too much at a time. This makes Tian Yuqiao a little worried. After all, she is still counting on this to make a fortune.

But on second thought, she suddenly had an idea and said, "by the way, anyway, we don't lack salt at all. In that case, we don't sell them salt directly, but we can sell them some food pickled with salt."

Fang Wenhao is also very happy when he hears the speech. He is short of silver now! If Tian Yuqiao's method is feasible, his Treasury will become a lot richer.

"Joe, if you can use this method to cheat all their money ~ Oh, no, if you earn it all, it's a great hero of our Chinese dynasty. How can I reward you then? Alas, women can't be emperors, so the throne can't be given to you. But the Queen's position is empty ~"

Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes and continued to watch the performance of a black man.

"Otherwise, I'll owe you the reward first. When you grow up in two or three years, I'll give you the Queen's position directly. Anyway, it's empty. You don't have to be polite to me." Fang Wenhao said with awe inspiring righteousness on his face.

Tian Yuqiao has black lines all over his head and says that this guy is going to eat himself, isn't he? Who promised to marry you? Do you have an invoice?

After making up his mind to make salted dishes, Tian Yuqiao's first thought was to make salted fish! This can be regarded as local materials. Anyway, the fish here is only a few Wen a kilo. Dried salted fish can last a long time. Just throw out a few recipes for salted fish at that time.

Put the dried squid shreds into the virtual environment, and leave all the space to dry the salted fish.

Now Tian Yuqiao not only asks people to collect strange fish, but also sends out the wind to collect all kinds of fish, and the quantity is large and preferential!

Once the news was released, the whole Bohai village was like a frying pan. They would not believe such a thing if they were killed. But now that the dog egg got half a piece of cloth, we can't help but believe it.

One by one, they are gearing up for fishing day and night.

Their life is much better these days. They have a lot of surplus grain at home. Some people already have some silver money in their hands and begin to wonder whether they can be called a daughter-in-law.

The name of Princess Facai soon resounded throughout the Bohai Bay. Not only the villagers of Bohai village came to send fish, but also the fishermen of several surrounding villages sent their fish here one after another.

Now there are more fish and people's living standards have improved a lot, so Tian Yuqiao decided to pay only silver instead of exchanging food and cloth with them.

Because it's too troublesome and time-consuming!

He asked people to dig another small pool next to the crystallization pool. After the inside and four walls were built with green bricks, Tian Yuqiao asked people to cut the cleaned fish with a flower knife, and then spread refined salt on the fish.

Cut the fish with thick flesh a few more knives to ensure that the salt can penetrate fully. According to different species, the flattened fish are stacked together.

In the big pool, a pile of fish wiped with salt soon appeared. Then Tian Yuqiao ordered Hao Tianjun strong men to carry big stones and press them directly on the fish.

After doing this for about half a day, the fish that had been half a foot higher than the pool were pressed down a lot.

The water in the fish was pressed out a lot. At this time, people took out the fish and washed them with high concentration salt water. Then they hooked it with an "s" shaped iron hook at the mouth of the fish and sent it directly to the greenhouse for ventilation and drying.

At this time, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and the sunshine through the glass greenhouse is already sufficient. Coupled with those big stoves frying salt outside, the temperature inside the glazed greenhouse is much higher than that outside.

In order to facilitate ventilation, Tian Yuqiao also specially asked people to open all the vents of the greenhouse, so that the salted fish can be dried quickly.

Those salted fish were flattened because they were pressed. When they looked at the sun, they looked like small kites. The slightly burnt fish looks crystal clear.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help coming forward, stepped on the small bench, tore down a piece of fish with his hand, put it into his mouth and chewed it. Suddenly she was so salty that she turned her mouth, but she didn't spit out the fish in her mouth.

When Xiaoyu saw her look, she immediately covered her mouth and smiled.

"Hehe, miss, even cats dare not steal the salted fish. With so much salt, I think the salted fish can only be stewed with vegetables."

Tian Yuqiao also nodded and felt that what Xiaoyu said was very reasonable.

I sent a basket of salted fish to the palace overnight. As a result, the ministers in the court had a blessing in the mouth the next day!

The newly ascended young emperor even asked eunuchs to bring a basket of all kinds of salted fish in the early Dynasty. The fishy smell on the whole hall made the ministers frown one after another.

"You can have lunch here at noon. Let's try the salted fish newly developed by Princess Facai today." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

Then the topics in the morning were all about salted fish and pickled vegetables. Everyone was a little excited.

I didn't expect that this little salted fish could bring such a big profit to the imperial court.

At noon, the emperor sent people rice porridge and white flour steamed bread. After the ministers sat down in the side hall, they stared at Fang Wenhao one by one.

"Your Majesty, there's no food!" a bold official asked.

"It's my negligence! Come on, give this basket of salted fish to Aiqing. Don't be eccentric. Each person should give at least one." Fang Wenhao ordered.

The officials all smoked at the corners of their mouths. Unexpectedly, they let themselves eat salted fish today.

After several salted fish of different kinds were put on the plate in front of each of them, Fang Wenhao ordered everyone to have dinner.

He carried a multi treasure fish, tore the meat from the top, and ate it with rice porridge. Seeing that the emperor had eaten, the ministers naturally dared not say anything more.

Everyone could only resist the fishy smell and tore a piece of salted fish with their hands. However, when the salted fish was torn, they could only taste the dried salted fish in their mouth.

It didn't matter at once, and they frowned one by one. How salty~

It's just salty. The most important thing is that there are many elderly officials in the court. They can't bite the hard dried fish without any treatment.

The emperor is looking at himself. If he doesn't eat, he won't give the emperor face. Who dares! So everyone had to bite the bullet and swallow it directly~

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