Fang Wenhao used the untreated salted fish to entertain the courtiers. As a result, he tightened the throats of the ministers who liked to impeach this and that. It's estimated that they can't bother him for at least three or five days in the future. This is the effect he wants.

When Tian Yuqiao listened to Xiaoyu's model and learned that the old men coughed, even Lan'er in Wang's arms patted xiaopang's hand and smiled.

Wulang grinned and said, "sister, it's a pity that you weren't there when the little pill in the palace came out to tell me. What he said is much louder than what Xiaoyu said."

Xiaowanzi is a close eunuch beside Fang Wenhao. He is about the same age as Wulang, but his life is a little bitter. His parents died. He was sold by his uncle to the palace as a eunuch. At a young age, they will be called by the old eunuchs as cattle and horses. If they are not found by Wulang, they are afraid that their lives will be played to death.

So now xiaomaru is like Wulang's follower. He tells Wulang everything interesting.

Fang Wenhao is not disgusted with this. After all, in his mind, Wulang is his direct brother-in-law, which needs to be flattered without limit.

He wished xiaomaru could get along well with Wulang, and secretly told xiaomaru to say more good things in front of Wulang. If the rich princess can know how good she is, then a good word can be exchanged for one or two silver.

Xiaowanzi had never seen the emperor speak so well. He was flattered at the beginning, but when he got the first five Liang silver, he was happy.

Running to Bohai village for three days is to say good things about the emperor in front of Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother ~ Tian Yuqiao is also helpless. However, Tian Yuqiao didn't say much when he saw that his brother was very congenial with xiaowanzi.

Salted fish almost provoked public anger in the court. In order to correct the name of salted fish, Tian Yuqiao decided to launch several salted fish signature dishes in Xianxiang hall as soon as possible.

Pick out some salted fish with thick meat, soak them in warm water for about two quarters of an hour, and then cut them into small pieces for standby.

Cut the purple eggplant into sections and the streaky pork into large pieces.

The eggplant is wrapped in starch, fried into golden yellow in an oil pan, and then taken out. In the oil pan, add onion, ginger and garlic, fry until fragrant, and then add pork slices to continue frying.

Then put the fried eggplant in, stir fry for a while, and then pour a bowl of chicken soup into it. Add the cut salted fish section and simmer over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. This pot of delicious salted fish eggplant rice will become.

Then pour it on a pot of white rice, so that a dish becomes. But it's sold with rice. Such a bowl is priced at five Liang silver.

Salted fish eggplant rice was soon pushed out of the Xianxiang restaurant, but there were few interlocutors.

Because the salted fish that the ministers ate in the court before really left a big psychological shadow on them. Now as long as it is associated with the word "salted fish", they will flinch.

In order to attract diners, guests who order more than four dishes at a time will be given such a pot of salted fish eggplant rice at each table.

"Man, I didn't order this dish," a diner asked with a frown.

"Oh, this is a gift from our store. Isn't it because the new emperor ascended the throne? This is a gift for our store to give back to our old customers." the guy said with a smile.

The man was naturally happy when he heard that it was a gift. This is Xianxiang restaurant. One dish is one mouthful of gold!

The diners who got the dishes held up their chopsticks and began to clip the salted fish and eggplant rice, while some directly scooped half a bowl into their own eating plate with a spoon.

Eat a golden eggplant, a piece of streaky pork, and then a piece of something cut square.

"Hmm ~ it tastes really good. It's delicious."

"Yes, is this fish? The meat is very chewy and tastes good. It's delicious. I like it."

Everyone nodded and praised. After the diners at other tables were attracted, the guy in charge of serving said, "ladies and gentlemen, this is the new dish of our store, salted fish and eggplant rice!"

"What? It's absolutely impossible. I ate the salted fish at the beginning, and it almost didn't kill me."

"Yes, my uncle drank several pots of tea after he went back."

"No, my father's voice is still uncomfortable. It's hard to talk."

"I said, young man, are you right? Is this really the salted fish? Last time I clearly couldn't bite, but this one is very soft and rotten."

In the face of people's questions, the shopkeeper can only come out in person to explain.

What happened here was quickly told to Tian Yuqiao and Wulang by xiaowanzi. Looking at his dancing appearance, Wulang opened his mouth with a smile and accidentally exposed the big black front teeth inside.

"Oh, our Wulang has changed another tooth." Tian Yuqiao smiled and fished his brother over, forcibly broke his small mouth and checked his open teeth.

Wulang's little face turned a little red, frowned and said, "sister, I'm nine years old. I'm an adult. Don't pinch my face, will you?"

Wang also felt sorry for his little son, so he advised him, "Joe, don't bully your brother. Wulang has changed two teeth these days, so it's inconvenient to eat. He's even more afraid of being seen with his open teeth."

"Oh, smelly boy, you know how to save face at such a young age. No wonder when you eat peanuts in the morning, I think you have something wrong. I thought you had broken your teeth by eating sugar and shredded squid. Don't always steal it if you have nothing. There's a lot of sugar there. If you eat too much, your teeth will break." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wulang finally broke free from his fierce sister's claws and rubbed his little face. His face was innocent.

While xiaomaru was laughing, Wulang found that xiaomaru also lost a tooth. But the position is different from his own. What he lacks is the one next to his front teeth!

"Wow, you little pill, you dare to laugh at me. Let me see how many teeth you lack ~"

The two children ran out laughing, and Wang shook his head with a smile.

"Hey, now master Liang is called by Hao'er to the palace to help teach the children of officials, and Wulang begins to be lazy."

"Mom, didn't Grandpa Liang say that Wulang's current level has almost been admitted to a scholar? If he continues to teach, I'm afraid Wulang will show his talent in the forest. If someone cares about him at that time, it will be disadvantageous to us."

Wang nodded and said, "that's right. What an older child he is. We should let him play more now. Look at his good relationship with xiaowanzi. Xiaowanzi is also a hard-working child. Why don't we let him stay at home with Wulang."

"Well, cold words and cold words are too boring. It's time to find a lively one to talk with my little brother." Tian Yuqiao nodded in agreement.

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