The practice of salted fish was brought into full play by Xianxiang restaurant, and attracted countless diners. We all like this heavy taste dish very much, especially the various salted fish delicacies made by Tian Yuqiao, which are very popular.

Tian Yuqiao was in a good mood. He turned over the account book sent by someone from the Xianxiang hall and kept nodding.

Xiaoyu kept feeding fruit into her mouth. Tian Yuqiao ate happily. Lying on the rocking chair, he kept shaking his legs, what a leisurely and happy attitude of a small landlord.

"Miss, someone over there sent a cart of stones, saying there was salt in it." Xiaoyu reminded.

Tian Yuqiao put down the account book, stretched himself, got up from the chair and said, "go, let's go with your young lady."

As early as after making the plan, Tian Yuqiao had someone prepare a large filtering device.

There is a big wooden bucket next to a sink. The top of the barrel is a large inverted funnel, which is also made of bamboo.

In the narrowest part of the funnel, several layers of charcoal filter cotton are placed. From top to bottom, the particles of charcoal are becoming more and more delicate. Tian Yuqiao tried it once. The filtering effect of this thing is really good.

Tian Yuqiao asked people to smash the stones into pieces and soak them in a bucket. Salt can dissolve in the water. As for other impurities, they are easily filtered out by gauze.

After the first filtration, the brine turned red. Tian Yuqiao touched a little with his hand and tasted it in his mouth ~ the taste is really bitter. It must contain a lot of toxic substances.

The filtered brine was filled in wooden barrels, and people stared at the ladder and went up the barrel. With a "crash", pour the brine in the bucket into the big funnel.

In the sink at the bottom, clean salt water that is no longer muddy flows out slowly. This time, the salt water is no longer red, but more transparent.

Tian Yuqiao tasted it again and felt that this was the taste of salt water.

After the first bucket of water was successfully filtered, it was ready for a big fight.

The salt stone smashed into pieces by the cart was quickly filtered out, and the filtered salt water was carried to fry.

Looking at more and more white salt frost on the pot, Tian Yuqiao was relieved. After they scraped out the salt crystals in the pot, Tian Yuqiao tasted it. Then he nodded again and again and said yes, so he asked people to send this bag of salt to the palace.

Fang Wenhao was overjoyed, because according to the proportion of salt given to him by Tian Yuqiao, the salt she got by this method was several times more than the salt that the salt digging workers had taken pains to get before.

Originally, ten kilograms of salt stone could not produce half a kilogram of salt, but now it can be filtered out three jin of salt, and it is still clean snow-white refined salt.

Tian Yuqiao also found that this method of extracting salt was faster than drying salt directly from the sea water, so he sent this set of equipment for filtering salt water to the salt mine.

Fang Wenhao had more than a dozen sets of such filtration devices made overnight and sent them to salt mines everywhere. As for the specific filtering method, it was left to his confidants. Only the work of swinging a sledgehammer and smashing stones was handed over to ordinary salt workers.

In today's China, all the people live and work in peace and contentment, and their lives are much richer than in previous years. The emperor was in a good mood. With a decree, he pardoned the world ~ death row prisoners!

As for why he only pardoned the death penalty of death row prisoners, he said to Tian Yuqiao: "Joe, it's really hard work to swing a sledgehammer now. Now the salary of a day has been given 80 Wen. It's really not cost-effective."

"So?" Tian Yuqiao asked with an eyebrow.

"So let's give amnesty to the world, exempt those prisoners from the death penalty and let them perform hard labor. They are directly arranged to go to major salt mines and let them take charge of the work with the highest salary. In this way, they don't have to pay, and they are very happy." Fang Wenhao said proudly.

Well, the emperor likes to call people skillfully! Let the condemned prisoner do the hardest and tiring work. He bought people's hearts and saved a lot of money. He really killed two birds with one stone.

All the people in the world were exempted from taxes for one year, and the whole country celebrated with jubilation. All this is because Fang Wenhao has grasped the method of refining refined salt in his hand. With this method, he will no longer worry about the emptiness of his Treasury.

The refined salt was sent by Tian Yuqiao to the chamber of Commerce in Eji. Each merchant can receive 100 kilograms of refined salt every month to sell. This is what Tian Yuqiao gave them. After all, the price of refined salt is also very high in Hu people.

Where have they seen such good quality salt! White is like snow in winter. When Eji held the white refined salt, his eyes were wet.

"Daddy, is this salt for us to sell or let us keep it for ourselves?" Sonny asked with big blinking eyes.

"You child, of course, this is sent to us for consignment. If you want to eat, my father will spend money to buy a kilo for you to eat." Eji smiled and patted his daughter on the shoulder.

Sonny smiled and took dad's arm and said, "dad still loves me most. The price of one kilogram of refined salt is worth more than ten kilograms of crude salt."

"Does Sonny like it?"

"Well, naturally I like it. The coarse salt is so big one by one, and the inside is still gray. Maybe the sand will jump out of the teeth ~" Sonny frowned and began to complain about the coarse salt.

"Hahaha, you child, didn't you always grow up eating crude salt? Now you count the crude salt as if you can't eat it."

Sonny then coquettishly said, "that's right. Now that I have the white fine salt, if I eat the coarse salt, I think I may starve to death."

"Well, we'll all eat this refined salt in the future. Hey, I just don't know if the imperial court will agree. Qiao'er consigned it to us in the name of the imperial court ~" Eji showed a worried look.

"Dad, the letter just said we could not sell the refined salt to the original mountain, but we didn't say we could keep it for ourselves. If it's a big deal, let the servants of the family buy it in their shop, so even if the court knows, it should be all right?" Sonny smiled and blinked.

Eji laughed at the speech and said it was a good way! Refined salt is sold anyway. It doesn't matter whether the customer is his own family or other Hu civilians. Anyway, as long as the amount of silver can match.

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