As soon as refined salt appeared on the boundary of Hu people, it immediately attracted a storm of salt grabbing. We are used to the coarse salt mixed with sand. At first, we can't calm down when we hear that there is white refined salt like snow.

However, the refined salt provided by the original Honda Yuqiao to the chamber of commerce is limited, and many are retained by the merchants in the chamber of Commerce, so there is even less that can be supplied externally.

The truth that things are rare is precious is reflected incisively and vividly at this time. Later, there were two dealers ~ which seriously affected the market of refined salt.

When Tian Yuqiao received Sonny's letter to him, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Forget it, there are too few good things over there. Xiaoyu, tell them to go on. In the future, each member of the chamber of Commerce will give them 500 kilograms of salted fish every month. The price is one or two silver a pound. As for the cooking methods, don't provide them. Let them eat the salted fish as refined salt." Tian Yuqiao ordered.

"Yes, I'll do it now." Xiaoyu smiled to convey the order.

Xiaoyu is now regarded as the little housekeeper here. Other people respect Xiaoyu as if they saw the master. This makes Xiaoyu very useful. She walks with wind. It seems that you can't finish it all over. Every time you do something for the young lady, those people will look at themselves with new eyes.

With the idea of turning evil into power, Xiaoyu is now more and more efficient.

The salted fish in Tian Yuqiao's side was not only supplied to the Hu people and Horqin tribe, but also sent by Fang Wenhao to the soldiers at the border. Because the land there is desolate, the output of grain is very low, and there are no vegetables to eat.

Nowadays, even if the salted fish is eaten in water, it is very delicious.

When Tian Yuqiao learned Fang Wenhao's idea, she made up a picture in her mind. That is, when each garrison soldier goes out to fight, he carries not only dry food, but also a salted fish around his waist. When I walk, I feel happy when I think about it~

Seeing her silly smile, Fang Wenhao reached out and shook in front of her eyes.

"What are you laughing at, Joel? Don't you think I have a bad idea? The salted fish can last a long time, and it's very salty. At that time, the soldiers can eat more salt than they can usually eat a big bowl of vegetables." Fang Wenhao explained.

"I didn't say that your method is not good. I think it's also good. You can let them try. But this salted fish is a good thing. Are you so willing to give it out? People can sell one or two silver a kilo." Tian Yuqiao said flat.

"A salted fish is for them to eat for a month. Don't worry. Only the soldiers in the war will distribute salted fish to them. They don't eat it at ordinary times." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao gave him a white look and said, "you're really harsh. I can't supply any fish here. According to your usage, I'm afraid our family won't be able to eat salted fish."

"How about this? I'll have someone bring you salted fish from outside."

"Forget it, the heavenly eye is going to be hot. At that time, the fish will be dead after being transported, and the taste will be affected." Tian Yuqiao said.

Tian Yuqiao plans to open salted fish workshops in major coastal towns and counties, and Fang Wenhao naturally agrees. Then he went down with a decree, asked the officials in the coastal areas to invest in the construction of workshops, and arranged to go to the Haotian army.

Now almost all the Haotian army have been separated from the west, allowing them to go to a better place. Because Fang Wenhao is very new to them, it's natural to have a good job first.

The land reclaimed by Hao Tianjun and his family members over there is still reserved for them, but now it is leased to a group of disaster victims.

In this way, the livelihood of the refugees poisoned by the war was soon solved. Not only these refugees, but also those suffering from floods and locusts have been better resettled.

The salt mine needs a lot of manpower, and Fang Wenhao has brought out a lot of salt drying ponds. These places need manpower.

Except that the final filtering procedure was left to their own people, the other steps were completed by the victims.

Tian Yuqiao naturally wouldn't mind making a fortune with a group of refugees, so he made a big fuss.

The market for refined salt and salted fish is still large, but this is also phased. After all, after the salted fish is bought back, it takes some time to eat, and this time is not short.

Next, she focused on the shredded squid. It was sweet and tasted very good.

Next to Tianji fresh fruit shop, there is another fortune snack shop. This is doing business under the banner of rich princess. It's full of seafood snacks.

There are all kinds of grilled fish slices and fortune squid shreds. Shredded squid, each in a paper bag. There are two kinds of half catty and one catty, and the price is naturally very high. But this is nothing to the people of the imperial city.

Families with children at home naturally come and queue up to buy. What we eat is this freshness, especially the activities of the fortune snack shop are so in place.

First, I caught some shredded squid for the children to taste. The children laughed and ran to eat while playing, which was called a fragrance. This is the best publicity. After all, those children have poor conditions at home, so they can get free snacks. Naturally, they cherish them very much and eat very carefully.

Looking at the proud smiles on the children's faces, we all hope to buy the seafood snacks as soon as possible.

After less than half a month, what can be seen everywhere in the whole imperial city is that children have pockets printed with the words "get rich squid silk" in their hands. Some are filled with shredded squid, while others are filled with snacks in the bag.

Nothing else. Just because the bag is so exquisite and beautiful, children like to go out with their friends with such a bag. It's like a poor man who doesn't have a rich pocket in his hand.

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that his fame of making a fortune has been well known by people in the imperial city. Even people with poor conditions at home will tighten their belts and bite their teeth to buy half a kilo for their children to taste.

For nothing else, just so that the child can carry such a fine small bag in his hand and go out to show off with his friends.

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