Six months later, Tian Yuqiao's seafood business has become bigger and bigger. The poor fishermen, who had earned a lot of money from Tian Yuqiao, replaced their old small fishing boats with medium-sized wooden boats.

The fishermen no longer show their dishes like before. They all show red light. Many families have rebuilt their houses. Many industrious young men also saved enough money to marry their daughter-in-law.

Everyone is happy and harmonious, and all this is thanks to Tian Yuqiao.

Since Tian Yuqiao instigated the method of drying and filtering salt, Fang Wenhao's Treasury has been filling up. The precious stones and other valuable items originally obtained from the cave of poison King Valley have become all kinds of jewelry in the founding silver building.

Tian Yuqiao's main job now is to lie in a rocking chair every day, eating fruit and drinking tea, holding an account book and holding the dog's head of Doudou~

Now Doudou has already grown from a milk dog into a powerful and majestic big dog. Although she is very coquettish in front of her master, her figure and appearance can definitely frighten people when she is outside.

Now Wulang also lives in Bohai village because he wants to learn swimming from Tian Yuqiao.

It happens to be August and September. At noon, the sea water that has been basked for most of the day has reached a certain temperature, so it's best to go swimming in the sea at this time.

Fishermen don't have so many taboos, so now Wulang stands by the sea in the swimming pants specially made for him by Tian Yuqiao, and no one will say more. After all, everyone is like that. Even the women in the fishermen's house bend their trousers when they get to the beach.

Although Tian Yuqiao very much wants to wear the swimsuit of his previous life, after all, once such clothes are worn, they will be blamed to death. She didn't dare to do so, so she had to sew a relatively thin tights for the occasion.

The sister and brother took Doudou, followed by Xiaoyu and xiaowanzi, as well as the two brothers of cold words and cold words.

At this time, most of the fishermen have come back and are busy picking up the seafood. Or they haven't come back, so now the beach is relatively clean.

After all, everyone is busy. Who has Tian Yuqiao so free!

Tian Yuqiao took off his shoes and stepped barefoot on the soft and warm beach. Xiaoyu hurried over and said, "Miss, this girl can't show her feet ~"

"It doesn't matter. You see who comes to pick up fish still wears shoes. It will get wet." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Doudou rushed into the sea happily, and then swam around the dog plane. The envious Wulang's eyes were shining, but he looked at the water below his knees and couldn't help being afraid.

Tian Yuqiao finally settled Xiaoyu, and then went to the depths of the sea step by step. When the sea water there almost exceeded her waist, she let people pull a net in this position.

"You can play by the sea, but you can't cross the net. The water is very deep. Maybe it will be life-threatening. Wulang, you have to be in a hurry." Tian Yuqiao asked carefully.

The little guy nodded heavily and said, "sister, teach me to swim quickly! Look, my arm is tanned. Only my little ass is white. My father laughed at me ~"

Looking at his little brother complaining there, Tian Yuqiao puffed and said, "well, just come here with the big board I prepared for you."

Sure enough, the little guy carefully dripped water, and then the small ball threw over a floating board with very soft density. The little guy rushed over, hugged the board and waited for Tian Yuqiao's words.

Tian Yuqiao used to hold the little guy's body under his stomach and let him lift his feet.

The little guy was afraid at first, but when he slipped under his feet, he felt that he was going to fall into the water~

Wulang's face changed. After all, he was choked when he first pretended to be a hero.

But the next moment, the little guy found that he didn't choke water, but was held by his sister in his stomach, and his body seemed to float.

He opened his mouth and smiled at Tian Yuqiao and said, "sister, I seem to be able to swim."

"Forget it, where are you now? My sister is dragging you below. The water here is not deep. You will be fine."

The two brothers and sisters walked slowly by the sea. Tian Yuqiao walked by, while Wu Lang held a floating board and fluttered his little feet from time to time. It was a lot of fun. The little mouth was always smiling, and even forgot that there were two black teeth in his mouth.

Tian Yuqiao held his stomach under his head at the beginning. Later, when she saw that the little guy was a little forgetful, she secretly released her hand and let Wulang practice with driftwood.

Doudou wandered back and forth around Wulang. The dog's head with a wide mouth was exposed on the water, and Hara Hara gasped.

Sometimes, seeing that Wulang swims slowly, it will arch Wulang's calf with its nose in the back.

Tian Yuqiao is worried about getting sunburned. After all, she hasn't developed a sunscreen yet.

On the shore, under the awning on the shore, the reclining chair has been placed. There is also a small table next to it. There are some snacks, iced plum soup and other kinds of fruit juices on the table. They are all packed in bamboo tubes with labels engraved on them.

Tian Yuqiao washed sour plum soup with a reed tube and watched Wulang and Doudou play by the sea.

Wulang was having a good time, but he always felt something was wrong. But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

But when his eyes accidentally fell into the awning on the bank, he was surprised to find his sister sitting there drinking juice~

"Ah ~ elder sister, didn't you hold me under your head? Unexpectedly, you ran back by yourself. What can I do?"

The little guy was a little scared and began to shout.

Xiaowanzi said next to him, "don't be afraid, young master Wulang. You didn't swim very well just now. You could almost surpass Doudou."

Tian Yuqiao's face was covered with black lines, and a mouthful of sour plum soup almost came out. Just now, Doudou deliberately let it go. It can be said that Wulang's speed means beating the east to the West and the guide to the north.

He wanted to swim forward, but the waves didn't allow him, so he pushed him back directly. People's Doudou can come and go freely. There is no comparability between the two, okay~

From a "t" shaped shelf on the table, Tian Yuqiao took down a shading mirror polished with black jade. Tian Yuqiao put it on the bridge of his nose. It looked very comfortable.

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