Xiaowanzi took a load of kelp to Xianxiang hall, and he had to go to the palace every time he returned to the imperial city to report the situation of Tian's family to Fang Wenhao.

This time was no exception. When he danced to Fang Wenhao to describe Wulang's "heroic posture" in swimming, he found that the expression on the emperor's face was not quite right.

Little meatball wondered. Why didn't your majesty laugh when he said such a funny thing? What you said must not be vivid enough! At the thought of this, he talked more about Tian Yuqiao's teaching Wulang to swim.

"That's enough. Go back quickly. Tell the other side to make good preparations. I'll go there for the summer vacation in a few days." Fang Wenhao said coldly.

The little pill was frightened by his cold and fierce eyes, and then went obediently.

Out of the palace, xiaowanzi wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and hurried back to Bohai village.

When he told Tian Yuqiao Fang Wenhao's oral instructions, Tian Yuqiao waved helplessly and said, "if you want to come, there's nothing to prepare. The big deal is to draw two dragons on the sunshade. What else can there be?"

Little pill helped her forehead and said that the wise and mighty emperor, I'm afraid only the rich princess can handle it.

Sure enough, Fang Wenhao arrived at noon the next day.

"I heard you're going to come here to learn swimming? Really or not?" Fang Wenhao asked incredulously.

Fang Wenhao looked serious and said, "well, that's right. It's said that Wulang has learned to swim now. How can I not learn it? As an emperor with both civil and military skills, I'm not satisfied with just fighting on land and in the air, and I'll be invincible in the water in the future."

Tian Yuqiao smiled decisively: "hehe, are you still going to dominate the sea, land and air? It's so awesome. I admire it. But I'm just a three legged cat. If you really want to learn, you'd better find it."

With that, Tian Yuqiao pointed to the beans at his feet. Doudou seemed to feel something. He was sleeping. When he heard his master mention himself, he immediately got up from the ground.

He rubbed Fang Wenhao's leg with his big head, while Fang Wenhao touched Doudou's nose and forehead with his hand. After being intimate with one person and one dog, Fang Wenhao threw Doudou two ice bean paste cakes.

"Forget it, at least I was said to be the son of the dragon. How can I learn to swim with Doudou? I heard you taught Wulang to the church. It's a good day today. Why don't you teach me?"

Looking at Fang Wenhao's harmless appearance, his eyes were full of expectations. Tian Yuqiao couldn't say anything just when he refused.

After lunch, Wulang contributed his own swimming trunks made big by Tian Yuqiao in Fang Wenhao's poor eyes.

Fang Wenhao's clothes were just right in size, as if they were tailor-made for him.

Before, Wulang took off his coat at the seaside, and Fang Wenhao ran out as soon as he was happy. Standing in front of Tian Yuqiao, wearing only a pair of four corner swimming trunks, he put his figure first.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. Although she shouldn't have seen it, she felt like an angel and a devil were fighting.

The angel said, "men and women are different. Men and women are in great defense. Men and women don't give or receive. Don't look at evil..."

The devil said, "there are beautiful men who come to the door by themselves. If they don't look at it, why don't they look at it? In order not to regret it in the future, there will be no shop if they miss this village."

Under repeated entanglement, Tian Yuqiao finally chose to stand on the side of evil.

Bai Nen's small hand covered his eyes, but he owed a gap. Along the gap, you can clearly see the symmetrical abdominal muscles on Fang Wenhao, the strong lines, and ~ a pair of bright eyes and bright teeth!

"Ah, it's not worth your life to be scared to death." Tian Yuqiao shouted with a red face.

She didn't expect that when she appreciated the beautiful man's figure, the guy suddenly put his face together. When peeking at others, he found that the man was also waiting for a pair of stubborn smiling eyes to stare at himself.

Tian Yuqiao is embarrassed! Very, very embarrassing. Her face turned red to the root of her neck. Then she simply turned her head, pretended that she was uncomfortable, lay on the soft couch and refused to see Fang Wenhao.

Fang Wenhao smiled in his heart and said that the little girl loved her brother-in-law so much that she dragged the little guy swimming in the water. Hey, it's so sad. When can I get such treatment?

What Tian Yuqiao didn't know was that Fang Wenhao was jealous just because xiaowanzi said that Wulang was wearing those swimming trunks and was held up by the little girl with such concern. The whole palace smelled of overturning the vinegar jar. No, he came to ask for comfort today.

Wulang also changed his swimming trunks. He can't look at his emperor brother dressed so cool alone!

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and asked people to bring two large cotton bath towels. After telling them to put them on, she asked people to prepare a carriage and the party were ready to go to the beach.

The big bath towel is made of cotton thread by Tian Yuqiao. It's very comfortable to wear. The carriage staggered to the place, where someone had already set up a sunshade and inserted a yellow umbrella on the beach.

Fang Wenhao picked up the sunglasses from the table, looked at them and asked curiously, "is this made of black jade? It's really good. I'm not afraid of the glare of the sun."

"It's called sunglasses. It took a long time to polish them with Dark Jade to make them so thin. Don't break them. It's very troublesome to make such sunglasses." Tian Yuqiao said.

Fang Wenhao looked at the sea in a cool bath towel and sunglasses. At this time, Wulang had rushed to the sea with Doudou in his arms.

This time, the little guy was no longer afraid. With the refined salt for his first swim, he put his chin on the driftwood board. He also tied a rope around Doudou's neck. This time Doudou swam in front and Wulang was pulled behind.

People who don't know will think that this is Wulang's own skill.

Fang Wenhao said to Tian Yuqiao with some envy, "qiao'er, I can't swim either. I heard that your method of teaching Wulang was very effective ~"

Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes. Did he want to make himself like Wulang?

Before she promised, Fang Wenhao shouted and scattered his bath towel, leaving it to fall on the soft beach.

"You're taller than me. I can't hold you down below. Why don't I let my father hold you?"

As soon as Tian Yuqiao's voice fell, he saw Tian Dahe coming here with a smile in his big swimming trunks above his knees.

"When did Godfather arrive?" Fang Wenhao asked in surprise.

"Oh, we heard that qiao'er has learned something new now, so we plan to come and have a look. Unexpectedly, Hao'er is here today. What a coincidence." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

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