Tian Dahe also came to Bohai village with his wife and children. As a result, he found that Fang Wenhao was also there. After the greetings, Fang Wenhao turned his head and disappeared from his eyes.

He was going to find Joel to learn swimming. Unexpectedly, he was caught by Godfather and godmother. Hey, it's really depressing!

They asked people to go back and carry some reclining chairs, and one more sunshade was built. Lan'er ran happily on the beach with her bare feet.

The beach here was cleaned by Tian Yuqiao. It's all soft fine sand, and fishermen don't come here at ordinary times. After all, there are many reefs around here, so fishing boats are not suitable for docking.

At this time, it was already golden. When Wulang saw his parents coming, he naturally came ashore from the water. Laughing and taking Lan'er on the beach, the two children had a lot of fun.

Over there, Tian Dahe took Wang's hand and they walked just below their ankles in the sea.

Fang Wenhao came up to Tian Yuqiao and said with a smile, "you see how much love our father and mother are together. I really envy their two elders."

"Yes, mom and Dad, this is called growing old together. You see, Wulang has gone to play with Lan'er, and now you have time to teach me?" Fang Wenhao smiled like a thief, with curved eyebrows and eyes like a cunning old fox.

Seeing his poor appearance, Tian Yuqiao could only sigh helplessly. Then he put the sunscreen bath towel on his shoulder on the recliner and revealed the swimming suit made of fine gauze inside.

The little daughter's posture has taken shape. Although the place where the meat should grow has not improved much, there are also signs of loss.

Fang Wenhao's face was a little red and did not dare to look directly, but he had to look. A red handsome face was twisted into a ball of steamed stuffed buns. Finally, he had to bite his teeth and took the lead in running to the sea to cool himself.

Tian Yuqiao looked at his majesty, who was in a hurry, and couldn't help but hook his lips. The heart said that you wanted to hook me up with a beautiful man before, so that my sister almost wanted to commit a crime. Now you have your own consequences~

But looking at the big boy who fled, Tian Yuqiao's heart wanted to laugh so much? He is so cute.

Fang Wenhao held his breath and plunged directly into the sea. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao was stopped by a net, otherwise he would be washed away by the waves.

Wulang and Lan'er stopped laughing and took her to the beach. Let her fat little foot step in the sea. The little girl seems to like the feeling of stepping on the water, especially if she stomps her foot, the water can splash on her little brother's legs.

Lan'er had a good time, while Wu Lang stared at Fang Wenhao.

"Sister, when did brother Hao'er learn to swim? He swims very fast." the little guy frowned with some injury, and Wen Hao's figure was also envious.

"He seems to have been stimulated just now, so he will. Why don't you give up the driftwood and try to swim by yourself." Tian Yuqiao suggested.

Wu Lang bit his teeth and said firmly, "OK, I'll try."

The pig urine bubble that Tian Yuqiao had prepared before came in handy this time. It was puffed inside and tied tightly with a cloth bag.

"Come on, tie this to your back. With this, you can't sink even if you want to sink."

Five Lang's waist was tied with a puffy pig urine bubble, which was very funny. But the little guy didn't think there was anything, but he had more confidence in swimming.

Sure enough, at the beginning, his movements were not coordinated, but soon he was able to adapt. After two splashes in the sea, you can swim back and forth in a similar way.

Although the distance is not long, only the net is so far from the shore, it has made great progress for Wulang.

Tian Yuqiao was teasing Lan'er on the bank when suddenly a big hand reached out to him.

"Er ~" Tian Yuqiao looked up and saw a handsome face with a brilliant smile.

"Give me one of those balls," Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

"No, it's a pig urine bubble. It's for children to play. How can you, the king of a country, carry that thing?" Tian Yuqiao said strangely.

"It's all right. Wulang will also be a big official in the future. He can use it, and I'm not afraid of it." Fang Wenhao said calmly.

Tian Yuqiao asked someone to bring him two pig urine bubbles the size of a football and tie them to his waist.

"You are heavier than Wulang. You need two. You must be careful not to cross the net. The water is too deep. You are not very good at swimming. It will be dangerous in the past." Tian Yuqiao warned carefully.

While she was busy binding pig urine bubbles to Fang Wenhao, Fang Wenhao's body became tight as her little hand touched his skin intentionally or unintentionally!

"Joe, are you ready?" Fang Wenhao couldn't help asking.

"Oh, don't move. It'll be ready soon."

Just after Tian Yuqiao tied the pig urine bubble for him, Fang Wenhao ran out like a feather arrow. Because if he doesn't enter the water again, he's afraid that his dilemma will be discovered.

"Elder sister, does brother Hao'er have an upset stomach? Just now I thought he was bending into the water?" Wulang frowned and said with a worried face.

Tian Yuqiao made up for Wen Hao's embarrassing escape, and his face suddenly turned black! The heart said, isn't it the boy who was just touched twice by himself? Oh, my God~

As Tian Yuqiao expected, Fang Wenhao is 16 years old this year. It is a time when she is very curious and sensitive to girls. Especially in front of the girl you like, how can you control it?

Fortunately, he runs fast. Otherwise, if he is found setting up a tent, he will die of embarrassment!

On the sea, you can only occasionally see two big feet fluttering, and two round pig urine bubbles floating on the sea. As for Fang Wenhao, he buried his head in the water. He felt that he was almost ashamed to see people!

Tian Dahe is also eager to try swimming. Wang naturally sees it.

"The head of the family, since you want to play with the children, go. I'll take Lan'er here. We didn't say that we'll have barbecue kebabs on the beach later. I'll help you first."

"Well, that's hard for you."

After Tian Dahe finished, he also asked people to tie two pig urine bubbles on his body, and then a fierce son plunged into it ~ however, he was a tragedy directly!

Because the water on the beach was too shallow, he didn't achieve the effect of his son. Instead, he bumped his head into the sand and covered his face with sand.

After spitting out the sand in his mouth, Tian Dahe scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled back at Wang.

Fortunately, Wang didn't notice himself. Tian Dahe breathed a sigh.

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