The Tian family spent a whole day playing by the sea. It was swimming and digging skin shrimp. Later, they ate kebabs around the stove. Seeing that everyone enjoyed it very much, including Fang Wenhao, people loved the barbecue seafood very much, so Tian Yuqiao had a new idea.

When everyone came back with their things, Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao were still sitting on a big reef by the sea.

Sitting side by side like Golden Boys and girls, Tian Yuqiao's little feet still beat the sea under his feet restlessly, splashing waves.

Looking at the bright moonlight, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help reciting a poem: "there is a bright moon on the sea, and the ends of the world are at this time. Lovers complain about the distant night, but they are lovesick at night ~"

Fang Wenhao was stunned. Then he said in surprise, "I thought Wulang's knowledge was very rebellious. I didn't expect his sister to be so talented. Before, I only found your talent in business. I didn't expect you to be a talented woman who can speak freely."

Thousands of wear, only flattery don't wear! Fang Wenhao's flattery was directly on the point.

Tian Yuqiao was in a very good mood today, so he said modestly, "Hey, it's just my feeling and can't go on the table. Girls talk nonsense when they look at the scenery in front of them. Don't laugh at me."

Fang Wenhao's face was drawn, and he said that the little girl was really unkind. If the great Confucians in the imperial court knew about the poem she just talked nonsense, they would not be ashamed to die!

Those old people often talk behind their backs, saying that Tian Yuqiao is a small village girl of the farm. They also say that scholars, peasants, businessmen and businessmen are the most humble. If they knew Tian Yuqiao had such talent, they would surely lose their chin.

As soon as he thought that the old guys were all right and pulled the text sour in front of him, Fang Wenhao had an evil idea ~ that is to let the little girl give them a head-on blow!

"Joel, I'm going to let you talk like this in front of the courtiers. For nothing else, just let them startle their chin off." Fang Wenhao said with a look of certainty.

Tian Yuqiao was surprised and almost slipped off the reef. Fortunately, as soon as the body slipped down, I felt that my arm was held by a solid arm.

"Why are you so excited? It's just a small matter. You don't know. Usually, those old people come to me to drag text. They talk like crazy and sour, and they hate my teeth. However, although they don't have official positions, they have great prestige in the hearts of the people. I can't help them."

"So you're going to let me help you?" Tian Yuqiao said in some silence.

Fang Wenhao smiled, nodded and said: "That's natural! I can't argue with them alone. Now the only way to shut them up is to let my talented and rich sister stimulate them. You think, at your age, if you can crush them in poetry, how can they have the face to come and tell me big truth all day?"

Tian Yuqiao gave him a white look and said, "let's do this to cure the symptoms rather than the root cause. Moreover, the talent shown by Wulang before seems to have been able to hit those sour Confucians in the face. As a girl, I just want to be a lady quietly."

"Poof, lady? Are you sure a lady will run around barefoot in broad daylight?"

Seeing his joking eyes looking down, Tian Yuqiao was a little embarrassed. He raised his feet and kicked the sea water towards Fang Wenhao. Originally, he was sure to escape, but because he was still worried that Tian Yuqiao would slide down and his arm was tightly around her waist, he was splashed by the sea.

"My lady sister, you can't be so naughty. If you are seen by the censors, you will definitely be impeached in this book. Now your identity is different, and many people will stare at you every word and deed. So I have an idea that I invite those annoying old guys to the beach on the pretext of inviting them to have a barbecue ~" Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao took off his hand and said, "aren't you going to let me help you stimulate those old men? They are so old. If one of them can't stand it, what can they do if they die by the sea? I took great efforts to get people to sort it out here at the beginning ~"

This time it was Fang Wenhao's turn to take Joe. He looked at Tian Yuqiao with curious eyes and said, "you are really so confident that you think you can suppress their arrogance?"

Tian Yuqiao said with a black face: "Who just said that my talented girl was eloquent? I questioned the so-called golden words I said so quickly. Alas, why don't you make jokes. If you don't trust them, don't let them come. Anyway, they are a bunch of bad old men. If you can call their grandchildren over, you can raise your eyes ~"

When Fang Wenhao heard that she wanted to see someone else's grandson, he suddenly looked black. He regretted what he had just said and did, and said in his heart why he didn't die to provoke this little aunt and grandmother!

There is no regret medicine in the world. Tian Yuqiao can't even feel the fishy and salty taste of the sea. Instead, he feels that the whole sea has become sour.

However, the source is from the people around you!

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help shivering. Then he threw his lips and said: "It's getting late. I've been tired all day today. I'm sleepy. As you said, I'm the rich princess, and I won't do business when I lose money. Now I'm here to chat with you, which has delayed me from making a lot of money. After all, I can think of several good ideas to get rich."

It was only a mile to the left and right, so they walked back. Fang Wenhao glanced coldly at the shade next to him, and the leaves of the trees seemed to tremble a few times.

Those poor dark guards are naturally very close to Fang Wenhao because they need to be loyal to their duties. When they hear something they shouldn't hear and see something they shouldn't see, they can only pretend that they are blind and deaf.

Now the emperor handed them this dose of eye knife, which scared them almost to fall from the tree.

It's absolutely forbidden to watch the emperor's eating. Just now they can stand the excitement. Now they are stared at by the emperor, and their intestines are green with regret.

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