The next day Fang Wenhao returned to the palace, while Tian Yuqiao was worried about the flood of seafood in his virtual environment.

Rubbing his forehead, suddenly had an idea! After patting his head, Tian Yuqiao thought that he was not planning to launch seafood cuisine in Xianxiang restaurant. Yesterday, the family had a barbecue at the seaside, and now the weather is hot. Isn't it a good opportunity to open a large stall?

At the thought of the long night in the previous life, people like to sit at the street stalls after work, eat seafood and get together in groups to drink beer. Tian Yuqiao plans to move the stalls of his previous life intact. He doesn't expect to make money. It's also good to let the people in the Imperial City have a richer nightlife at that time.

At the thought of this era, when people have nothing to do at night, they can only be busy making villains. Tian Yuqiao has some helplessness. Now with this seafood stall, people will have more recreational activities, which can be regarded as seeking benefits for everyone.

In order not to be imitated by others, Tian Yuqiao plans to set up a fish shop here.

He sent the idea to the Imperial Palace immediately. Soon a decree came, and Fang Wenhao completely said that the fish in the sea belonged to him. And ordered the establishment of a royal fish shop, so that fishermen can sell all the fish to the fish shop, and then the fish shop is responsible for supplying other restaurants and people.

With this edict, many people's lung tubes were immediately pestled. Especially those fish traders who make a living by selling seafood, their interests have been hit the most.

They even united with the owners of some restaurants to discuss the confrontation with the imperial edict issued by the emperor.

"Lao Liu, what can we do about it?"

"Yes, now, once the sea cargo business is controlled by the imperial court, don't we want to drink the West and north wind?"

"The new emperor has no weakness. I heard that he seems to care about his adoptive parents. Now we are not qualified to write directly to his majesty. It might be feasible to go to his adoptive parents."

"Are you talking about the founding father? He's not what he used to be. He's not the same businessman. I heard that he helped his majesty calm down in the West. I'm afraid it's even harder to talk."

"I also got a message that your Majesty's righteous sister, that is, the rich princess. It is said that she seems to be in the fief over the Bohai Bay. After all, she is a little girl. We will certainly be able to do it as long as we live well and beg her."

A group of rich businessmen discussed countermeasures together, while Tian Yuqiao sneezed several times while looking at the account book. He frowned and rubbed his nose. There was an ominous feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, less than three days after Fang Wenhao's decree to establish the Royal fish bank, Tian Yuqiao had already come.

The man's name is Zhang Fugui. His family has been fishing for a living from generation to generation. Now their family business has expanded, selling seafood to other places, and the preservation technology has been in place.

Now if the emperor said that all the fish in the sea belonged to his family, wouldn't he want to make his family unemployed! So Zhang Fugui was very interested in this matter, so he came with several other fishing bosses.

"Miss, there are many old men outside who have handed posts to the door, saying they want to see the young lady." Xiaoyu hurried in and said.

Tian Yuqiao put down the fish plan in his hand, rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I don't have time for your young lady. Just send them away."

"But miss, those people said they came to beg miss on behalf of the big fish companies. Originally, the boys on the door were going to send them away, but they actually said that if the Miss didn't see them, they would be unable to kneel. Now they are already kneeling at the gate. I'm afraid it won't have a great impact." Xiaoyu frowned.

In fact, Tian Yuqiao has long been psychologically prepared. Once Fang Wenhao's edict comes out, it will certainly damage the interests of many people. But now there are many people in the salted fish business to follow suit. Wouldn't it be too bad if this seafood stall business was also imitated.

"Let them in."

Soon, Xiaoyu brought in six ~ fishermen dressed in rags.

"Xiaoyu, what's going on?" Tian Yuqiao asked suspiciously.

Tian Yuqiao saw that those people were badly dressed, but although they were ragged outside, their faces were ruddy and healthy. It seems that these people have come to perform in front of themselves. Who do you want to show me?

Before Xiaoyu spoke, the leader took the lead to kneel down to Tian Yuqiao. Hold a mass of people's stickers that many of them have pressed their fingerprints high above their heads, with a look of humility.

"Xiao Min has seen the rich princess!"

Tian Yuqiao frowned and still ignored them. Instead, he continued to say sternly to Xiaoyu, "who asked you to let these people in? Can anyone come in here?"

Xiaoyu blinked and said in her heart that you didn't let them in just now, miss? However, out of her understanding of the young lady, Xiaoyu reacted. The young lady is trying to bully these people.

"Oh, miss, it's like this. They all say they are fishermen, representing the majority of fishermen. But the maidservants think they are different from the fishermen in our Bohai village. I don't know if they are bad people sent by those malicious people."

"Hey, now my adoptive brother hasn't been firmly seated on the throne. Some clowns jump up and down to make things, and now they deceive me." Tian Yuqiao said coldly.

The kneeling people's foreheads were all soaked with sweat. Tian Yuqiao put several large ice basins here, just like turning on the air conditioner. However, her cold tone made them feel cold and sweaty.

"Princess, I shouldn't hide it. You know everything. Our family is a fish shop. Wearing this is just a little joke with the princess." an old man explained.

Tian Yuqiao sneered and said, "you are all so old. Get up and talk."

Several people stood there trembling. Tian Yuqiao didn't let anyone give them a seat, so they had to stand with their heads down.

Xiaoyu took the so-called Wanmin paste from Zhang Fugui's hand and handed it to Tian Yuqiao. Tian Yuqiao roughly turned it over and had a calculation in his heart.

The head was covered with bright red fingerprints, but the shape of the fingerprints looked like everyone's five fingers were pressed, and the shapes were placed there, arranged in three long and two short.

There are five fingerprints in the shape of that foot. Tian Yuqiao almost threw the fold on the ground as soon as his hand trembled. Tainima was disgusted. Is there any wood? Even in order to gather the number of people, you can't let people press with their feet. Is this when she's easy to cheat?

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