Zhang Fugui brought several people to negotiate with Tian Yuqiao. What he said was to send Wanmin stickers, but in fact they wanted to threaten Tian Yuqiao, a little girl. After all, her age is there. If she comes to find this little princess, she must give her some sweets.

What they didn't expect is that Tian Yuqiao, who has experienced the precipitation of Chinese wisdom for more than 5000 years, can still be fooled by them? As soon as I took a look at the Wanmin post, Tian Yuqiao already saw that there was something fishy here.

These people are practicing fraud and are still doing it so rough. This is equivalent to printing counterfeit money in previous lives. It was too expensive, so I drew it by hand. Reluctant to buy paper, he drew with toilet paper and pencil. Later, I tore the edge by hand.

"I understand what you mean. My imperial brother plans to monopolize the fishery, which has damaged your interests to a certain extent. But it's all about men and court officials. What's the use of you complaining to me? It's better to send it directly to my imperial brother. You can sue the imperial court."

Tian Yuqiao secretly tilted his lips. Take your fake Wanmin stickers to Fang Wenhao and wait for the board. I'm afraid they're all light. Maybe they'll destroy all your aristocratic families.

Speaking of aristocratic families, this is Fang Wenhao's biggest headache. These big families have been standing for so many years, and each one is entrenched in their own territory like a local snake. If you want to move them, it may lead to some big twists and turns.

At first, Tian Yuqiao didn't think so much, but now it seems that things are not so simple.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't have anything else to do, please come back. If it's inconvenient for me to entertain guests here, I won't leave you here for lunch." Tian Yuqiao said coldly.

The gang looked at each other one by one, and then they got up and left one after another. Because Tian Yuqiao has been lazily supported by Xiaoyu to leave now, he is too lazy to talk to them directly.

"Why did this ~ negotiation end before it started?"

"Yes, is this really just a teenage girl?"

"You don't know. When the little princess looked at me just now, I felt empty in my heart."

"Hey, it seems that we underestimated others this time. Who says she was born in the countryside? I have to slap him in the mouth. Where is this little girl film? It's more impressive than being an official."

These people come and go in a hurry.

"Qiao'er, I heard that several people have just come home to find trouble. Can you solve it?" Wang asked anxiously.

Tian Yuqiao was eating fish ball porridge and blowing it carefully. They didn't want brother Hao'er to take away the right to sell fish. They deliberately dressed like a beggar and ran to me to cry for poverty

Xiaoyu smiled and said, "hehe, isn't it? There's a big bellied master who came by water. He vomited after getting off the boat. It's ridiculous for fishermen to get seasick."

Tian Dahe has returned to the imperial city. After all, now he also needs to go to court every day. Wang liked the seaside scenery and planned to stay here for a few more days. On a hot day, it's cooler on the beach, and Laner, the little girl, pesters her little brother to take her to the beach to dig skin shrimp every day~

Out of his love for his little daughter, Wang had more good reasons to stay. Tian Dahe had no choice but to let his wife be wayward.

But now Wang is willing to act coquettish on himself. In Tian Dahe's opinion, it is a small sentiment between husband and wife. He still likes this feeling.

In the evening, Fang Wenhao was secretly brought by Jinhuan. As soon as he entered the yard, Doudou found him.

Seeing that it was Fang Wenhao, Doudou came forward with a big tail. Lan'er just ran happily after a group of chicks in the yard. At first sight, the little girl opened her hands and rushed towards Fang Wenhao like the chick she was chasing.

"Good, good giggle ~" the little girl called vaguely.

Fang Wenhao went forward with a smile, took the fat little girl in his arms, smiled and said, "it's Hao'er's brother, not a good brother. But his brother is really good, and Lan'er's call is not wrong."

"Come on, teach my sister badly and see if my mother won't turn against you at that time." Tian Yuqiao deliberately walked out of the house with a straight face.

After saluting Wang, Fang Wenhao went to Wulang's study and took Tian Yuqiao with him.

"Brother Hao'er, what's the matter with you coming to us in such a hurry in the middle of the night?" the little guy asked curiously.

Fang Wenhao nodded and said, "it's really my good brother. You're right. That's exactly what you said. I didn't say to take the fishery into the possession of the imperial court before. Now many officials representing aristocratic families have jumped out. There's nothing else in the Imperial Hall these days. They're all jumping out and opposing."

Tian Yuqiao simply said the story that someone pretended to be a fisherman and came to beg him with fake Wanmin stickers.

Fang Wenhao frowned and said, "Joe, don't they dare to embarrass you?"

"Hehe, where can they make it difficult for my sister? Now the emperor can only be embarrassed by my sister." Wulang's kid Dadi said.

When he found two pairs of eyes staring at him, the little guy immediately shrunk his neck, stuck out his tongue and dared not speak any more.

"Hey, it seems that I really touched the interests of those aristocratic families this time. They are the moths of the imperial court. It's really uncomfortable for me to be subject to them when I work." Fang Wenhao said a little depressed.

"So you want to clean them up now?"

Fang Wenhao nodded and said, "yes, but now is not the time. My heels have not completely stood firm. Now I can only divide them first, let them fight inside first, and then break them one by one."

"Are you still going to use Tuen CE? Just as you used to alienate the Hu people." Tian Yuqiao asked.

"Oh, Joe can even guess what I think. It's really clever." Fang Wenhao's eyes brightened and said.

"But things are not that simple. After all, for them, the only thing that can make them argue is the dispute over interests," Tian Yuqiao reminded.

"That's natural, so I came to you this time just to ask you to give me a good idea and see how they can fight each other. It's best to beat people's heads into pig heads, so that I can relieve my anger."

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