Fang Wenhao came to Tian Yuqiao in the evening to discuss countermeasures. After all, he was really bothered by the running dogs of the aristocratic family. Those people are like a group of followers who are haunted. What they open their mouth and shut their mouth is to let him implement benevolent government and can't rob livelihood from the people~

"Hey, you two are the most flexible. Now I have no idea at all, and my brain has been turned into paste. Now I hope they can fight each other, so I don't have time to bother me." Fang Wenhao said bitterly.

Wu Lang frowned and said, "Hey, I'm reading every day. I didn't have enough brains. I'd better ask my sister for help with such a troublesome thing. Otherwise, I can go to Lan'er. She's also very smart."

Seeing that his brother-in-law looked very clever and left lazily, Fang Wenhao suddenly smiled proudly at the corners of his mouth.

How could the little guy not understand Wen Hao's mind! He had long found that brother Hao'er's eyes when he looked at his sister were different from those of others, just like his sister when she saw Jin Yuanbao.

Although he is still young, he is thoughtful after all. The little guy also liked Hao'er's brother very much, so he deliberately left them a chance to be alone.

He will soon end up taking an examination of scholars. Although he has an official position now, he still hopes to rely on his ability to make achievements.

The remaining two people in the study stared at each other, and then they laughed at each other.

"Hehe, Wulang is getting older and wiser." Fang Wenhao smiled and touched his chin.

Tian Yuqiao said, "Oh? He's so lazy that he doesn't want to help you share your worries. You actually say he's sensible. In that case, it's not early. I'm sensible once and go back to have a rest earlier."

"Oh, don't mention it. I finally stole out of the palace. Why don't you think of a way for me as soon as possible." Fang Wenhao immediately changed his face from complacency to a little resentful woman.

After thinking for a while, Tian Yuqiao said, "in fact, I've been thinking about it when they came to me. What do you think? Just like we chose Huangshang before, we also recruit some agents this time."

"Agent? What's that?" Fang Wenhao asked curiously.

He was used to Tian Yuqiao's new words, so he didn't feel anything this time.

"Here is a simple plan. I haven't had time to consider the specific details. Take it back and read it slowly."

Fang Wenhao took a pamphlet like a memorial from Tian Yuqiao with a suspicious face. After opening it, he was very happy.

A slap on the table: "Wonderful, that's wonderful! These agents can pick up the goods from the fish shop, and then let them be responsible for sales. The price is still controlled by the imperial court. In this way, they are not afraid that they will overcharge. At that time, the fishermen can get real benefits, and those restaurants and restaurants don't have to buy high-priced seafood. These people will stand on our side at that time, and they won't be able to toss about anything Use it. "

"Yes, those officials said that you are stealing food from the people. At that time, fishermen can sell seafood at a higher price than before, and restaurants and the like can buy those fish at a fair price. And the agents are also profitable. After all, they can control the retail price."

"Let them fight. This agent is also a fat vacancy. In order to get the position of this agent, it must not be so peaceful between them."

After Fang Wenhao returned to the palace, the next day he said in the court that he would choose an agent.

The lower head immediately sighed. Everyone didn't understand what the agent was. After Fang Wenhao personally explained the agent to them, the lower courtiers immediately became silent.

They all bowed their heads and pondered, weighing in their hearts whether the profits brought by this agent to the family were greater than those before.

"Your Majesty, it's good to use agents, but how to choose?" Tian Dahe said.

Fang Wenhao hooked his lips and said that his father-in-law was really smart. He came out at the critical moment and asked for ideas.

"The founding father asked well. Naturally, there are not many agents. I will set up three agents under the jurisdiction of fish shops everywhere. In order to give everyone rain and dew, these three agents will be selected from different families."

As soon as Fang Wenhao's voice fell, those people who looked down suddenly became more restless. It's the so-called that one mountain can't accommodate two tigers, not to mention three tigers. How can this be?

Then a minister said, "Your Majesty, you must not. I think it's OK to set up an agent at the bottom of each fish shop."

"Oh? Liu Aiqing was right. I thought so at the beginning. But if there was only one agent, who would I give or not? After all, there was only one fish shop in this mansion. Alas, it was really a hard choice." Fang Wenhao pretended to be distressed.

A minister of the Wang family hurried out and said, "Your Majesty, the Wang family of Yangcheng house is already a century old brand in fish business. It is absolutely the best to hand over the agent qualification of Yangcheng house to the Wang family."

"I don't think it's right! Yangcheng mansion is adjacent to the East China Sea. How can such a large sea area be handed over to a mere Wang family? I think it's better to hand over the qualification of this agent to Pingbo Marquis mansion."

Ministers began to speak freely for the interests of their families, and they were already red faced in the court. Originally, they were still in the same camp and collectively challenged the emperor. Now, with the word "profit" at the head, they all showed their greedy faces one by one.

This is what Fang Wenhao most wants to see. He just needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Occasionally add fuel to the flames and make the noise worse.

Naturally, there are many flexible people among the ministers, but after all, this matter is indeed linked to the interests of the family. Once who can get the qualification of that agent, the fishery will not be monopolized by them at that time?

Now we can only see who has the ability. One by one, they were so noisy that they almost didn't fight.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Fang Wenhao waved his hand and said, "let's discuss this matter later. I'm headache because of your quarrel. Let's retreat."

Seeing the emperor hurried away with his head covered, the ministers still didn't mean to leave and continued to quarrel. And with the emperor's departure, the quarrel became more intense.

In the spirit of benevolence, Fang Wenhao also kindly asked the little eunuch to send tea to the courtiers so that they would not be thirsty~

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