There has been chaos in the court. Once there is a conflict of interests, those old men who were still standing on the united front will turn their faces in an instant. Fang Wenhao was so happy that he slipped away when the courtiers were red in the face.

The ministers quarreled again. For half an hour, they left angrily. Some gathered in twos and threes to discuss countermeasures, while others clenched their fists and ordered the servants to drive away as soon as possible.

"Hey, you have to hurry back and inform the owner."

"Yes, before, the Lord asked the second master to meet the rich princess in person and hit a nail on her side. Now your majesty says so, it seems that you have to go to the little princess. It's impossible to cancel the fish shop, but there should be no problem in getting an agent."

In the elegant room of the teahouse, someone was also discussing the matter.

"Lord Fang, over the years, if you hadn't been supported by our Zhou family, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to get to where you are now. Now I don't ask you for anything else. We must get the qualification of the agent."

"This ~ is me, eh! This matter has been a big quarrel in the court today. Those people who are higher than me are arguing about it. I'm modest and can't say anything." the Lord Zhou is sweating and the fat meat on his fat face is shaking.

"It's said that your majesty cares about the rich little princess very much. It's better to start with her. It's also said that the little girl likes money very much. At that time, as long as you clear the way for us and let our young master go to see her in person."

Hearing that the man in black finally pointed out a way out for him, the adult grew a sigh, nodded and reluctantly agreed.

Other aristocratic families also got the news at the first time and began to operate activities one after another.

Some people intend to bribe like important officials in the court, while most people intend to start with Tian Yuqiao. After all, she is still young and has a good name for loving money, so as long as she can solve problems with money, it is not a problem.

After two, Tian Yuqiao's side will be lively. The people sent by the aristocratic family seemed to have made an appointment. They all came to the door in order, but they didn't bump into each other.

Tian Yuqiao was depressed. As soon as the man sent him away, the next one handed him a prayer post. She was going to pretend to be ill and ignore it, but Fang Wenhao secretly asked someone to write her a note. It means to let her go and accept bribes, and then use the stolen money to build a fish shop~

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but curl his mouth and said in his heart that Fang Wenhao was really good enough. He was darker than himself.

"Miss, this is a post sent by Lord Fang. He said that he wanted Miss Fang to be accommodating and be sure to meet people outside." Xiaoyu handed over a red and gilded post.

Tian Yuqiao threw the post aside, and then said, "let him in. Anyway, a sheep is also slaughtered, and a group of sheep are also slaughtered."

"But miss, if you take money from others and don't do anything for them at that time, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact." Xiaoyu said with some worry.

"At that time, your young lady, I'll say that they helped the court and took the initiative to support the court in building a fish shop. If they don't say anything, the emperor can punish them for offering bribes. What national law do I, a little girl from the countryside, know?"

Xiaoyu was speechless and said that her young lady was really cunning. At the thought that those people put down their money in high spirits and thought that their family could win the qualification of the agent, but they became a subsidy to the imperial court and donated money, Xiaoyu wanted to know how their faces looked.

Go out and bring in people from outside. That person is Zhou Cang, the young master of the Zhou family.

The son is twenty-eight years old, with sword eyebrows, stars, eyes, straight nose and square mouth. He is dressed in a moon white brocade scholar robe and holds a folding fan in his hand. He looks like a beautiful young master.

However, as soon as the man spoke, Tian Yuqiao felt some nausea.

"Is this the princess of fortune? Xiao Sheng Zhou Cang met the princess. I'm here for nothing else. I'm looking for the princess to study the plan of fortune."

When he finished, he shook his hair and opened the folding fan in his hand. I think I'm handsome. Don't mention it. This product really has a good leather bag.

But he even omitted greetings, and his eyes looked at Tian Yuqiao with a trace of disdain.

It is no wonder that their Zhou family has been entrenched in Huainan Prefecture for hundreds of years. Nowadays, it is rich and powerful. For generations, it has made money by bullying fishermen. Now the family is quite rich.

Originally, he disdained to bribe a little girl film in person this time, but he heard that the rich princess has a beautiful face. Although she hasn't grown yet, she is also a beauty.

Zhou Cang was a whore. The biggest reason he came here this time was to see a beautiful woman.

However, when he found out that the rich princess was just a little Lori, he immediately turned his mouth. His eyes swept Tian Yuqiao's chest, and he even shook his head slightly and sighed.

Tian Yuqiao looked at all his actions and was angry. Originally, she was going to take care of these aristocratic families, so as to avoid carrying the black pot to the imperial court. But as soon as he saw that the goods looked a little blasphemous, Tian Yuqiao decided to kill him.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuqiao's lips also rose slightly, revealing a harmless smile. Xiaoyu, who was familiar with her, found it at the first time and shivered immediately. Miss Xin said that she hadn't shown such a pure expression for a long time. She couldn't help but mourn for the handsome childe for a few seconds.

"Oh? Come to me to study how to make a fortune? I don't know what good way childe Zhou can do?" Tian Yuqiao asked expressionless.

With a "Hula", Zhou Cang closed the folding fan in his hand. Then he looked at Xiaoyu beside Tian Yuqiao. It was obvious that he wanted Xiaoyu to avoid.

"She is the princess's personal girl. If you have anything to say, she doesn't need to avoid." Tian Yuqiao said coldly.

"Our Zhou family is a famous family for a hundred years. I'm not talented. I'm going to ask the princess for the qualification of an agent. If the princess can help make this happen, my Zhou family will be very grateful."

When he finished, he took out a stack of silver notes from his sleeve.

Tian Yuqiao has been in contact with silver tickets for a long time. He only knows at a glance that those silver tickets are one hundred Liang silver, and the amount is about ten.

I couldn't help disdaining it. My heart said I would take a thousand liang of silver. It also means that I pay a bribe. Who do you despise?

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