Zhou Cang, the eldest young master of the Zhou family, came to ask Tian Yuqiao for a bribe, but he only had 1000 liang of silver. In Tian Yuqiao's eyes, these are not enough for the daily profits of the shops in her Imperial City, let alone her businesses and granges in other places.

Originally, Zhou Cang thought that the little girl from the countryside didn't have much insight. Although he has opened several businesses now, he is also a muddy leg. What insight can he have.

Originally thought that 1000 Liang silver was enough to surprise her. Unexpectedly, people didn't even bother to look at it.

"Princess, it's just our meeting ceremony. It's not a little respect. If I can get the qualification of agent for the Zhou family, we can divide the subsequent benefits."

Hearing what he said, Tian Yuqiao picked up his eyebrows and said, "Oh? How to divide it? Tell me about it."

Seeing her eyes shining, Zhou Cang's mouth turned up and showed an expression of successful treachery.

"At that time, we are willing to give the princess 10% of the profits. What's the county's idea?"

He thought it was a great gift to give her 10% profit. After all, their Zhou family was also a bully in the local area. Even the magistrate dared not easily provoke their family. How can the princess from this small country not be moved by this income?

Tian Yuqiao frowned and said, "Hey, this agent should be a hard job. Why should everyone rob it? It's incredible."

"Our Zhou family is a well-known family for a hundred years and has a very good reputation in the local area. Since my grandfather's generation, the name of Zhou Da good man has been passed down. Now my father is also known as Da good man, so although it's a hard job and may not have too high interests, we will take it hard to extend the reputation of our ancestors."

"Oh? Childe Zhou means that you are doing this to share the worries of the emperor and seek happiness for the people?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao was becoming more and more popular, Zhou Cang began to talk nonsense seriously.

"The princess is right. Our family always takes doing good as its duty. If others rob this job, it will harm the people. But our family is different. We will follow the principles of justice, fairness and justice to carry out your Majesty's will." Zhou Cang swore.

"It's just childe Zhou's sincerity. The princess doesn't see how thick it is." Tian Yuqiao rubbed his eyebrows and squinted at the stack of silver tickets on the table.

Zhou Cang took a smoke from the corner of his mouth. This time, he actually brought 3000 liang of silver. Originally, he planned to do things with only one thousand liang of silver, and the remaining two thousand Liang was naturally left by himself.

Unexpectedly, the princess is young and has a big appetite. It's already 1000 Liang silver here. Has she ever seen so much money?

"Princess, there are 1000 liang of silver here, which is already very heavy." Zhou Cang deliberately pushed the silver to Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao glanced and said, "I'm afraid childe Zhou came from a small place for this thousand liang of silver?"

"Er ~" Zhou Cang was stunned. He didn't turn his head and said why the princess despised himself so much.

I looked down at my clothes and thought it was OK. This dress alone is worth several hundred liang of silver. The jade pendant on the waist is worth several hundred Liang. How come it came from a small place? The princess really has no great insight.

"Oh, I'm afraid childe Zhou doesn't know. The Xianxiang restaurant opened by the princess in the imperial city also has fresh fruit shops and snack shops, not to mention our founding silver house. I'm afraid the silver earned by the above three shops every day is more heavy than yours ~"

Tian Yuqiao deliberately tilted his mouth and threw a look at Zhou Cang like a steamed stuffed bun. Zhou Cang was so angry that he was angry. If he didn't ask for help, he would be angry at the first time.

He was despised by a little village girl! Didn't you save the emperor by your own family? You're not a little village girl. What can you be proud of.

But when he thought of the delicious restaurant in the Imperial City, he also had dinner there. It seems that the rich princess is really a fool with a lot of money. She doesn't even know the truth of not revealing her wealth. How can she show off her income with outsiders as soon as she comes up.

When her eyes turned, she looked twelve or thirteen years old. If she could marry her~

At the thought of this, Zhou Cang took out a roll of silver notes from his arms. Two thousand Liang was added, and then he said, "princess, do you think this sincerity is thick enough? This is just a meeting gift for the princess. I will thank you again in the future."

Tian Yuqiao still curled his lips, and then took the silver ticket on the table. Then he brightened his eyes and said, "this thing will disappear as soon as the fire burns. The jade pendant on childe Zhou's waist looks good ~"

Zhou Cang gritted his teeth and said that this jade pendant was a gift from his grandmother when he turned 15 last year. It is said to be worth 800 Liang!

But I thought that if I could marry this little girl in front of me in the future, wouldn't the Xianxiang hall and the businesses she just said become my own? It is said that there is only one brother and one little sister in her family. I think there will be a lot of dowry for her at home.

He handed the jade pendant to Tian Yuqiao, who played with it in his hand. The jade pendant fell to the ground and broke into several pieces~

Zhou Cang felt that his heart was mentioned to his throat, and his eyes almost fell to the ground with the jade pendant! It hurts. I almost clenched my teeth and stamped my feet.

However, he still had to show a constipated smile on his face and said awkwardly, "cough, it's not the princess's fault. It's the jade pendant's good texture and slippery."

Tian Yuqiao nodded a little wronged and said, "Oh, it's true. This jade is similar to that of my emperor's brother. It's so slippery that I accidentally didn't hold it. I'm really sorry. Hey, it seems that my foot was scratched by the debris of the jade pendant ~"

Zhou Cang was full of black lines. Then Xiaoyu squatted down worried and helped Tian Yuqiao carefully check his feet.

"I'm really sorry. Our princess's foot is injured and needs to go in and apply medicine. Childe Zhou, you'd better leave first, or our wife will have to compensate you for the medical expenses when she sees that the young lady is injured because of your jade pendant later." Xiaoyu said crisply.

Zhou Cang, with a black face, said in his heart whether he had entered the den of thieves or something. You'd better slip away quickly, or you'll have to borrow the fare later.

However, when he wanted to get back his 3000 Liang silver, he found that the silver note on the table was gone~

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