Zhou Cang fled from Tian Yuqiao. He took 3000 liang of silver and broke a jade pendant. Even so, he did not get a definite answer from Tian Yuqiao, and it is still unknown whether he can get the qualification of an agent.

Now, fearing that he would be wronged by her, he ran away before the matter was finished.

After leaving the Tian family, Zhou Cang's head cooled, which made him regret. But I didn't have the courage to go in again.

I can only leave in bad luck. After I go back, let my father come here in person.

When he returned to Zhou's house and told the story to the family elders, his father was so angry that he almost smashed the tea bowl on his head.

"Nonsense! What exactly do you eat, you smelly boy? Three thousand taels of silver can't be washed away! Where's your jade pendant? It's for you to give to your daughter-in-law later, you black sheep." master Zhou said angrily.

"Dad, the princess said the jade pendant looked good, and then the child gave it to her to play with. As a result, she broke it ~" Zhou Cang explained bitterly.

"Bastard, since she broke the jade pendant you want to give to your future daughter-in-law, she must marry you. It's really easy to bully our Zhou family! It's hateful that you came back like this."

Zhou Cang's eyes brightened, and Tian Yuqiao couldn't forget his appearance after seeing him. It's just that the little girl's ability to entrap people is really unusual, otherwise she won't come back like this.

"Dad, if I can really let the princess marry me, I will be grateful to my father." Zhou Cang said excitedly.

An old man next to her said, "the head of the family seems to think too simply, not to mention that the princess is the emperor's righteous sister. Now her father is the founding father, and her mother is basically the Empress Dowager to be. I think this marriage is still difficult to climb."

"Uncle, that's not true. The Tian family came from a small mountain village, and the founding father heard that he had been a deserter before. It's just that his family took a bad luck and saved the emperor. The family has no inside information. If our family can marry them, they will take advantage of it." master Zhou said proudly.

"Dad, if she doesn't speak for us and if the agent's business fails, the 3000 Liang silver will be regarded as our bride price. At that time, dad only needs to come to ask for an explanation. If it's not enough, we'll make a big deal. Anyway, girls care about reputation. If their family doesn't agree, we'll make it known to everyone." Zhou Cang's eyes suddenly became cold.

Since Zhou Cang left, Tian Yuqiao kept sneezing, which made Xiaoyu think she was caught in the wind and cold by the sea.

"Young lady, why don't you go and catch some medicine for treating wind chill? It's not a problem for you to sneeze like this." Xiaoyu said with concern.

Tian Yuqiao played with the silver ticket he just got, glanced and said, "I always think the smelly boy surnamed Zhou is not kind. Forget it, and quickly arrange someone to inquire about the family next week."

Xiaoyu went down and arranged several dark guards, while Tian Yuqiao asked Jin Jin to follow him, so as to master the trend there at the first time.

At night, Zhou Cang sat opposite his mother, and a small dark shadow squatted on the windowsill.

"Cang'er, if it's true as you said, it doesn't matter if you marry the rich princess back, even if her background is lower. If she really doesn't make it to the table at that time, my mother will marry you a few concubines."

"Niang, it's so good. I think the rich princess is also strange. She broke my child's jade pendant and even had to rake it down. If she really marries her in the door at that time, Niang must make more rules for her. Our family has a deep foundation, and the Tian family's capacity is only because they saved his majesty when he was in trouble." Zhou Cang said proudly.

"Don't worry, my mother will make rules for her at that time. If you enter our house, you must abide by the rules, or my mother will punish her according to the family law. Alas, it's a pity that there are 3000 Liang silver and that good jade pendant. With this money, you can marry a decent lady."

Tian Yuqiao laughed angrily after he got the news from Jinjin.

"Miss, what are you laughing at? Are you okay?" Xiaoyu exclaimed.

"Hehe, the Zhou family is really calculating. They actually plan to let Zhou Cang marry me."

Xiaoyu covered her mouth and said in surprise, "no, just that rogue childe, he dares!"

"Hehe, that doesn't count. They are still there to discuss how much dowry I can bring and how much dividends I can get from the shop at home. Especially his old immortal mother is planning to make rules for me."

Xiaoyu was completely stunned, and then the master and servant both giggled.

Wang pushed the door in, and then the maid carried a tray with several plates of exquisite snacks and fruit.

"Joel, what are you laughing at?"

"Mom, nothing. It's the childe Zhou who came to deliver silver to our family today. Because I didn't promise to help him, he planned to ask his father to come to propose marriage, and said that our family received the bride price they sent."

Wang Shi was surprised and held Lan'er's hands tightly.

"What? They think so, Joel, what should we do?" Wang was worried.

"Mom, don't worry about it. I'll tell brother Hao'er about it later. Don't worry about it then. I'm afraid the Zhou family will be unlucky." Tian Yuqiao smiled.

Sure enough, after Tian Yuqiao told Fang Wenhao about the Zhou family, the Zhou family was unlucky the next day.

Refined salt was found in the grocery store of the Zhou family, so it was directly sealed up by the government. Not only the grocery store, but also the brocade, a tribute from the state of Xinluo to the emperor, was found in the cloth Village. Then the cloth farms of the Zhou family, large and small, were sealed up, and several restaurants were sealed with their feet.

"Have you heard that the Zhou family is going to rebel secretly."

"I heard that the leader of the Zhou family is the remnant of the great prince of the former dynasty. He dares to steal and sell goods in the palace. Tut Tut, his Majesty the Yunjin emperor is reluctant to use it. He didn't reward the courtiers at all. They must have stolen it in the palace."

"Hey, people were killed in their restaurant, and the one who was poisoned was the youngest owner of the Wang family."

"Oh, that's terrible. The Wang family is not easy to mess with. It's also a big family. It's said that the Wang family has two excellent nephews who are officials in the imperial court. They will die next week."

Fang Wenhao listened to the secret report brought back by his subordinates and pulled at the corners of his mouth. Heart said that Cangqian shouldn't have done it that week. He shouldn't have made Joe's idea. This is death!

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