The Zhou family was still thinking about how to make Zhou Cang marry the rich princess one moment ago. The next moment, they were copied. In just three days, the Zhou family's industry had accidents in turn, and then hundreds of people became prisoners.

"Zhou Cang bribed the rich princess with 3000 liang of tattooed silver in an attempt to obtain the qualification of a fish shop agent. If the princess didn't comply, the son smashed the princess with a jade pendant around his waist, resulting in the princess's leg injury ~ then Zhou Cang took advantage of the chaos and stole the tribute Yunjin given to the princess by the emperor. His heart should be killed!"

An old gentleman who knew the words stood outside the yamen gate and read the notice posted by the government to everyone.

He not only tried to hurt the rich princess, but also disciplined the servants, which led to the servants shoddy and provided the diners with stale fish, resulting in the poisoning and death of the Wang family's young boss when he came home.

All the charges were reasonably detained on the head of the Zhou family. Finally, with the help of the Wang family, it directly led to the extinction of the Zhou family!

Several people in charge of the family were beheaded in public, and other old and weak men were sent to the salt mine and the west to do hard labor. As for those young and strong young people, they were sold directly to Yaxing and became slaves.

The women, young and old, were sent to the camp of Hao Tianjun. Because many brothers have no daughter-in-law, this is Fang Wenhao's welfare to everyone.

Originally, the women of the Zhou family were crying one by one, thinking that they must be dead this time. If they were sold to such a dirty place, it would be worse than death.

Unexpectedly, in the end, they were all taken away by a group of bodyguards. Although they were sent to the west, it was a little bitter there, after all, they were only allowed to give serious wives, which made them feel like they were reborn.

The original hatred for the emperor suddenly disappeared, and they thanked his majesty for his benevolence.

The young girls were sent to Zhu Rongrong to be maids.

Although the disturbance of the Zhou family lasted less than ten days, the shock to the government and the public was far-reaching.

This makes those aristocratic families who dare to challenge the imperial power feel at ease. After all, these people are not fools. How can they not see that this is the work of the emperor's majesty.

The Wang family had a great time jumping around in the hall before, so it was a lesson for them to let them die this time.

"What a move to set an example to the others! After brother Hao'er became emperor, people became more cruel." Wulang frowned and said.

Tian Yuqiao touched his little head and said with a smile, "if your brother Hao'er is not cruel enough, he may have been killed many times. The emperor can't be kind, otherwise he will be the one who will be unlucky. Moreover, he is helpless now. Only our father and adoptive father, their old ministers, are the most sincere. There's no way to be powerful without killing a group of people."

"Well, I'm right, but I still feel that brother Hao'er is a little strange. Sister, do you think he will do the same to our family one day?"

"Wulang, why do you think so?" Tian Yuqiao asked in surprise.

"Nothing, just ask casually. It's said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. I was trapped in the palace by the emperor before ~"

"Don't worry, Wulang. When you grow up, you can protect your family."

The little guy nodded heavily: "well, don't worry, sister. I will work hard at that time. When I have the ability to compete with brother Hao'er, we don't even have to be afraid of the emperor."

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that the little guy had such great ambition. Could it be that he was also quite an emperor?

"Don't talk nonsense in the future. If others know, they will say you intend to rebel." Tian Yuqiao said nervously.

As a result, a familiar laugh suddenly came from outside: "Wulang is right. The child who doesn't want to be an emperor is not a promising child."

Tian Yuqiao's face changed, and Wulang also nervously pursed his small mouth and clenched his small fist.

"Brother Hao'er, Wulang is too young to talk nonsense. Don't ~"

"There's no need to explain. It's between us men." Fang Wenhao said quietly, and there was no mood fluctuation on his face.

Then Tian Yuqiao was driven out. After about an hour, he saw Fang Wenhao and Wulang go out with shoulder to shoulder.

"Are you finished talking?" Tian Yuqiao asked with wide eyes.

"Joe, don't you trust me so much? You've been waiting for us outside for an hour?" Fang Wenhao asked with a frown.

Just now he didn't react so much when Wulang said he wanted to compete with himself. Now he frowned when he saw the little girl waiting for him outside anxiously.

"Elder sister, brother Hao'er said that as long as I help him to become my brother-in-law, he won't care about the crime of my just gaffed." Wulang said with a smile.

In fact, what he didn't say was that once he married his sister, he would take her away and travel around the world together. As for the throne, he will be left as his brother-in-law~

This matter is the secret of the two people. They have been hooked and no one will tell anyone.

In fact, the little guy had a plan in his heart. When his sister had a son, he would hand over the throne to the child. Anyway, I also want to get married. At that time, I will learn from Hao'er's brother and sister and take the woman I like to wander around the world.

I heard Tian Yuqiao tell him the story of Xiake fighting the sword to go to the ends of the world before. He was also envious. In particular, listening to Tian Yuqiao's story about 108 heroes in Liangshan Mountain, Wulang wanted to find a mountain to occupy the mountain as king.

In order to hide his guilt, Tian Yuqiao cooked several dishes for Fang Wenhao. Fried pork, fish balls, vegetable soup, spicy old duck powder, braised lion head~

"Well, the taste is really good. I don't know how long I haven't eaten the food made by Joel himself. Wulang, anyway, you are childish now. In the future, you can say more words to deceive the king, so I can have a good mouth." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

The little guy pursed his lips and said, "Hey, the man really said he would change. He said he wouldn't blame me before. Now he wants to blackmail people."

Wang did not understand the children, so he asked curiously, "what did you say?"

"Mom, it's all right. It's just that my younger brother joked with brother Hao'er and didn't count." Tian Yuqiao explained.

"Oh, your brother Hao'er is the emperor now. You should pay attention when you talk to him in the future. Don't be too big or too small, or the courtiers will say that our children have no tutor." Wang said deliberately.

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