After the Zhou family was disposed of, those aristocratic families didn't dare to come out too blatantly against Fang Wenhao. Now that they have seen the emperor's means, they no longer dare to despise the young emperor without any backstage.

Although there was still an undercurrent surging in the court, everyone dared not take the opposition to the establishment of the fish business in the open. Fang Wenhao struck while the iron was hot and directly ordered the officials of the Ministry of work to start building the first fish shop in Bohai Bay.

"I've decided to start at the Bohai Bay closest to the imperial city. If the fish line works well, then I'll start building the fish line throughout the whole Chinese dynasty. If the Zhongqing family has no other opinions, then the matter will be settled."

Fang Wenhao said and swept the courtiers under his head with fierce eyes. No one dared to look at his eyes, one by one, all blocking their faces with protective plates.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how the agency has been implemented."

"Liu Shangshu, I'll let you help Princess Facai to assess the major aristocratic families. All aristocratic families who are concerned about the country and the people are qualified to run for agents." Fang Wenhao said seriously.

"I will comply."

Since Liu Xiang got the edict, he went to Tian Yuqiao. His men took a group of officials and craftsmen from the Ministry of work to Bohai village. When they arrived here, they were stupid.

"Shangshu, the land here is not of good quality and is not suitable for building houses. Especially here, the climate is humid and the wood is easy to rot." an official of the Ministry of industry frowned.

"I'm just helping the rich princess this time. As for whether this fish business is feasible, it's not something I should consider." Liu Shangshu, the Ministry of work, said gloomily.

In fact, he wished that the fish business could not be built. Then his Majesty would not have to dream like this. Now salt has been firmly grasped by the imperial court, making it difficult for officials to earn some foreign money. Now they have to make a fish business and monopolize the seafood business, which makes them play a trick?

Tian Yuqiao was dozing off, while Xiao Yu hurried in. Said: "Miss, there are a large number of officials outside. It is said that the leader is still a Shangshu."

"Oh? They didn't say what to do with me." Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

"It is said that your majesty has a will to let them obey the arrangement of the young lady, so we plan to start the construction of fish."

Tian Yuqiao brushed his lips and despised Fang Wenhao ten thousand times.

He also said he loved himself. He actually found himself so much trouble.

"Well, I know. Just let them wait for me in the front hall." Tian Yuqiao said and changed into a more formal dress.

"Minister Liu Xiang has seen the rich princess."

"Liu Shangshu, please get up. Don't be polite. Sit down."

"Thank you, princess."

Tian Yuqiao ordered people to serve tea and fruit dishes, smiled and asked, "Lord Liu came to me to build a fish shop?"

"Yes, that's right. Here is your Majesty's edict. Your majesty said it would be good to show it to the princess. There is no need for the princess to kowtow."

Tian Yuqiao brushed his lips and said that you have a conscience. Otherwise, once Liu Shangshu reads out the edict in public, he will not kneel down.

After reading the imperial edict, Tian Yuqiao frowned and said, "don't you know if Lord Liu has brought enough silver?"

Liu Shangshu just took a sip of tea and almost didn't spray it out. He quickly put down the tea lamp and asked suspiciously, "didn't Princess Facai raise money for the construction of a fish shop before? I heard that the Zhou family also provided 3000 liang of silver ~"

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but be covered with black lines and said with a tiger's face, "I'm not only a princess, but also a businessman. The 3000 Liang silver is that boy of the Zhou family who hurt my foot. He will compensate me for my medical expenses, nutrition expenses, work delay expenses and spiritual losses!"

"Newspaper, princess, Lord Liu."

"What's up?" Tian Yuqiao asked unhappily.

"Lord Wang of the household department brought the silver for building the fish shop. He said it was Lord Liu. They were in a hurry and didn't bring the silver."

Tian Yuqiao glanced at Liu Shangshu and said with a smile, "in that case, let Liu Shangshu go out to receive."

Liu Shangshu's face was not very good. In fact, he came here with empty hands on purpose. He had long heard that the sheriff's office had received a lot of benefits because of the election agent. He made it clear that he wanted to hang Tian Yuqiao. Unexpectedly, the official of the household department sent the silver.

Tian Yuqiao knew that the old man was opposed to building a fish shop. After all, his wife's family also made a living selling marine goods.

Pretending to be calm, he waited for Liu Xiang to bring back 5000 liang of silver.

"Princess, the five thousand taels may not be enough, and the funds are a little tight. Moreover, the soil here is not good, and the air is too humid, so the materials needed to build the fish shop should be better, and the cost will naturally be higher ~"

"Oh, if the silver is not enough, take care of my emperor's brother." Tian Yuqiao opened innocent big eyes and his eyelashes flickered.

"But now the household department can't turn around, so it can only provide us with 5000 Liang. Moreover, this is the first fish shop, and the next fish shop may not have so much silver." Liu Xiang said bitterly.

"That's the matter of the imperial court. My imperial brother just asked me to issue drawings and supervise the manufacture. As for the money, it has nothing to do with me. Some people did come to my house before, but it's also because my princess felt cold when playing at the seaside. They gave me money to buy medicine."

Liu Xiang's face became pig liver color. He said that this county should not be called rich princess, but greedy princess.

"Here are the design drawings of the fish shop, including a large drying yard, a dewatering tank and a temporary reservoir. These things are necessary. Take your time, Lord Liu. The princess feels unwell and should go back to take medicine. Cough ~"

Tian Yuqiao said that and was helped away by Xiaoyu. The boy came in and sent Liu Shangshu out without leaving them in the guest room.

Liu Xiang was so angry that he almost didn't swear.

"Damn it, this rich princess is really stingy. I thought she got a lot of benefits. This time I could dig some out. I didn't expect that she was more stingy than I thought." Liu Xiang was angry.

"Lord Liu, according to the drawings in your hand, not to mention 5000 liang of silver, it may not be able to be built. Unless we cut corners on work and materials, but the princess is supervising the work. I'm afraid it's difficult to do this."

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