After Liu Shangshu left Tian Yuqiao with his popularity, Tian Yuqiao turned his mouth. The heart said, just you old people, who doesn't know what you think.

One by one, they are mediocre and do not want to share their worries for the king, but think that everything can not touch their own interests.

Liu Shangshu is a typical court moth. Most of the projects he has handled are tofu residue projects. Fang Wenhao had noticed this for a long time. Now he deliberately sent him to Tian Yuqiao's heel, just to let Tian Yuqiao repair him well.

They often "fool around" together, and naturally they all know each other's intentions. Tian Yuqiao didn't like such corrupt officials, so this time she decided to help Fang Wenhao clean up Liu Shangshu.

Less than half a month after the start of the fish shop, the ten thousand Liang silver has already been spent. The progress of the project is not half completed. The reason of those people is that the sand on the beach is too soft, and it will cost a lot of money to build the foundation~

When Liu Shangshu played the book for the third time and asked the emperor for money, Fang Wenhao was finally angry.

Personally took the ministers to Bohai village and stood under the fish business.

"This is the first time that I built a fish line in China, so let my mascot test the quality of the fish line."

As soon as Fang Wenhao said this, the officials of the Ministry of industry headed by Liu Shangshu were struck by lightning one by one.

Naturally, they can't know more about the quality of the project. They are all rotten wood, and the stone is also a kind of broken stone whose texture is not hard enough. It is convenient to use and does not need to spend too much effort to build.

Tuan Tuan didn't know what Fang Wenhao asked him to do. He saw a bundle of fresh bamboo shoots on a stone table in front of him.

Where can this food resist the temptation of delicious food and directly ran over with his big ass. The stone slab collapsed where it stepped. When it sat in front of the stone table and was about to eat bamboo shoots, it suddenly "roared" and the stone table was leaning against it~

Several ministers were curious about the structure here. After all, it looks strange from the outside. But when they found that Tuan Tuan was buried alive by a pile of broken stones, they stopped.

"Lord Liu, this is the fish you built with people, OK? Thanks to the fact that there is no beam on the head, otherwise you will directly smash the mascot of our Dynasty." Lord Jing angrily scolded.

"Don't be angry, Lord. It hasn't been finished yet. When it's finished, it won't happen." the waiter of the Ministry of work quickly explained.

Tuan Tuan got up from the ground with a confused face and was so angry that he opened his teeth and claws. The good mood of eating was destroyed, and the temper of Tuan Tuan came at once.

As soon as I shot the crushed stones nearby, the stone hit the door frame and smashed the door frame directly, and the stone was broken into slag!

Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning, and one after another showed a creepy look.

"Liu Shangshu, do you think we are fools?" Fang Wenhao said angrily.

Then he went straight forward and kicked on the door frame on the other side. Then I heard a "click" and the door frame on the other side was broken.

Everyone can see that the Emperor didn't exert any force at all. As a result, the door frame was not only abandoned, but also cracks appeared in the stone brick wall next to it. And the crack is like a poisonous snake, extending from bottom to top.

All the people noticed the bad and retreated one after another. Then the outer fan of the seemingly ostentatious fish hall collapsed and splashed dust on the ground.

All the officials of the Ministry of work were so frightened that they knelt down, and even the craftsmen knelt trembling.

"Your Majesty, I will die!"

"Hum, the imperial court doesn't raise incompetent people. You can repair such a fish shop thanks to you. Come on, put the Minister of the Ministry of work into the dungeon and wait for it. All the other officials and craftsmen of the Ministry of work involved in the construction are also arrested by me and sent to the Ministry of punishment for interrogation."

Fang Wenhao shouted angrily, so that the gang even forgot to shout injustice.

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