Fang Wenhao severely scraped the courtiers, which made the officials who had been depressed because they didn't come here seem to have picked up treasure one by one. The officials sitting in the prison shed were praised by the emperor. Although they ate the freshest fruit, they were like chewing wax.

This must be a bad luck for many lives. Originally, I thought I could be beheaded by others invited by the emperor. At best, it was just an example. Unexpectedly, after eating so many mouthfuls, he took out so much silver.

"Your Majesty, it's almost time," Marquis Wu reminded.

The big knife in his hand was already hungry and thirsty. For those corrupt officials, marquis Wu had planned to give them a knife for a long time. Today, he asked the emperor for orders to have this killing addiction.

"By heaven, the emperor decreed that ~ the officials of the Ministry of industry headed by the Minister of justice Liu Xiang were corrupt and perverted the law, and the amount was huge. Now, your majesty has verified that it is correct, and the following officials will be sentenced and executed!"

A series of lists were read out, announcing that they were about to become headless ghosts.

Those criminal officials who committed the most heinous crimes just wanted to open their mouths and shout injustice, but they were blocked by the guards nearby with hemp cores. The tongue was paralyzed in an instant and couldn't speak at all.

Wuhou took the ghost head knife from a large tray, then drank a lot of water and sprayed it on the knife.

Then the third soul chasing drum sounded, and Marquis Wu waved his knife straight down. Suddenly, Liu Xiang's great head flew out and rolled three or four meters away.

The spectators in the opposite direction immediately backed back. Liu Xiang's blood sprayed several liters and dyed the sand under his head red.

Then there was another "puff" sound, and then a large row of people fell to the ground. For a moment, marquis Wu killed himself, as if he had found the feeling of his most powerful time.

"Good!" the crowd did not know who gave the Marquis a good cry, followed by a burst of applause.

The imperial court killed so many corrupt officials at once. Naturally, everyone was very happy. Especially after hearing their charges, the people feel that they deserve it.

Tian Yuqiao didn't come to watch because she was busy counting the money donated by the officials.

All the money was given to her by Fang Wenhao, and she will be fully responsible for the project in the future. In fact, Fang Wenhao had such a plan for a long time, but because some people in the imperial court would disagree, he deliberately asked Liu Shangshu to come.

Killing two birds with one stone can not only let Tian Yuqiao personally take charge of the fish business, but also destroy Liu Shangshu and others by the way.

There was a smell of blood everywhere on the beach, but the people in the crowd were boiling with blood. Of course, some people turned pale with fear, and most of them were officials who came to watch the excitement in micro clothes.

Their official position was not high and they were not qualified to sit in the prison shed to watch, so they sneaked into the crowd. When they saw that their former colleagues had lost their heads, they were so scared that they almost peed their pants.

Fang Wenhao had already arranged for the guards to mix in the crowd and stare at those people with different looks. Soon he got a list of officials who had just mixed in the crowd and fled in fear.

"Check, check! None of these people can be spared." Fang Wenhao's eyes were cold.

Then the prison shed changed. At the order of Fang Wenhao, the servants of the Tian family began to put the table. Then delicious dishes were brought up. The ministers were all stupid and didn't know what to do.

Before the smell of blood in the air dissipated, Fang Wenhao had planned to set up a banquet here.

"The ministers worked hard and everyone donated a lot of money today, so I decided to give a banquet here to thank them." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

The faces of those ministers were not very good-looking. Although there were delicious dishes in front of them, they still felt that they had no appetite, and even their stomachs surged and wanted to vomit.

Fang Wenhao had planned to punish these people this time. Now he saw that they were also frightened. Then he said happily, "the sacrifice to heaven is finished. Next, we eat and drink as much as we can. Wulang wrote a poem before. At noon on the weeding day, sweat drops fell into the soil."

Then Wulang went on to say, "who knows, every grain of Chinese food is hard. Adults, please don't be polite to us. Your majesty doesn't like others to waste food."

The little guy's big black eyes blinked and looked innocent and clever. Fang Wenhao also nodded slightly, and he took the lead in moving chopsticks.

Ministers look at each other. I look at you. They all look like constipation.

Besides the bloody smell just now, this dish is really rich. All kinds of seafood, including spicy fried, steamed and seafood millet porridge, are specialties here.

The dishes that used to cost a high price in Xianxiang restaurant have now been brought up, and they are full of weight.

You can be sure that if they change places and time, they will have a happy meal. But now they have just seen the bloody killing scene. Looking at the sand stained with blood on the ground not far away, where can they have any appetite!

However, the poem Fang Wenhao just read made it clear that if they don't cherish food, it is treacherous.

One by one, they were in a deep mood. Only then did they eat up all the food on the table.

After dinner, Fang Wenhao said, "everyone seems to like the food here. If you are interested, you can walk around the beach and observe my great rivers and mountains."

"I have something else to do in my family, so I'll go back first."

"The old minister is getting old. He has too much seafood in his stomach. He's not comfortable. I'll leave first."

"My concubine gave birth today. I have to go back and have a look."

We all found different reasons, one by one.

After they left, Fang Wenhao said to Tian Yuqiao with a smile, "Joe, you are really willing. If these dishes are in Xianxiang restaurant, they can be worth thousands of liang of silver."

"Hehe, do you think they enjoy it at all? I just like watching them eat and feel happy. Look at my godfather, Prince Jing and those former ministers. Why do they eat happily one by one?"

"What joel said is that people without ghosts will naturally feel happy today. By the way, adoptive father won't eat too much. You'd better ask someone to cook him some sour soup to help digestion. He didn't eat less of the skin shrimp just now." Fang Wenhao joked with a smile.

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