Since Fang Wenhao killed dozens of officials, officials of the imperial court immediately had a new understanding of the young emperor. Everyone was in danger. For a moment, the atmosphere of the imperial court was unprecedentedly pure.

Those who want to bribe officials or are ready to take bribes have all stopped. No one dares to commit a crime against the wind at this time.

As a result, officials have a hard time and their pockets have become tight. The life of the people is much better. After all, there is less exploitation. For a moment, there is surplus food at home.

Those craftsmen who were originally arrested were also ordered to commit crimes and perform meritorious deeds. They worked harder this time.

The original tofu dregs project has been completely destroyed by Dabai and tuantuan, and all of them have been made into dregs. Then the place used these debris as a foundation, and built a suspended building on it with countless vertical trunks.

The main body of the building is built with thick wood suspended in the air. Below it is the sea water from the ditch dug from the sea, and then the sea water is injected into the reservoir.

The reservoir is very simple. It's a dug sand pit. Because it is very close to the sea, the seawater injected will not seep away at all, but will remain in the bunker.

These big bunkers are square and round with fences.

When Fang Wenhao passed by the sky in a dragon cart, he was surprised to find that the big pools looked like copper coins!

"Qiao'er, you are really rich princess. Even this pool is built like copper money." Fang Wenhao joked.

Tian Yuqiao glanced at him and said, "haven't brother Hao'er heard the truth of Tianyuan place? I've brought the essence of Tianyuan place into full play. It's obviously a very high-end practice. How can the well become so copper smelly when I get to you?"

The little girl not only didn't reflect, but also asked Fang Wenhao. Fang Wenhao was stunned and then smiled happily.

"Qiao'er bullies you again, brother Hao'er. You are always so unruly," Wang said with a smile.

"Niang, you face him." Tian Yuqiao deliberately tooted his mouth and pretended to be very depressed.

"If my mother dotes on you again, you won't go to heaven? Come on, my mother will make you ice porridge later. You've worked hard these days," Wang said with a smile.

Ice porridge was just invented by Tian Yuqiao. It uses cooked mung beans and red beans, plus finely crushed ice residue and crushed fruit pieces, plus some white sugar.

Because it's not good for girls to eat too many cold things, Wang is usually not happy to let Tian Yuqiao eat. This time, because Fang Wenhao came here, Wang saw that he was really hot, so he planned to make some ice porridge for everyone.

"The progress of the fish shop is very fast. In order not to let the craftsmen and helpers suffer from heatstroke, my mother specially asks someone to send them chilled mung bean soup every day."

"This is what my mother should do. Seeing that your father and you can help the imperial court do something, my mother is also anxious to help."

After eating a large mouthful of ice porridge, Wulang stretched out his tongue. Then he said coldly, "Mom, if you have this idea, you don't have to work too hard. After all, you have to take care of Lan'er at home. Brother Hao'er doesn't dare to let you work so hard."

Fang Wenhao was embarrassed. He quickly nodded and said, "yes, godmother, it's hard for you to take care of Lan'er's sister, not to mention taking care of the family affairs. It's really not easy. Just tell the servants to do the things on the construction site."

"By the way, brother Hao'er, how are the officials of the imperial court doing these days?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

"Well, they all performed well, and no one dared to challenge me again. But those aristocratic families are still ready to move, and they are still thinking about the location of the agent." Fang Wenhao frowned.

"When the fish shop on my side is completed, we'll hold an agent's election meeting in my delicious restaurant in the imperial city. I've prepared all the admission tickets and sell one hundred Liang silver at that time. When we find an agent, we have to find rich people so that they can't afford it."

Fang Wenhao nodded frequently, and Wulang asked, "sister, how are you going to choose an agent?"

"This is simple. The higher bidder will get it. Because we have to get the money from the agent to build the fish shop. According to the different prices everywhere, the agent's reserve price for the election is also different. Brother Hao'er needs to give me a charter and choose according to this."

"I see. Joe's method is very unique. Anyway, our court won't suffer any loss. Well, it's really good." Fang Wenhao said with satisfaction.

"Is it my mother's ice porridge or my idea?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

"Of course it's all good."

The periphery of the fish line is a large pool in the shape of copper coins, and the interior is a suspended courtyard with three entrances. The main building materials are stone and bamboo, and only the columns supported on the ground are made of wood.

The outermost yard is used to entertain fishermen, that is, the place where goods are inspected and weighed. The backyard is a warehouse, which can be used to store salted fish and dried fish.

The second entrance yard is a place for the guys to live, all of which are suspended single room row buildings. The innermost one into the yard is the office and residence of the fish managers.

"The fish shop here is planned like this first, but the fish shop in other places can't. at that time, the factory for drying fish should be built near the fish shop. It doesn't have to be suspended. After all, it needs a large open space." Tian Yuqiao pointed out her revised drawing to Fang Wenhao.

"Well, this arrangement is very good, just as you said." Fang Wenhao nodded heavily.

This time he arranged some people selected from Haotian army. They all want to learn from him. At that time, Fang Wenhao plans to let them be responsible for the construction of fish banks around the country. After all, he can't rest assured of using other officials.

Although the effect of his move is very good, after all, this is near the imperial city. If you go to remote areas, I'm afraid the effect will not be so good.

Silver goes out like running water every day, but this time Tian Yuqiao uses real materials. Most of the expenses are spent on the purchase of foreign stoves. Because there is no hot Kang in these houses, the people living in them can only use that kind of foreign stoves.

It's also very expensive to buy the first-class appliances inside. After all, we should choose good ones to buy. Each account is clearly remembered, so that people can know at a glance where the money has been spent. Even Tian Yuqiao made comments on the stones and wood he didn't spend money on.

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