After three months, the fish bank was finally completed. It's late autumn and it's a good time to dry salted fish.

With the establishment of the first fish business, those families interested in agents are also ready to move.

A lot of salted fish and shredded squid have been put in the warehouse. Tian Yuqiao also put all the seafood raised in his virtual environment into the big pool of the fish shop.

Fang Wenhao has handed over the qualification of the fish agency here to the Tian family. On the surface, the founding Duke is responsible for the agency, but in fact, Tian Yuqiao is responsible for the operation.

Because he planned to make a fortune with Marquis Wu and Prince Jing, Tian Yuqiao specially asked Tian Dahe to invite them to help take charge of some things. Naturally, the benefits will be divided into three.

The Tian family still accounts for 40%, and the other two each account for 30%. Marquis Wu did not refuse, but Prince Jing was a little embarrassed. After being polite, he accepted it with a smile.

The official in charge of the Bohai Bay fish bank is Wuhou, and the agent is Tian Yuqiao. In this way, although some ministers feel dissatisfied, they dare not say more. After all, the relationship between the Tian family and the emperor is not simple.

What Tian Yuqiao doesn't know is that his father is responsible for the corresponding things of the fish shop, while he is responsible for selling the goods of the fish shop. The profits here are considerable. After all, the Emperor allowed part of the seafood to be dehydrated and lost.

She has a virtual environment in hand, and the mortality of those seafood will naturally be reduced a lot. In this way, she not only has no loss, but also the seafood can be fed by her.

At that time, it can not only be provided to her own Xianxiang Museum, but also enough for her to sell further away.

When the fish shop was completed, Fang Wenhao came to cut the ribbon in a dragon car. It not only gave the founding Duke and Marquis Wu face, but also made the courtiers have a new understanding of the two families.

Many big families sent people to watch. After half an hour of firecrackers, Fang Wenhao asked the little eunuch to read the edict.

The content is quite high sounding, all of which are some scenes. Then he said why he would give it to Shangguan family and Tian family, and praised them.

Tian Yuqiao listened. Why do you think these words are familiar?

"Elder sister, how does that sound like what you say when you boast?" Wulang frowned and said stubbornly.

After Tian Yuqiao slapped his little ass, he said with a straight face, "smelly boy, don't talk nonsense. What your majesty said is golden words. How can it sound like boasting. What the emperor said must be true. You can't question it."

Wu Lang nodded helplessly and said, "Oh, I see. It seems that my sister is the best in our family, so she is right ~"

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and continued to watch the opening ceremony. The officials of the ceremony Department arranged a dragon dance team and yangko dance. They also temporarily set up a stage by the sea, on which the drama of making trouble in heaven is playing.

This is the story Tian Yuqiao told Fang Wenhao. Unexpectedly, he was performed by others. It was really unexpected.

However, when the children with monkey faces came on the stage with flags and somersaults, all the people around clapped and cheered.

When have you seen such a lively play? There aren't many opportunities to see it on weekdays. Now it's such a lively play. Everyone stretches their necks and watches it.

The hawkers in the crowd kept shouting, and the scene was very lively.

At this time, people of other aristocratic families can't sit still. They seem to have seen the benefits of this fish business. Now they are all rubbing their hands and raising money everywhere to compete.

The fish shops here were appointed by the emperor. The waters of Bohai Bay are under the jurisdiction of Huangcheng fish shop, and the seafood used in the palace will also be transported from here.

"Master, we can't wait any longer. The fish shop in Bohai Bay has been built, and these marine goods will be in the hands of the fish shop in the future. Our family can't compete with the Li family at all, so we might as well stock up more marine goods now and keep them for sale at that time."

"It's reasonable to say that once the seafood enters the fish shop, it will certainly raise a lot of prices. After all, the imperial court is also trying to make money. At that time, the price of seafood will certainly increase, so we might as well buy more now and save it, especially the salted fish. At that time, we can also raise the price and sell it, and we will certainly make a profit."

The same is true of several other families. Those who have no confidence in their own strength began to hoard goods one after another.

Their own warehouse is not enough. They even rent someone else's warehouse. Not to mention that, some people specially expanded their own warehouse for this reason. They were busy for a while.

At first, only one or two families began to buy seafood. Soon, other families also heard the news. It seemed that everyone had discussed it and all began to rush to buy seafood.

In this way, the seafood market has become in short supply, and fishermen will naturally raise some prices appropriately.

"These damn fishermen dare to raise the price. I'm so angry."

"I have to buy it. Maybe the price will be higher in the future. By the way, I heard that useless green kelp is also sold. It's really difficult in the world ~"

"What? Dad, isn't it? Someone even sold it. I think these damn fishermen are always crazy about money."

In the palace, Fang Wenhao frowned and looked at the fold sent by the spy.

"Hehe, these moths have bought so many things that they are not afraid to hit their hands. Well, in that case, I'll play with you!"

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

"Inform Princess Facai to buy seafood at a price 20% higher than the market price, and then sell it at a price 30% higher than the market price."


He did this deliberately in order to make those small families believe that the fish shop will make money. In that case, they will buy more seafood before the local fish shop is built.

Tian Yuqiao smiled when he received the letter. Because Fang Wenhao thought of going with her. She originally planned to collect at a high price and then sell at a high price. This has created the illusion that seafood will raise the price. We should pit those families to make more money for the fishermen.

After the fish shops are built at the same time, the price of seafood will naturally fall sharply. At that time, it was a bargain that benefited the country and the people. And those aristocratic families are hoarding goods. At that time, I'm afraid they can't even sell back their capital and will have to lose a lot.

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