Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao calculate the unscrupulous businessmen together, and Sonny is not idle. During this time, she has been with her father, constantly moving between the surrounding tribes.

The fish shop here in Bohai village has been officially on track, and special people are responsible for the daily incoming and outgoing account books. These leading officials were all Haotian army veterans trained and promoted by Tian Yuqiao.

Abacus beads have long been eliminated by them. Everyone holds a black wooden board in his hand. The numbers on the top are several lines and a long line at the bottom. This is the formula counting method taught by Tian Yuqiao.

Even Arabic numerals have been popularized here, and outsiders can't understand them at all. In order to understand the account books of the fish shop, Fang Wenhao specially followed them for several days, and finally recognized the Arabic numerals.

When he understood these simple numerical symbols, he immediately patted his thigh and said with a smile: "this thing is really good. It is clear at a glance to record cumbersome data with such simple Arabic numerals. This should be popularized in our great China. How much effort must be saved for Mr. accountant. Go to inform the Ministry of accounts and let them learn such numbers."

When the officials saw the simple symbol, they were a little confused. When Fang Wenhao explained to them in the court hall, the officials were amazed.

"Your Majesty, such convenient characters will indeed save us a lot of time."

"That's right. It's really good to use such simple symbols instead of complicated numbers. After all, our previous numbers have been used for so many years. I'm afraid many people won't understand it if it changes suddenly."

Fang Wenhao waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter. Such numbers will be our exclusive official accounting method in the future. You must learn them every day. Not only you, but also your wives and daughters. This is what Chinese officials must learn."

Your majesty forced everyone to study, and the ministers naturally dared not neglect it. Only those old men, who disapprove of it, think it's a waste of time.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak. They don't say much. They can only take a rubbing booklet and say they have gone home for self-study.

There is a table of figures in that booklet. It won't be difficult to go home and study by yourself. These are all books compiled by Tian Yuqiao, because she really hates using capital figures to keep accounts. But only her own Arabic numerals to record, others can not understand, so this time she decided to popularize this way of accounting.

When Chinese officials began to learn Arabic numerals, good news came from Eji.

"Joel, my father has successfully made friends with those small indigenous tribes on the edge of us. Now their lives have improved a lot because we sell salt and coarse linen. And the game they hunt over there has also been purchased by my father. If we sell it here, we can sell it for a lot of money."

Seeing Sonny's small mouth talking endlessly, she couldn't even stop her mouth from eating. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help admiring her.

"Did you just open the trade routes of the small aborigines nearby? How are things handled on the other side of Yuanshan?" Tian Yuqiao peeled a large piece of durian meat for her.

"Wow, this thing smells smelly. I didn't expect it to taste so good. HMM ~ I like it. My father doesn't dare to go there on the original mountain. I went there once before, but I met a mob who wanted to rob our goods. Fortunately, later I met a robber who helped us fight back the mob." Sonny frowned.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless when he heard the speech. It was the first time she had such a good impression of the robbers. Unexpectedly, it was the robbers who helped the guitars this time.

"Then what happened to you?"

Sonny ate a large piece of durian and was sucking his fingers. Bolt said: "well, my father has discussed with the leader of the bandits. In the future, they will receive the goods at a fixed place, and we will directly transport the goods. Then they will protect us back. Anyway, I think they are very good."

"In fact, I can't say that. After all, the mobs are robbed too much by the robbers. Alas, all this is because they don't have food and salt in their hands. If only they could make the mobs obedient." Tian Yuqiao said a little depressed.

"It's hard. They have a big appetite and don't know how much food they need to feed." Sonny said indifferently.

"Forget it. It's your blessing today. I'm going to cook and make a durian cake myself."

"Wow, why didn't you say it earlier?" Sonny looked surprised.

"Ah, what's the matter with you?" Tian Yuqiao asked somewhat puzzled.

Seeing Sonny pouting, he said, "I knew I wouldn't eat so many snacks. Really, it's too much."

"Ha ha, I see. Don't worry. You must have enough to eat this time. By the way, it's not far from the imperial city. Didn't you say you wanted to go to the imperial city before? Why don't I take you to have a good look this time." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Sonny nodded frequently, and then he used the dirty hand that had grabbed durian to pull Tian Yuqiao's arm. Tian Yuqiao quickly dodged and said with a smile, "come on, wash your hands and make trouble with me!"

After a while, sonny gathered around Tian Yuqiao and witnessed all the steps of making durian cake.

"Tut Tut, it's amazing. I didn't expect this thing to be able to do this. Wow, this thing, do you call it cream? It's not easy to stir it with so many people. Besides, why can only use egg white instead of egg yolk..."

Tian Yuqiao is really not used to having 100000 whys around him and buzzing in his ears in stereo surround. But after all, she didn't say much when she came to her small fishing village for the first time.

The beaten egg white was evenly mixed with flour and starch, and the mud made of durian meat was added. The smell came out before the pot was roasted. Moreover, it also added fresh milk. Looking at the mushy color, people couldn't help drooling.

"Come on, sonny, you've been eating secretly for several times. You can't eat this until it's cooked. Be careful if you eat it raw, you'll have diarrhea." Tian Yuqiao kindly reminded.

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