He drank the chicken soup cooked by Sonny himself, and his liking for the little girl immediately increased a lot. What she has to do next is to persuade her old man. After all, marquis Wu is a very old-fashioned person. I'm afraid she won't easily agree to let her only eldest son marry a Hu girl.

Tian Yuqiao can't manage these. She's asking about Sonny's original mountain now.

Sonny handed a rough sheepskin map to Tian Yuqiao and said, "these are the people arranged by my father. They have walked some roads themselves. After all, there are no people over there who like to draw maps. If you hadn't said it, we wouldn't know there is a map."

"It's no wonder that your place is not as complicated as ours. After all, there are numerous mountains and rivers in China. Your place is very flat and has a panoramic view of the landform. It looks like winter. When it gets warmer next year, I'm going to go to the original mountain to have a look in person. Don't forget that you must take advantage of this time to draw a more detailed outline as much as possible "Here's your map."

Sonny nodded and said, "well, don't worry. With this thing, it's much more convenient for people to enter the mountain next time. At least there are wild animals, and everyone knows to avoid them. Now we have the map in our hands, that is, the edge, and we haven't had time to explore it."

"How about catching some bandits from Yuanshan, or catching some aborigines over there and asking them to explain?" Tian Yuqiao asked.

"I don't think it's right. If they deliberately lead us to dangerous places, it's terrible. Moreover, most of them are uncivilized and don't think we're going to invade their land." Sonny shook his head.

"Hey, it seems that it's better for me to go there in person. It would be more perfect if I had the chance to meet the leader of the bandits over there. I can definitely put forward chips that make him excited. As long as the money is in place, I'm not afraid they won't be moved."

"It's up to you then. I'm going to go back tomorrow. After all, I've been out long enough. I'm worried that my father's side will be too busy. I have to go to help and stare at it. You don't know. Those members of the chamber of commerce are all old slicks. I'm afraid they'll take advantage of them if they don't pay attention." Sonny said bitterly.

"Oh, according to what you say, you're still a big winner over the chamber of Commerce? Don't worry, they don't dare to make too many mistakes. If they dare to play tricks in it, they'll be fired and never hired. Anyway, there are some people who want to join the chamber of Commerce now. Now the initiative is in our hands. They're afraid of something." Tian Yuqiao smiled and comforted.

Sonny nodded and said, "yes, you, the big boss behind the scenes, dare to talk like that. If it were my father, I really didn't dare to tell those old guys like that."

"It's just interest cooperation between us and them. If they have other crooked ideas, it's no wonder that we are. Go back and tell your father that this is what I said. If he finds that someone has a mind that shouldn't be, just let go and get rid of it."

"Well, I'm relieved to have you."

After the two little girls muttered in the room for a long time, even Xiaoyu didn't know when they fell asleep, only that the lamp oil in the oil lamp was exhausted!

Early the next morning, when he learned that Sonny was leaving, he personally took her hand and said some words of thanks. Also said that the chicken soup is how delicious, how delicious~

Sonny said with some embarrassment, "Madam he, I should thank you very much. If it weren't for your good son, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to buy so many good things this time. When I went on the street yesterday, many things were paid by the official childe."

"Hahaha, you girl, he just gave you some money. It's nothing. By the way, you must remember to come and walk more when you have a chance in the future. I just like girls, old lady."

"Hehe, mother, aren't you going to accept Sonny as a dry girl again?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Ha ha, my sister is jealous," said Wu Lang, sticking out his tongue and making a face.

The palace also knows about Sonny's departure. Fang Wenhao is busy these days, so he doesn't come much. But although people didn't arrive, the edict came.

According to the standard given to foreign envoys, sonny satins and various palace flower ornaments were rewarded. This made Sonny quite surprised and excited.

This time she came back with a full load. When she went back, she specially went to the Bohai Bay and brought back a lot of fish from there. In this way, Tian Yuqiao didn't have to arrange people to send them, which also saved a lot of things.

Wang held Lan'er and watched Sonny leave.

"Hey, sonny, this child is really breaking through Leng. A girl's family has run so far."

"Mom, didn't my sister also sneak into the Hu people's camp and kill each other." Wulang smiled and counted Tian Yuqiao's great achievements.

Wang was not calm when he thought that his daughter had almost caused the disaster of family extinction to others.

"Joe, it's not your mother who said you. We'd better do less things like that in the future. After all, because of your few words, we provoke others to go to war. In the end, those old people will die. Don't you have to bear the cause and effect? This is a loss making business, which can't be allowed in the future."

Seeing Wang, Tian Yuqiao could only nod.

"Niang, how do I feel that after the growth of LAN, I am the second elder sister?" this little girl, when I was not paying attention to it last time, pulled the golden knife in my waist. "Make complaints about it," said the five frown.

"What? How can you tell your mother about this? Lan'er is becoming more and more annoying. It seems that we have to find more people to watch her in the future. How can we get rid of it when we grow up?"

Wang was immediately distracted by Lan'er's affairs, so he stopped teaching Tian Yuqiao, which made Tian Yuqiao relieved.

She didn't know what was going on. She found that since she had Lan'er, Wang's maternal love was rampant and she always liked preaching. If she accidentally catches the handle, she can say it all day, and it's an irrefutable truth. It's really depressing.

Marquis Wu personally took people to escort Sonny's caravan. In the evening, he came back with people. I also observed the little girl carefully along the way. I didn't think it was important for her to take the initiative to ask for a horse riding. I said it would be good if my son could really find such a daughter-in-law.

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