It's clear and crisp in autumn. At this time, it shows the beautiful picture of high sky and light clouds. Tian Yuqiao has organized the big guys to start the autumn harvest. After all, her family is now a landlord class. It is natural to make good preparations for such major events as the autumn harvest.

On the other side of the mountain village, in order to curry favor with Tian Dahai, a merchant helped bring a letter from the West.

Li Shi is also an old lady with a girl now. After all, Tian Dahai has made a Jiedu envoy. Although the county magistrate is not as good as the present one, the grade is there. Now Li can walk sideways in the mountain village.

Now I got another letter from the other side, and the messenger shouted one by one, and sent Li a lot of gifts.

"Old lady, cover your eyes and see that it's going to be cold. I've hired someone to help you collect the land here. As for these are my little thoughts, it's no respect. Please accept them."

"Oh, look at me. I'm still talking about old four. I haven't heard from you for such a long time. You'll send it to the door. It's good to help me bring a letter. It's also hiring people and buying gifts. We rural people are not used to such a beautiful carriage. It's too eye-catching. Our family is low-key people. We don't want to make too much publicity. After all, we are all neighbors ~"

Although Li said so, she was not slow in receiving gifts. Originally, there was a cart of cloth and snacks sent by the man. It took her almost less than a cup of tea to clean up as if they had never appeared at all.

The gate of the yard outside was deliberately not bolted. At this time, many villagers had gathered around. Although everyone's life is very rich now, few families are willing to spend a lot of money on carriages.

Now there are many tile roofed houses in the mountain village, and many girls from other villages are willing to marry, which makes the men in the mountain village get a good daughter-in-law. Now boss Jin's carriage is too luxurious and even more imposing than that of the county magistrate. Naturally, the villagers want to see where they come from.

Tian chrysanthemum was also in the crowd. Seeing Li's deliberately pulling his neck and shouting, he couldn't help feeling funny.

"Bah, if she really doesn't want us to know, why does she speak so loudly? I'm afraid others don't know. If she speaks louder, people will hear it in Ningguan village."

Zhao is also watching the crowd. Now she is free. Gongsun Changyin has long arranged short-time workers to help the autumn harvest. Therefore, it is rare to see such a big excitement in the village. Unexpectedly, she is still here at the old Tian house.

Seeing merchants coming from the west, the village head was naturally very curious about Tian Dahai, so he came to inquire in the clothes he had only worn twice during the Chinese New Year.

"Brother, I don't know how the child of the sea is in the West now. I heard that he has become a senior official. Can he still manage the county magistrate?"

The villagers around also want to know if the fourth of the Tian family is more powerful than the county magistrate.

Boss Jin explained to the crowd awkwardly: "Lord Tian's official is indeed older in grade, but he is specialized in the trade affairs of the Hu people. Although he is older than the county magistrate's official, he can't intervene in local affairs, so I can't say the details."

His words are ambiguous, but the villagers remember that Tian Dahai is now more powerful than the county magistrate!

"I said, little brother, we don't have anyone who can read. Why don't you read it to us? What's written in this letter?" Li said proudly.

When someone mentions her senior, she can be arrogant. Thanks to her, she doesn't have a tail, otherwise she's guaranteed to rise to the sky.

The man smiled awkwardly and said, "madam, this is a letter from Lord Tian to you. I'm afraid it's not good for an outsider to read it. Since the village head is here, if the village head can read, it's better for the village head to read it."

At this time, Wang Ermao, the little grandson of the village head's family, had just left the private school. Seeing that there was excitement here, he separated the crowd and crowded in.

When the village head saw that his grandson came, he also wanted to show that his grandson was literate, so he smiled and said, "my little grandson is also a student. Why don't you let him study. If he doesn't keep up, he can be happy with the sea, and he will be a scholar at that time."

Everyone laughed and Wang Er Mao Zesi didn't care so much. The little boy was very pleasant, so he shook his head and began to read it to everyone crisply, following the way Mr. Li in the private school looked when he was studying.

There were some high sounding greetings ahead, and then Tian Dahai said that he was all right there. Let's not worry about him at home. He also said that someone had brought back twenty liang of silver, so the old couple couldn't bear to spend anything~

Just when everyone was tired of listening, and some people kept pulling out their ears to doze off, the content of the letter suddenly took a big turn, which immediately made the whole village almost forget to breathe!

"Now I know that my second brother is a lucky man and has come back to life. I heard from people in the chamber of commerce that my brother Dahe has been granted the title of national Duke, below one person and above ten thousand people. Today, the emperor is actually the son saved by my second sister-in-law. Now qiao'er has become the princess, and my second sister-in-law has also been granted the title of the first prize of the imperial order..."

The words behind were all written, and everyone couldn't understand them. However, the news that Tian Dahe was still alive was like a bomb, which shocked people to forget their words.

"What, the second son of the Tian family is still alive? Isn't he dead?"

"Yes, we helped dig a hole and bury it together. How could it be?"

"We buried so deep, how could he still be alive? It must be false."

Li had known that Fang Wenhao was the emperor for a long time, and this matter was also a thorn in her heart. After all, his baby girl was killed by the emperor because she had a dream she shouldn't have.

Now everyone is excited and shocked, and Li has begun to accumulate strength and prepare to be angry.

"That's enough, don't read it! It doesn't matter to our family who becomes the emperor. The wild child who was picked up at the beginning has nothing to do with being the emperor. He doesn't know how to repay his kindness. Now only Wang's little bitch is sealed. I'm still a rural old woman who is my mother-in-law. How can I do that? Get out of here, all of you. I don't welcome you here."

When Li Shi finished, she started to drive people out. Even the village head's little grandson was thrown away with the soles of her shoes.

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