The banquet of the Wang family lasted very late. This time, everyone had a good time. Many people praised it with thumbs up, saying that the banquet of the Wang family was better than their own for the new year.

After the crowd dispersed, Li rushed in angrily with his son and several daughters-in-law.

Because there were more guests today, ash and several other watchdog were taken to the backyard, which gave Li's family an opportunity.

"I said to my mother-in-law, you've done this really badly. How can you say that no one in this village is closer than our two families? Why don't you call us now that your family is having a big feast? I heard you've received a lot of benefits from others. I'm afraid your little son-in-law has been a clean official for several years. Now he can't stand it and wants to plunder people's money?"

Originally, the two brothers of the Wang family had to salute Li, but seeing her coming in was a scolding. No matter how good-natured they were, they would be angry. Clay figurines still have three points of anger, not to mention the rich Wang family.

"Aunt, where do you start? People don't have time to come to our house to visit my mother. Why should we pay attention to reciprocity? If my aunt is reasonable about this matter, you can come home and get a gift now. When I let my mother entertain you alone, don't you think?" Wang Decheng said solemnly.

"Poof ~" the two dogs couldn't help laughing.

Li's face suddenly changed red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, and then angrily said: "Yo Yo, why haven't I heard of it? I have to bring gifts when I come to my mother's house. Why, your old Wang family has a high threshold and despises our old Tian family. If you come to your house without gifts, you will drive people out. Hum, don't think it's great for your son-in-law to be a broken county official. My son is still a senior official."

Zhao's face was helpless. She couldn't compare with Li's in case of trouble. But it was impossible to reason with Li, so Zhao had to stay there depressed and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Tian Guihua's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who were helping to pick up the dishes behind, just came out. Seeing Li blocking the door of others' yard, Tian chrysanthemum immediately quit.

He picked up a horse spoon from the ground before he could pick it up and knocked it jingling.

"Oh, I think whose dog chain is not tied, so that the old bitch who likes to bite people everywhere ran out. It's Mrs. Tian's sister-in-law who has been making trouble for a long time. Tut Tut, I really went to the northwest and came back. The whole person's momentum is different."

The pillar daughter-in-law asked with a look of advice: "Mom, what's the difference between aunt Tian?"

"Hehe, do you need to ask? A person with long eyes can see that her skin is thicker than before. However, it's no wonder that it's cold in the West. If her skin is not thick enough, I'm afraid she can't live there." Tian chrysanthemum said casually, as if Li and others didn't exist at all.

Li Shi was so angry that he was ashamed and annoyed. Shaking his fingers, he pointed to Tian chrysanthemum and angrily said: "Well, you widow Tian, you're a woman without a man. She doesn't know how to steal at home all day and always comes around. Don't think you're great. If you don't follow our same surname Tian, you might not be as beautiful as you are now. Our second and fourth are both senior officials now. If you dare to disrespect me again, I'll let them find you directly at that time Emperor, copy your home. "

"I bah ~" Tian chrysanthemum spat at Li's feet, less than half a finger away from her toes.

"Well, you son of a bitch. Before, your daughter-in-law was an old hen who couldn't lay eggs. Now she suddenly gave birth to such a big grandson. I don't know if it's your seed. Now you can't get along with me everywhere. I think you despise the official's family." Li scolded fiercely.

Zhuzhu's daughter-in-law can't listen at this time. After all, she has been devoted to Zhuzhu all her life. Now she is so abused by Li in front of her mother-in-law. How can she stand it.

Tears poured out directly, and the little son she held in her arms saw her mother crying, but she also kindly wiped her tears with her little fat hand.

"Mom, don't shout, don't shout ~"

Seeing his son's as like as two peas and his father, he was exactly the same as his father. At that time, the pillar had sent the villagers away from home. When he entered the yard, he heard Li's choreography of his wife.

The child is as like as two peas. He has a clear mind. Even birthmarks are exactly the same as those of him.

"I said, aunt Tian, what do you eat this evening? Why do I smell the yard so smelly! Don't eat shit yourself and then come out and spray it all over your mouth. I have some doubts. I think it's strange that you can raise the sea as a senior official because of your soil and water. Isn't it brother Hai, my uncle Tian's own?"

At this time, the pillar had been tied to the ox cart. He passed the Tian family with a smile and stood in front of his wife and children. He looked at Li with a smile, as if he were reading a big joke.

Li Shi was really half angry. Although she often secretly scolded old man Tian for his incompetence and couldn't let her live a life of stretching out her coat and opening her mouth, those children were indeed old man Tian's.

Now it is arranged like this by a younger generation. Li naturally wants to be furious.

"Eldest brother, eldest daughter-in-law, you beat this bastard for me." Li Shi angrily said.

Tian Dajiang rolled up his arms and sleeves. Look at this posture, we're going to do it. Gao's eyes turned and saw that the people around the Wang family were staring at their own people. Naturally, she was afraid that her men would suffer.

"Niang, why don't you take a step back? What you just said should be a joke. Don't take it to heart. After all, this pen can't write two words. We are all real relatives. It's not good to make too much trouble here in my second brother and sister's mother's house. Niang, let's go back first. On the contrary, we're going to enjoy the happiness in the imperial city. Why compete with them?"

There seems to be some truth in what Gao Shi said. Li Shi also knew how to go down the slope, so he turned and left.

This time she asked for nothing, no wonder Tian chrysanthemum's family.

Seeing that they were gone, Tian chrysanthemum then looked at their back and scolded: "I bah, these are a bunch of dogs. It's a virtue not to pee and take care of yourself. You still go to the imperial city to enjoy happiness. Don't be lucky. It's better to get hit by the board."

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