Li's quarrel failed. He was not Tian chrysanthemum's opponent. He could only return with a large group of people. Along the way, she was upset, so she lifted the stones on the road with her feet. It happened to kick into the grass nearby and hit the forehead of a stray dog.

The dog was hit with a "howl", then angrily raised its messy back hair, bared its teeth at Li and rushed over.

"Woof, woof, woo, woo!"

"I'm a mother. Hey, boss, hurry up and stop the mad dog." Li said and planned to hide from his son behind him.

As a result, she threw herself into the air. At this time, Tian Dajiang had already escaped from the other side of Shizi road.

Gao shouted loudly, "you beast, it's my mother who just hit you with a stone. If you dare to bite her, I won't be anxious with you."

Even if she didn't finger Li, the dog was attracted by Li from the beginning.

Sooner or later, the dog was close at hand, and Li sat down on the ground with a cry.

Since she was frightened by ash that time, her legs softened when she saw the dog, and she couldn't help but lose control.

An unpleasant smell came from below, and even the dog was smoked as if he were awake. Fortunately, at this time, I don't know whose child is eating chicken legs. He just threw a bone on the ground. The dog put down Li Shi and ran to pick up the bone to eat.

In other words, the chicken leg thrown by the child was just packed and brought back from Zhao's house. Because there were many things to do, Zhao distributed many unfinished meat and vegetables to the public. Unexpectedly, he saved Li's life because of this.

Seeing that the stray dog had run away, Tian Dajiang came together and said, "Mom, son, carry you back."

"Go away, you unfilial son, I won't kill you!"

Li Shi was angry to a certain extent, directly swung his shoe soles and slapped Tian Dajiang. So that the big mosquitoes after autumn dare not get close to Tian Dajiang for fear of suffering from fish in the pond.

"Ouch, mother, why did you hit me? I didn't want to escape just now. I just planned to go back and call for help. You really misunderstood me, and I can't blame it."

Tian Dajiang ran away, and Li, who had just sat down on the ground and peed her pants, looked like a crazy female tiger, with her teeth and claws open and her hair messy. It looked terrible.

Gao Shi and Dalang also went up to persuade, but Li Shi threw them away.

"Don't stop me, mom. I'm going to teach my son in the street today. Don't forget that it's up to the old couple to live such a good life. Otherwise, the old four and the girl Joe won't give the old some money."

Li Shi is now even more justified in teaching his younger generation. After all, the money at home now is given only in the face of her father Hotan. Even the gifts from boss Jin were for the old couple.

That Tian Dajiang is nothing. He is just a substitute for sin and a parasite living at home. Idling around all day, his wife and concubine are still supported by the old couple. Now he doesn't need to plant the fields. Now he is a rich young master.

And he has a good life now, naturally thanks to master Li Hotan. Li Shi relied on this, so he taught people a hard hand.

"I beat you to death, a worthless thing. I saw my mother was in danger and ran away first. I Pooh, you eat my food and drink mine. It's really like eating my father and drinking my father. You're eating a big head of injustice. I Pooh, divide your family. Old man, you go to the village head and the clan elders, and we'll divide our family. Then we'll go to the imperial city to find the second son. We really can't go to the northwest again Look for old four. The eldest family, let him go by himself. "

As soon as Li's "separation" was said, it really had an unexpected effect. Tian Dajiang knelt directly on the gravel road, regardless of the pain on his knee.

"Mom, it's a child who is unfilial. You always teach me a good lesson. It's hard to say that we should separate our families. It ~ will make people laugh."

Gao also knelt down. If they really divided their homes, how could they live here? At that time, without the old couple as backers, I only expect Tian Dajiang's scum to starve to death.

"Mom, I'm in charge of the family. He knows he's wrong and let his parents beat and scold out of anger. This family can't be separated from everything."

Chimonanthus and Dongxue also followed the advice and said a lot of words that Li liked to listen to, which calmed down Li's anger.

"If you don't want to separate, you can do whatever I say. If you bite the dog, you're not allowed to kill the chicken." Li's eyes turned around.

To tell the truth, she beat Tian Dajiang for a long time and was a little tired. Now I'll stop when I'm good. Anyway, I've achieved my goal. It's her trump card to scare Tian Dajiang with separation.

Knowing that he could hold the most incompetent son with this move, Li's heart actually felt very secure. After all, the other sons are officials and can't let her beat and scold like this. Sometimes I'm in a bad mood, and I'm counting on my eldest son to be an outlet.

This time, Tian Dajiang was really frightened. His brain was broken on the ground and he still didn't know it.

Old man Tian couldn't see it anymore. He stared at Li and said, "you're not ashamed enough. What's the matter? Look how old it is. After a while, he was laughed at by the villagers. Hey, you, you."

Then he sighed, shook his head and walked towards his yard.

Li Shi seemed to find that someone around her was pointing at her. She immediately felt a chill in her legs.

"Whatever you look at, you should do whatever you want. We have helpers. I'm afraid you don't have such a good life."

When she finished, she was like an old hen who had won the battle. She learned the look of old man Tian just now and walked home with her hands on her back.

"Hahaha, the old woman was scared to pee her pants. Xiao Huang, you did a good job. I'll give you a chicken leg later."

"Oh, the old woman was scared to pee her pants. She was ashamed."

The children followed the rice seedlings in the back, so angry that Li almost stumbled and fell. Gnashing his teeth, he said to Chimonanthus: "let's go home quickly and find out my new pants made a few days ago. The ground is wet. It's raining these two days. When you sit on the ground, these pants are wet ~"

Everyone naturally tacitly understood Li's excuse. But I can only follow her to avoid being swept out.

Li Shi was very proud to be served by his daughter-in-law.

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