After Li went home, the first thing was to change a pair of trousers. It was also rare to close the door and let Chimonanthus and winter snow wait on her and scrub her body.

A country old woman like her seldom takes a bath on weekdays. After all, it would be a pity for her to wash away the mud she had saved so hard. After all, there is oil there and I can't bear to waste it.

Today, I still touched the dog. After she washed it, she changed several wooden pots of hot water. The smell on her body was much less.

After the chicken crowed three times the next day, Gao got up to cook. Today it was her turn to work. Now the three meals in the morning, noon and evening are cooked by Gao and wintersweet winter snow in turn, and what Li dislikes and expects most is the meal cooked by Gao.

That dish can't be washed clean. If it's not neat, a sand or stone will pop out. The poor teeth in my mouth can't stand such abuse.

Sure enough, the living standard of the Tian family's old house has improved a lot, and there is chicken cake for breakfast. Li Shi just wanted to praise today, but she was sad.

It's said that eggs pick bones. No, Li picked a stone the size of a grain of rice in the chicken cake~

With a "click" sound, half of the rear slot teeth directly collapsed. As soon as Li's chopsticks fell, he directly poked Gao's forehead with his fingers and began to scold.

"You can't do anything and eat nothing left. What kind of good eggs have you ruined? Stones can be eaten out of the chicken cake. If you make something else, can you still eat arsenic!"

When Gao heard the speech, he quickly argued: "Mom, I can't blame me for this. It was Dalang's daughter-in-law who came to return our dustpan. Maybe she accidentally dropped the ash under the dustpan into the pot. I can't blame me for this. How can there be stones in this egg?"

Tian Dajiang also said, "yes, mom, there is really a stone here. I think you should ask the old hen. After all, it laid the egg. There must be something wrong with it."

Li was so angry that he didn't want to see her eldest son again. As soon as his eyes turned, he said, "today, you all make good preparations and take out all the valuable things in your family to sell in the town. We have to raise some money to sell as much as we can. The imperial city is high in the sky and far away, and the family is rich."

"But mom, if those things are sold, will we come back?" Tian Dajiang asked, putting down his chopsticks.

"Hum, your father and I may not have come back, but we have to leave someone to look after the house. After all, there are still a lot of land and animals to feed." Li said.

Tian Dajiang has the final say that he has a big family to watch their family. When he comes to the house, he will not be able to collect much food.

He was so happy that he ate half a bowl of rice. After eating and drinking, he went to the warehouse to pack up his things.

"What the hell are you doing, old woman? You won't let your family stop this morning. Sell all the good things? We don't lack so much money now. Good things are not worth so much money."

"Old man, we'll let eldest brother and his wife send us there this time. When we get there, we'll let the second family provide for us. Whether the second is alive or not, the second daughter-in-law won't drive us away. The eldest couple don't have any good things. Although the two concubines don't say a word at ordinary times, they are actually wilting. We can't let them follow us, those people Good things can't be cheap. "

"What, you mean, take away all the valuable things in the family, and then we won't come back? Then how can you make the eldest brother live? Alas, although the eldest brother is not good, he is also our own son after all. It's a great thing for you to do so." Mr. Tian frowned.

Li glanced at him and said, "our family leaves the house and land to their care. In addition to giving us rations and pension silver every year, there is enough left for them. If he doesn't know how to repent and goes out to eat, drink, whore and gamble, he'll simply starve to death."

At this time, Tian Dajiang, who had no knowledge of the matter, was leading his two concubines to sell things in the town. As for Gao, he ran out to visit. After all, the family is going to the imperial city. That's a great thing. It's enough for her to boast.

In the Wang family's mansion, Tian chrysanthemum sat on the edge of the Kang and said to Zhao, "have you heard that the people in the old house are going to have a moth again?"

"Oh, I haven't heard about it. After you left that day, your in laws came over and made a scene." Zhao said reluctantly.

"Hey, I think your daughter will suffer this time."

"How did you say that?" Zhao quickly put down his needle and thread, and his face changed.

She knows Li's character. Her daughter has a good life for a few days. She doesn't want to be disturbed like this.

"I've heard the eldest daughter-in-law preach everywhere that they all want to go to the imperial city with the old couple. Why do they want to live there for a long time and won't go back here at that time. Hey, I don't know whether it's true or not. If that family really passes, it's probably not good."

Zhao sighed and said, "Hey, if it doesn't work, I'll have to ask my little son-in-law for help."

When she finished, she asked the big dog to call her two sons to discuss countermeasures.

"Niang, if they really go to the Imperial City, I'm afraid they will make trouble for my sister."

"Yes, absolutely not. Let's forget it if we don't know. Now everyone is shouting, so we have to take some measures."

"Well, the boss is right. Why don't you go to the county and discuss with your brother-in-law to see if he can do anything."

Tian chrysanthemum didn't stay much, so she went home with a needle and thread. In fact, she also went to inquire about the letter. After all, it was no small matter.

Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai, two brothers, each with a fast horse, flew directly to the county.

When I passed the town, I saw Tian Dajiang eating and drinking with two concubines in the restaurant.

"Elder brother, I didn't expect that the leader of the Tian family was still like this. If they really went there, I'm afraid they would make trouble."

"Yes, so we must hurry to discuss with our brother-in-law and never let the family leave the county."

"Then let's go quickly so as not to have a long dream."

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