Xiaohong was robbed by Yuanshan bandits on her wedding day. The family who was going to marry Xiaohong has been beaten to the core, but fortunately no one died.

Haotian army over there saw the bandits and didn't intend to do it. But when they heard someone shouting, "rob people, my daughter-in-law, you bloody son-of-a-bitch bandits ~"

Haotian army is full of iron clank men. Seeing such people who forcibly rob other people's daughter-in-law in broad daylight, they will not stand idly by.

"What shall we do, boss? Shall we help?"

"I'm afraid it will ruin the princess's business. After all, we're here to deal with those bandits. If we offend them here, I'm afraid it's ~"

"But originally we thought the robber was just robbing things, but we didn't expect to rob someone's daughter-in-law today!"

Brother Dao, who was tied into rice dumplings over there, said, "I know that man. It's my second uncle. It's bad luck for the girl to meet him this time. My second uncle is different from my father. My father never robbed good family women, only money. My second uncle is a master who doesn't avoid meat and vegetables. Now he has robbed 18 aunts and wives. He robbed another one, eh ~"

"What a drag! Brothers, no matter how much we do, we'll all cover our faces with black cloth and teach him a lesson."

Hao Tianjun only sent out a small team. Thirty people quickly set up a battle formation and all rode after them.

Soon he robbed Xiaohong, and the second master over there has been tied back. It's good now. He and uncle and nephew Qidao have just got together. A tree for each person is called a porcelain solid.

Xiaohong was led away again. This time, it was smooth. Finally, she arrived at her mother-in-law's house safely under the escort of ten Hao heavenly armies.

Well, Xiao Hong's mother-in-law is also poor. But compared with Xiaohong's family, it can be so good. The horse was exchanged with the Hu people with its own leather. There is only one horse in the whole village. Whoever has a child to marry, he will lend it to whoever has a face.

Every family has wooden houses and straw huts, and the conditions are very difficult. This time she married Xiaohong, she was ruined, but fortunately, the dowry brought by Xiaohong was enough to surprise the whole village.

"God, if I'm not mistaken, what's in that basket seems to be calico."

"Oh, my mother, I'm not dazzled, am I? It seems that there are two red cloth."

"Really? Is their village so rich? It's incredible."

"Hey, I went to inquire about it yesterday. I heard that a caravan came in from outside and happened to pass by their stockade. As a result, people were generous and stayed to join the fun when they heard of a happy event. I think it was probably sent by businessmen."

"Ah, businessmen are rich. If my daughter can marry businessmen from outside, she won't have to live such a hard life with us in the mountains. As long as she can go outside, she can definitely live better."

"Don't think so much. The old bandits in the mountain must have been killed before we went out. Besides, even if we went out from here, the barbarians on the grassland outside didn't have a good impression on us for so many years. If we were regarded as spies sent by the bandits in the original mountain, we would be killed if we didn't go out."

"Yes, before, many people could not stand the oppression of the bandits in eryuanshan here and chose to escape. As a result, they were starved to death on the way ~"

Tian Yuqiao has already got up and left.

Tian Yuqiao was thoughtful when he got Tian Fu's report.

Just when she didn't know what to do with her uncle and nephew, the gold over there suddenly came back. It has found the nest of Yuanshan bandits, and even took several dark guards in to eavesdrop on many secrets.

"Princess, all the people sent by his subordinates are back." Dunzi came out again like a ghost, which also frightened Tian Yuqiao.

"How many times have you said uncle Tun, do you still make complaints about frightening people? This day, you scared people out of a cold sweat." Tian Yuqiao had no way to tuck up the slots.

"But ~ it's more frightening to come out in the middle of the night?" Dunzi still didn't realize it.

"Tell me about their harvest this time." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Ha ha, this is very interesting. You don't know, princess. There are seven brothers in the bandits of Yuanshan. The father of the seven knives had nine sons, called nine knives. Now there is only seven knives left. As a result, his second uncle wanted to kill the last one."

Xiaoyu looked like gossip and waited here eagerly.

"This time, if he didn't meet us, he would be killed by his second uncle."

"I see! Then, if we give Qidao to your majesty, we will have enough chips to let the bandits in Yuanshan alliance with us." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Dunzi said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. After all, there are several groups of Yuanshan bandits. Even if the big leader agrees, others can't guarantee that they won't turn against him. Then they will command Yuanshan bandits again, which will be even more troublesome at that time."

"OK, let's take a long-term view on this matter. This second master is not a good thing. Let's try to use his dog's life to provoke the bandits in Yuanshan. When they are almost defeated and injured, it's the best time for us to recruit."

"Yes, that's a good idea. Princess, let me arrange this matter and promise to make a big noise with the old man's life."

When Dunzi finished, he carried the second master away. Tian Yuqiao believes that he will handle it well.

"Where do you want to take me? I can tell you that I am the second leader of the bandits in Yuanshan. If you dare to move me, be careful that my men will wash your whole village and destroy your three races."

Dunzi directly ignored his scolding and carried him away like a chicken cub. I couldn't help but slap him on the ass with my big hand. The old thing was learning to bark.

When Qidao saw that his second uncle had left, but he was still locked up, he was in a hurry.

"Hey, I said you mustn't let that old thing go. He's doing everything wrong outside. I'm robbing the rich and helping the poor anyway."

"Bah, don't stink. It's okay for you to say that you rob the rich to help the poor. We've just learned what those people are like. If they are all rich, I'm afraid there will be no poor people in the world."

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