Tian Yuqiao kept tapping the table with his fingers, so that the water in the teacup overflowed.

"Miss, what are you thinking?" Xiaoyu asked with some worry.

"Neither uncle nor nephew is a good thing. I think it's impossible to threaten his father with seven knives to accept recruitment." Tian Yuqiao frowned.

"Miss, it's better to use your previous method to deal with the Hu people. Aren't they many brothers? Let them fight internally at that time. We'll find a way when their strength is almost consumed."

"Hey, you little girl, you've made great progress in your mind. It's good. You can teach children ~"

Xiaoyu said shyly, "Miss, don't make fun of me. Don't learn what kind of people you are next to. It's hard not to learn bad when you're around miss."

"Hey, it really makes me sad. What's wrong with your young lady? I'm called resourceful!" Tian Yuqiao retorted weakly.

"Yes, the eldest lady is indeed resourceful. I heard that the eldest lady took someone to stir up the situation of the Hu people. This time, I'm lucky to be able to come out with the young lady. Let the old slave do it for me this time, and let the old slave experience the peak of life!"

Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu looked at each other speechless, all with black lines on their faces. The heart said that the old man is too fond of personal heroism, isn't he? This is not a joke, and he has not said how to do it. He looks like a "strong man will never return once he has gone".

"Poof ~ uncle Tian, you don't have to. We have so many bodyguards in our hands. It's not up to you to sacrifice your life for justice. Besides, we have to think about it in the long run." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Oh, that's good. If there is a place where the old slave needs to work at that time, you must speak."

After sending Tian Fu away, Tian Yuqiao shouted out of the window, and then the figure of Dunzi appeared like a ghost.

"What can I do for you, princess?"

"How's it going with the people over there? What's the feeling between the brothers of those Yuanshan bandit leaders?"

Dunzi took out the same things as memorials from his hand, directly handed them to Tian Yuqiao and said, "princess, these are the harvest of the lower dark guards these days. Although these information is not confidential, it can also provide us with a lot of help."

Tian Yuqiao opened the secret newspapers one by one and looked at them carefully twice. He knew something about the bandit brothers in his heart.

"Well, continue to let people collect information about them and tell everyone to try to win over the hearts of the indigenous people. Let everyone bring more salt and give them some benefits when necessary."

After Dunzi left, Xiaoyu asked somewhat puzzled, "Miss, I think most of the indigenous people are also mobs. Why should we win them over?"

"You don't know. It's the so-called world of people who win the hearts of the people. The reason why these people become mobs is that some people are constantly agitated. Everyone is poor and crazy. Let's give them some sweets at that time. Maybe they will start an uprising and clean up the original mountain robbers together."

Xiaoyu was more confused and asked, "Miss, aren't you going to open a business channel and do business with the bandits at that time? If you suppress them, it seems to be bad for us."

"If we don't suppress them, the aborigines won't have any extra money or things to exchange with us. According to the information, there are many aborigines in the mountains. Although the bandits are fierce, they only account for a few. Kill them first and the rest will be more honest. Then we will support one person to come to power and invite him to become his majesty It's also very good that all the aborigines here will be managed by him. "

"What? Miss, are you really going to let the bandit be an official and let him take charge of the people? In that case, the people will be more in dire straits. How can the bandit be honest and clean? There is no need to rob openly at that time and ask people to pay tribute under the banner of the emperor."

Seeing that Xiaoyu was about to cry, Tian Yuqiao comforted: "Do you think your young lady is stupid? He will certainly arrange other officials to govern with him at that time. To put it bluntly, he will be a puppet and have no real power. If he is not obedient, they can take his head at any time. But the premise of all this is that we have to choose someone first."

"What are you going to do?" Xiaoyu's eyes lit up.

"Come on, let's meet the uncles and nephews." Tian Yuqiao smiled at the corners of his mouth.

When he came to the big tree with seven knives tied to them, Tian Yuqiao was very embarrassed to see that many mosquito bags were bitten out of both of them.

"Oh, I don't think it's easy for you, and miss Ben can't bear it. Let's do this. I only leave one as a chip, and the other can leave. But I don't know who to leave. Let's discuss it by yourself. At this time tomorrow, I'll come and listen to the results of your discussion."

Tian Yuqiao said that without giving them any reaction time, he directly took Xiaoyu and left.

Naturally, the dark guard was left here to listen to the news. Sure enough, the uncle and nephew were not idle all night. After Tian Yuqiao left, the two talked politely at the beginning. Uncle is long and nephew is short.

The second master began to tell the story of the past to Qi Dao. When Qi Dao was a child, he shit on his second uncle. How about his brothers? The ultimate goal is to let Qi Dao stay and let Tian Yuqiao put himself back.

It's not stupid to have seven swords. He knows exactly who his second uncle is. Wolf ambition, it's not a day or two to spy on his father's position as the bandit leader. Now he even talked to himself about his childhood. Why didn't he say that he killed his other brothers?

If Qi Dao was not young, he would have been killed long ago. Fortunately, Qi Dao was smart and cultivated his own power long ago, so he was not killed.

Now that old Wang baduzi has a good intention to tell himself this. It's ridiculous.

"Second uncle, you are called a man of high virtue and high prestige. It will be more meaningful to stay with you. Don't look at the young girl. She's not stupid. Don't worry, nephew. After I go back, I'll try my best to let my father save you. If anything happens to you, nephew also promises here that he will let you go ~"

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