Tian Yuqiao took Zhao's family to Xianxiang restaurant, which is full day by day these days. Several fresh dishes launched during the Chinese New Year play a great role. They sing in different ways every day, which is also the focus of attracting customers.

Three plays a day, one at noon, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Let those who love the theater reluctant to leave, but because of the large number of people during the new year, Xianxiang hall also put forward a special provision, that is, customers are not allowed to stay for more than an hour!

Although this clause sounds overbearing, no one dares to say anything more. After all, there are long lines outside. Who doesn't want the people inside to come out quickly.

Fang Wenhao also gave the officials a holiday. Even when he went to the court, he would go down at lunch. The purpose is very simple. It is called not to delay the officials back to dinner. In fact, it is worried that Tian Yuqiao's restaurant will be affected.

Today, I heard from the little eunuch that the founding Duke took the guests to Xianxiang restaurant for dinner. Fang Wenhao wanted to cancel today's morning Dynasty. After hastily heading down, he changed his casual clothes and ran to Xianxiang hall with several small eunuchs.

As soon as he arrived, he was found by cold words and cold words, so he hurried to welcome him in.

With Fang Wenhao's joining, the Wangs are a little stiff. Fang Wenhao smiled and said, "uncle, you don't have to do this. Just treat me as the injured smelly boy."

The small eunuchs behind him opened their mouths one by one. Unexpectedly, the emperor also had such a dark side.

After a few gongs on the stage, the "little monkeys" who had been preparing on the stage stood in line.

"Niang, the main play is about to begin. That's their hot field just now." Wang said with a smile.

Zhao's eyes had long been attracted to the stage. She just nodded perfunctorily for her daughter's words.

Before the banquet came up, everyone ate some snacks and melon seeds. The melon seed skins in the mouth of the two sisters-in-law of the Wang family flew around. Wang looked at he in embarrassment, but found that he also stared directly at the stage and didn't pay attention to the things here.

Soon, exquisite dishes were brought up. In the middle was seafood sashimi. A large plate of seafood was put on the broken ice residue~

"Oh, how can this seafood be eaten like this?" the second sister-in-law of the Wang family frowned.

"Hehe, this is our new dish for the Chinese New Year. It tastes more special when dipped in that seasoning." Wang said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao ordered Xiaoyu to serve Zhao. Xiaoyu carefully squeezed out some horseradish, then poured some soy sauce into the plate, simply stirred it, and took a peeled shrimp for Zhao.

As Zhao watched the play, he didn't notice what people gave her to eat. As soon as I entered, I suddenly felt a burst of permeability in the bridge of my nose and a cool breeze in my forehead.

Naturally, the two sisters in law of the Wang family were also very interested in this dish. One of them took a piece of sashimi and ate it with seasoning. This was the first time they ate horseradish. As a result, because Wang reminded them late, they all burst into tears after eating it~

But then everyone praised the dish, and then the chopsticks couldn't stop.

The two monkey kings on the stage were in a hot fight. Zhao had long forgotten to eat and stared at the performance on the stage. Xiaoyu's side is that every time a dish comes, she brings some to Zhao.

Although he ate delicacies, Zhao didn't eat anything. He patronized the theatre.

The two monkey kings fought hard, and then it was time to distinguish them. Xiao Bai, dressed in a black cloak, ran majestically onto the stage.

This is Tian Yuqiao's temporary play today! The true and false Monkey King has been acting for two days. Today, because of the arrival of Zhao and others, this added such a drama of listening and arguing between true and false.

The actors on the stage had long been psychologically prepared and had interacted with Xiaobai for a while before, so they didn't cause riots. However, the diners around were different. When they saw such a big tiger suddenly appear, they were so scared that they almost didn't drill directly under the table.

"God, there are tigers here. Let's run."

"Where did you get such a big tiger? It's really scary."

Fortunately, the guys were ready in advance and quickly comforted the diners: "don't be afraid, this is acting, acting!"

"Don't panic, it's just the listening of the underworld. It's the divine beast under the seat of the Tibetan king Bodhisattva. It's to distinguish the true and false Monkey King!"

When everyone heard the speech, they came out from under the table and behind the screen. The heart, which had been scared to spit out of its mouth, now slowly fell back.

Zhao's side has seen Xiaobai, so naturally they are not afraid. Zhao also said, "Oh, is that Xiaobai? The one that was so small now is so big! Has it found a daughter-in-law yet?"

Tian Yuqiao was covered with black lines, while Wang and he smiled with their palms covering their mouths.

"Grandma, Xiaobai is still small. Don't worry!" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

With the addition of Xiaobai, the stage is even more heated and noisy. Although it is only a guest, it has driven the audience's emotions.

Those who just accidentally peed their pants forgot to change their pants in order to see the play! The women were also sprouted less afraid by the tiger headed little white.

"Oh, if I can touch the big tiger, it will be enough for me to blow for several years after I go back."

"Pull it down, you, who is it just now? You're so scared that you piss your pants. If you dare to touch the tiger, be careful to eat you as a snack."

The play was over unknowingly. The monkey faced Qi Tiansheng smiled and arched his hands to the people around him and said, "gentlemen, tomorrow noon, please come and watch Lao sun's three dozen Baigujing! Children, let's go back to Huaguo Mountain ~"

"Ah, why is it finished? I haven't seen enough!" Zhao said with some regret.

"Mom, if you'd like to see it, we'll come here in the evening. But the drama in the evening is not so lively. It's a pain." Wang said with a smile.

"Oh, that Niang likes to see it more. After all, it's all boiled out from the bitter days. Let's come back in the evening?" Zhao looked at Wang and Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "well, since grandma likes watching, let's come in the evening."

"Why don't we have a rest place here, too? You can always rest here. When the play starts in the evening, we'll watch it directly." Wang suggested.

"Well, if you send back all the things you bought, my old woman won't bother. Enjoy it and rest here."

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