Zhao watched the play in Xianxiang hall, and he still had a lot to see. Not only her, but also her two daughters-in-law are fascinated. They haven't seen such a lively play for many years, especially Xiaobai's friendship, which makes the play of the real and fake monkey king very popular.

"Elder sister, how did you think of letting Xiaobai come on stage?" Wulang asked with a smile.

"Because my grandmother is here, she likes to be lively. Look how lively Xiaobai is when she comes out."

Wulang sighed, "Alas, it's a pity that many people don't think we didn't say it in advance because we didn't see a big tiger. Now we're depressed. I heard from the shopkeeper just now. Others hope we can let Xiaobai play when we repeat the play again."

"I didn't expect Xiaobai to have so many fans. It's good. Tell me. On the 15th of the first month, Xiaobai and Tuan Tuan will appear together in the Xianxiang hall. Then we can get close to them."

Wulang frowned and said, "sister, Xiaobai has always been a cleanliness addict. They don't like outsiders to be close to them."

"You can't get close for nothing. If you are close to ten steps, you will charge 50 Liang silver, and if you are close to five steps, you will charge 100 Liang silver. If you want to have close contact with Xiaobai and Tuan Tuan, such as patting your head, you can charge him 300 Liang silver ~"

Looking at Tian Yuqiao's look of a financial fan, Wulang was finally silent! Alas, compared with his eldest sister, he is definitely not a profiteer. It seems that he needs more than a little time to catch up with her.

Seeing the decadent look on the little guy's face, Tian Yuqiao immediately felt funny.

Zhao was supported by Wang to have a rest, and even Wang's sister-in-law and second sister-in-law followed. Tian Yuqiao ordered people to send the bought things back to the house first, and then she found a place to rest herself.

The backyard is very big. Naturally, there will be no lack of accommodation for them. All of them are elegant rooms. Although the decoration inside is very simple, it is also elegant.

Zhao was very satisfied with it, so he changed his clothes and lay down on the couch to have a rest.

Others also have their own houses. Wang's family lives with Tian Yuqiao. Xiaoyu is arranged to serve Zhao's family.

Zhao slept for a while. When he woke up, he and Wang went for a stroll in the backyard. After wandering for a while, there came a notice that the evening play was about to begin.

"Peacock Flies Southeast" tells that after a man becomes an official, her mother-in-law doesn't like her original daughter-in-law and plans to let her son marry an official lady. A tragic love story is interpreted very loudly.

Although the play was not very lively, the plot was full of ups and downs, which made the women present feel the same. Many elderly women were there silently wiping their tears, while the young women looked at their own men with a frightened face.

"Will you be a heartless person like Jiao Zhongqing in the future?"

"Oh, honey, you are my careful son. How could I do that? It's all acting. It can't be true."

Zhao had already cried wet several handkerchiefs, and even the two sisters in law of the Wang family were crying. Wang remembered the situation when Tian Dahe went to be a soldier, and his tears fell involuntarily.

"Grandma, mom, don't cry. It's just a play. It's not true." Tian Yuqiao advised.

She was afraid that everyone would cry and break her body. That would be too bad.

Zhao said, "Joel, this play is really to my taste. Grandma likes to watch it ~"

He's also crying. His eyes are swollen like peaches.

Xiaoyu also sobbed. Tian Yuqiao slapped her angrily and said, "you little girl, why are you crying? Tears are not worth money. Why?"

"Young lady, people know I'm sad. I won't find a rich childe in the future. I'm afraid I'll end up like that. I might as well find an honest man to live."

Hearing Xiaoyu say this, Tian Yuqiao immediately smiled.

"You little girl, you haven't thought of getting married yet?"

In the evening, Zhao also had a tasteless meal. Finally, she was helped back to the founding duchy by her two daughter-in-law, because she was already crying!

"Mom, let's not go to the theatre tomorrow. If you cry, I'll be guilty."

Looking at the same girl with red eyes, Zhao smiled and said, "it's all right. My mother just thinks, er, that woman is too poor."

Tian Yuqiao took Ho's advice and said, "mother, don't be sad. Singing is all fake. It's all your daughter's script I made up. It can't be true. If you cry and break your body, how can I explain to your father."

"Joel, mother, I haven't cried so much for a long time. Hey, I feel very comfortable crying. By the way, if there is such a good play next time, you must inform me. I have to go and join in."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said in his heart that women in this era like to watch such a bitter drama? At that time, we'll get another Yang Naiwu cabbage or something. We'll have to cry them to death! Forget it. Don't write such a tearful play in the future.

After everyone went back to their house, they were still discussing today's drama.

"Mom, what do you think of the girl Joel? She really made up the play. She's really great. Look, she made us cry."

"Don't you see, sister-in-law? The people who eat downstairs are crying like something. There are two women crying together. It's called hugging their heads and crying bitterly."

"Yes, I remember when we fled, someone sold children and women. It was just like that at that time. I didn't expect that a mere play could make everyone cry so badly."

As soon as I was ready to rest here, someone handed me a post over there. It is said that the old man of the family is going to celebrate his birthday. I hope to invite the drama team of Tian Fu to sing to him. He also said that he could give as much money as he wanted. His appearance of being rich and powerful was annoying.

Tian Yuqiao refused this rude request one after another, and didn't even show Tian Dahe.

"Joke, the troupe of our founding government, how can we sing to them." Xiaoyu said with a mouth.

"Come on, it's a big deal. When the 15th day of the first month comes, let's let the drama team play a play in the Imperial Palace, so that the imperial court officials can't say anything. As long as the officials don't say anything, the local rich people can't turn over the storm." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

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