From the fifth day of the first lunar month to the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Zhao went to Xianxiang hall to see a play almost whenever he had time. Sometimes she doesn't even bother to eat. Just a plate of melon seeds and a bowl of spiced peanuts. She can sit there for an hour.

Because of the big drama singing in Xianxiang hall, many people should have put a banquet at home. As a result, they all rented a place in Xianxiang hall. While listening to the opera and eating delicious seafood, there is nothing more face than entertaining here.

Not only the host, but also the invited guests feel bright on their faces. The big guys were all happy. Even if they took out a lot of silver, they didn't feel meat pain at all.

The income in the past half month alone will soon catch up with that in the past two months on weekdays. Tian Yuqiao looked at the account book and said that his big plan seemed to be implemented!

On the 15th day of the first month, Zhao's family and children were invited into the palace.

Hearing that she was allowed to enter the palace, Zhao was so frightened that he didn't know what to say.

"This ~ qiao'er, grandma, I'm an old lady from the countryside. If I enter the palace, what can I do well? Once I offend the noble, what can I do?" Zhao said in some fear.

"Mom, don't worry. There aren't so many noble people in the palace. Hao'er doesn't have a princess. Now he is the master of such a big palace. Don't worry. No one dares to underestimate you." Wang smiled and comforted.

Now for Wang, going in and out of the palace is like going to the vegetable market. But the Zhao family and the Wang family are different. After all, it's a palace! Ordinary people like them are lucky to see the emperor in their life. They even have to enter the palace and have a dinner with the emperor and ministers.

At the thought of this, the two brothers of the Wang family blushed nervously.

Tian Dahe smiled and said, "don't worry. I'm here. You two will sit at the table with me. If you don't understand anything, just look at me."

"Brother in law, I'm not the eldest brother. Although I've become a master over the years, after all, I'm in the Imperial Palace this time. It's said that there are many senior officials present. If I'm anything wrong, wouldn't I be ashamed at that time? Otherwise, let's just do it, and we won't go." Wang Decheng looked embarrassed.

"I say you can't be so unpromising. What a good chance. Can we enter the palace or have fun with Joel's family? If you're good at it, you don't even have a chance to come to the Imperial City in your life. Let's talk less and behave as well as possible. It should be all right," said Mrs. Wang.

Wang smiled and said, "yes, everyone will enter the palace as an emperor's elder. Don't be too restrained."

Everyone here is preparing the clothes to wear when entering the palace, which has ruined the two sisters in law of the Wang family. They tossed for a long time and didn't choose the clothes to wear.

On the other side of the palace, Fang Wenhao has sent huikong to Yuanshan in advance. Yuanji and Yuantong went to the back mountain village after the banquet in the Imperial Palace, followed by other young monks, and then went to the original mountain together.

This was the idea of Prince Jing. He was worried that change would happen later, so he suggested that huikong go there quickly to build his own temple.

According to huikong's own ideas, Fang Wenhao personally issued a decree to order the troops of Haotian army in the southwest and northwest to help build Yuanshan temple in Yuanshan.

This time it can be described as a large-scale construction, but fortunately, the wood and stone on the original mountain are everywhere. As long as people and money are in place, the temple will be built soon.

Just after noon, several carriages of the founding duchy headed for the palace. Fang Wenhao had a decree for a long time. All his elders came this time, so the carriage can enter the palace directly, and the people in the car don't need to get off.

This is a great favor. I don't know how many people follow all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Now Fang Wenhao's past in the mountain village is no secret, which makes people all start to accumulate virtue and do good. Seeing a little beggar on the side of the road, they all help those who feel potential.

Especially those who were injured were rushed home to save them. What if one of the ten people saved had a chance to be emperor~

Tian Yuqiao doesn't know what she did unintentionally. Now it has become the biggest driving force for people to accumulate virtue and do good. Although those people do good deeds and save people with a purpose, the final result is good.

Fang Wenhao arranged Zhao and Wang who arrived in advance to the Longevity Palace, waiting for them to attend the banquet in the evening.

Wang and Zhao strolled around the palace. They met little maids and eunuchs along the way. They were also very polite. Tian Yuqiao was satisfied that Zhao did not ignore them because they came from the countryside.

The palace was decorated everywhere, and the guards were busy hanging colorful lights. They have excellent lightness skills. They can hang lanterns on tall trees with one jump.

The two brothers of the Wang family were very happy and hung two strings of lanterns with their own hands.

Although it is inconvenient for foreign ministers to enter the harem, after all, Fang Wenhao is still alone, so it's no big deal for the Wang brothers to come in.

The eunuch in charge, Duke Xu, accompanied him in person and kept explaining that the emperor had a lot to do today, so he had no time to accompany him. Said a lot of polite words, too much service, that's called a considerate.

After visiting the imperial palace for more than an hour, I saw that Zhao was a little tired. Wang made people build a stove in the warm Pavilion in the imperial garden, where everyone drank tea and chatted.

"I didn't expect my mother-in-law to have this blessing in her life. If your father were still alive, how good it would be! It's a great honor. Unfortunately, he can't enjoy it."

"Mom, dad has been gone for so long. Don't think about it. You'll accept the worship of Mrs. Baiguan next to me later. Then you don't have to talk, just smile." Wang smiled and said.

"Oh, why do people still worship me? This can't be done. People are all senior officials' wives." Zhao was a little afraid.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "grandma, my mother is the emperor's godmother. You are the emperor's godmother's mother, so it's right to be worshipped by them. At the beginning, my father and mother were worshipped by all officials. It's good to get used to it."

"What? I can get used to it! Forget it, grandma, I'll be satisfied this time." Zhao said with a bitter smile.

"Hey, Joe, if it were your milk, I'd like the emperor to kneel down to her in front of all officials." Wang joked.

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