Dahu and his daughter-in-law had a big lunch in zhoujiatun and met a middle-aged uncle who was very rich and liked to spread his money everywhere.

The middle-aged uncle claimed to be Liang Kang. He said that his parents had died since he was a child. He followed his adoptive father to do business in a far away place. He came back here only in the past two years.

The Zhou family believed in this and naturally left him to live at home. Liang Kang was also generous. Seeing that the house of the Zhou family was not very good, he waved his hand directly and took out 50 liang of silver, saying that he wanted to build a house for the Zhou family.

This move immediately made zhoujiatun boiling for a while, and Mr. Zhou hurried to find someone to help in the village. Now spring ploughing is at hand. Everyone is busy. However, money can make the devil push the mill. The salary given by the family this week is three times as much as usual. Everyone would rather delay their own land for a few days than come to help them.

Liang Kang's reputation in zhoujiatun soon spread. People call him "Liang Da good man" face to face and behind his back.

Half a month later, Zhou Jiaxin built six large brick houses and two wing rooms. These are Liang Kang's silver, which really gives the whole village a lot of money.

Now everyone will take the initiative to say hello with a smile when they see Mr. Zhou, which makes Zhou Dahua's family very face-saving.

After breakfast that day, Liang Kang's eyes turned. Then he said to Mrs. Zhou, "sister, brother, I'm in the jewelry business. Now I'm going to try it in the imperial city. I heard that your uncle's family has relatives doing jewelry business in the imperial city. I'm going to strengthen it with that side. I don't know ~"

"Oh, I've heard from Dahua. It seems that his aunt's family opened a silver building in the imperial city. It's said that Jin Buyao on Dahua's head came from the silver building in the imperial city that day." Mrs. Zhou frowned and thought.

"Sister, why don't you do this? People bring these old gifts and don't be rude. How about going to rely on the mountain village later? Younger brother has asked people to buy gifts." Liang Kang said sincerely.

Hearing what he said, Mr. Zhou also felt it was reasonable. In the past, my family accepted other people's things. Now I have rich relatives at home. It's good to repay them.

Liang Kang really made an extraordinary move. He bought all the good wine and snacks in the county.

He also had a big carriage and directly took the old couple of the Zhou family to rely on the mountain village.

As soon as I entered the village, I found that the village was unusually quiet.

"It's strange that their village looks much richer than zhoujiatun. Why is it so quiet now?" Liang Kang asked with a frown.

"Yes, we can't ask the way. But it's said that the Wang family seems to be in the innermost part of the village, the largest house." Mrs. Zhou said.

The carriage walked slowly towards the foot of the mountain. As a result, as soon as it was about to reach the place, it heard the noise ahead. There are women's curses, men's roars, and the sound of chickens and dogs barking~

This is the third time Li has come to make trouble. During this period, she will eat flat every time she comes to the Wang family. The Wang family seems to know exactly when she can come. They will keep two fierce wolf dogs at the door on time.

That dog is very clever. They are all gray descendants. Now each one has a bit of prestige.

"Bah, you old man, went to the imperial city by yourself. You obviously took what my daughter-in-law should be filial to me. It's nice of you to be ignorant. My God, why don't you thunder and kill these shameless people ~"

"Yes, Lao Wang's family is really shameless. They were originally outsiders, but now they live so well with us. Who believes it? It must be our second brother's money for filial piety to my parents, which was deducted by the old woman." Gao said with his mouth tilted.

The two big wolf dogs on one side are now pulled back by the Wang family. After all, it's not a way to do this every time. Do you want to live?

Now the spring ploughing is over and everyone is relatively idle, so many people watched the excitement this time, and almost all the idle people in the whole village came. The Wang brothers also intend to take advantage of this opportunity to talk about things.

"Aunt Tian, you can say anything else, but we've given you all your share. Qiao'er said it at the beginning. She said she was afraid that her uncle would gamble once he had money, so she didn't dare to give you money." Wang Decheng said.

Wang Dehai also said, "that is, if one of your men can do something, it won't be so. The food given to you is enough for your two elders, and the snacks and cloth are also given to you. What else do you want?"

Li Shi said angrily, "I bah, the ruler head and snacks in the Imperial City, and the bright gold jewelry on your daughter-in-law's head are not all from our old Tian family! They are shameless. They clearly belong to our family and have been detained by you on the shore. Don't be ashamed."

Liang Kang couldn't listen anymore, so he shook his golden body, shook the folding fan in his hand, and the ring on his fingers collided with his actions.

"I said, elder sister, you're wrong to say that. I can't listen to an outsider. You're so old. Why do you want other people's jewelry? And I saw the jewelry on the heads of those two little daughters-in-law. It's not useful at your age. Do you really think you're like a flower and can marry a man again?"

"Wow ~" the people immediately looked at the speaker behind them, and saw a fat uncle in a bright yellow silk robe shining in front of them.

"Oh, I don't know whether the ring on his hand is true or false. Tut tut Tut, look at the carriage."

"Yes, maybe this is a relative of the Wang family again. Look at that. It looks like a rich man."

The villagers talked and speculated on the identity of the visitor.

The old couple of the Zhou family couldn't sit still in the carriage. They got off the carriage one after another and took things into the Wang's yard.

Zhao naturally knew them, so he smiled and asked his two daughter-in-law to invite them in.

"It's really unfortunate for our family. It's such a family in law on the stall. Ah, let you laugh." Zhao said helplessly.

Mrs. Zhou smiled and said, "it's all right. Which village doesn't have a top-grade one. Our family often needs your help these days. Life is better. Aren't some people jealous in the village?"

When she finished, she deliberately turned back and said in a loud voice, "that's why people get red eye disease when they live well. Alas, there are really all kinds of people these days ~"

Li Shi was so angry that he didn't expect that the little tiger's father-in-law's house had received a lot of help. Thinking of this, Li's heart was even more unbalanced.

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