Li Shi brought a large family to make trouble. The big Lang and his wife looked red and couldn't lift their heads. I just feel ashamed. I wish I could get into a ground seam.

Chimonanthus and winter snow have long turned back. Now they naturally won't say a word. They just think they are transparent people. This time, when Li came to make trouble, Dong Xue came to say hello in advance and asked the Wang family to be careful.

The appearance of Liang Kang made Li half dead with anger. It's said that if the jewelry is really for her, it means that she plans to blossom the old tree and want a second spring. Poor old man Tian originally planned to go to the field to see sweet potato seedlings today. As a result, his head was green for no reason~

Liang Kang's eyes swept the people present. When his eyes were aligned with those of Chimonanthus chinensis, the Chimonanthus chinensis immediately shrunk his neck, and then the cold sweat came out on his forehead.

After that, neither Chimonanthus chinensis nor Dongxue remembered what happened, because the man's power was so much like that man!

As if they had no roots at their feet, they followed Li back to the Tian family's old house. This time, Li Shi was still disheartened, especially the scandal that fell from the sky. In an instant, it spread all over the village. Even old man Tian knew the news in the field, and he was so angry that he threw his hoe on the ground.

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao arranges short-time workers to plant seeds in spring and harvest in autumn every year, so he doesn't have to work hard. But even so, Mr. Tian still habitually wants to go to the field.

I didn't expect that if I didn't pay attention, my careless old woman ran to her in laws to make trouble again.

"Hey, you dead old woman, what are you going to do?"

"Blame me? You're an old man. You can't bear to let your son and daughter-in-law be filial. What's the meaning to say about me?"

The two quarreled again, and the result was that the war of words gradually evolved into a fight.

At this time, Tian Dajiang had already sold the two cloth sent by Wang and went to the town to spend a lot of time. Naturally, he had no time to do the things in the housekeeper. As for Gao Shi, she is a master who is afraid that the world will not be in disorder. She wants to clap her hands next to her.

That wintersweet snow, since I met Liang Kang, they have not been calm.

"Sister Lamei, do you think that person will be our master?" Dongxue's small face was white and bloodless.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I'm in a hurry. But his momentum must be right. If he was just a businessman, he would never make me feel like that."

"If the master came out in person, it must be that he despised us. It's estimated that ~ this time we're going to die." Dongxue's voice trembled with fear.

"The master adopted us since childhood. Now we haven't done well. Even if the master let us die, we must die." Lamei said with her lips.

However, their concerns soon disappeared because a small Skylark flew in through the window.

The lark's leg was also tied with a small bamboo tube. When the Chimonanthus praecox opened the bamboo tube, it was indeed the next instruction given by the owner to them.

"Great, the master didn't want us to die." the harvest of Chimonanthus praecox trembled with excitement.

Winter snow smell speech, a pair of eyes are bright.

"Great, we don't have to accompany such a scum all day. I can't stand this man for a long time, sister Lamei. What does the master say?"

The note is very simple, which is to let them create the contradiction between the Tian and Wang families as soon as possible, and then find a way to break off the relationship with the Tian family's old house, so as to win the absolute trust of the Wang family.

"Great, the man today must be the master!" said Lamei excitedly.

The little girls adopted by their master have a common dream since childhood, that is, they are willing to accompany their master one day, even if they die for him.

Now I haven't seen my master for many years. They are all contacted by the master. They had only a hazy impression of the master's appearance.

And even if the master did it himself, it would be easy to look, so today they didn't recognize the man for a moment.

As soon as Liang kanggang arrived at the Wang family's mansion, he helped the Wang family anger Li Shi, which made the Wang family have a good impression on him. In addition, he is the uncle of the daughter-in-law of the big tiger, so the Wang family naturally treats him like a guest of honor.

After sitting down, Liang Kang began to boast, and there was a disorderly blow from all over the country.

The two brothers of the Wang family have seen the world, so they just laugh but don't speak. But their children don't think so. They all think that the jingling rich man is so powerful. He has been to so many places.

"Oh, let me tell you, your in laws of the Tian family are really terrible. You're doing well now. It's obvious that you're willing to work and work hard. What's the qualification of their family to come and tell you what to do? If I tell you, you should let your daughter and granddaughter ignore you and break up with them."

"Hey, you can't say that. After all, it's the father and mother of the river, and it's hard for us to do it. But during this period, she makes trouble every three days and every five days. We really can't afford it." Zhao said bitterly.

"Let's not mention those unhappy things. The old lady in law, I actually have something good to discuss with your family."

Hearing the speech, Zhao frowned and said, "Oh? Our family only grows some land and doesn't do any business."

Liang Kang, uncle Sao Bao, clapped, closed the folding fan in his hand, smiled and said, "I'm going to do business with your granddaughter. I heard that she opened a silver house in the Imperial City, and I'm also doing this business. I'm going to be a waiter for her and learn the business here."

"I'm ~ afraid it's not good. You can be a big boss yourself. It's too much talent to be a waiter for Joel." Zhao said awkwardly.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what to be. It's mainly because I'm afraid that my eyes will be black when I go to the place, so I'm here to ask my in laws to introduce me."

He is very sincere to see this young man. He looks kind except that his clothes are too dazzling. What's more, as soon as they came up today, they helped themselves solve the problem and made Li's face look like pig liver, so Zhao felt that this little favor could help.

"OK, just introduce it. It's easy to say."

Seeing that Zhao readily agreed, Liang Kang was immediately happy. As a result, he jumped up directly. In an instant, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded.

Everyone looked down. Good guy, four or five gold ingots fell from this guy~

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