The wedding of the young emperor is the most important event in the country.

Since Tian Yuqiao married from the founding government, Jin Jin has always paid attention to the movement around him. As soon as he went out, Tian Yuqiao learned that someone was watching him secretly.

The corners of the mouth outline a smile, the heart said, great.

The front is a 200 meter long honor guard with all kinds of colored flags. The long horn needs four or five people to help carry it, and the big drum is carried by grizzly bears.

Such a welcoming team is very popular. From beginning to end, it has been as long as two miles.

Naturally, there are many sending off teams behind, because today the emperor's welcoming team will go around the whole imperial city.

The more you go to the front, the longer the line of people who follow you. Soon the streets were congested. The vendors who sold things on the street stopped doing business one by one and all came together to watch this rare event.

After a week around the city, just near the palace gate. Two black dragons suddenly appeared in the air, and then it rained on the petals.

The ten mile red carpet is made of pink rose petals. Everywhere was filled with the fragrance of roses and the sound of children playing and laughing in the petals.

There was a "whoosh" in the crowd, and suddenly there was a breaking sound of several arrows rubbing against the air.

"No, someone wants to assassinate your majesty. Come quickly and protect your majesty and the queen." the Guard commander exclaimed.

The bodyguards surrounded Tuan Tuan for the first time, while Tian Yuqiao quietly pressed the mechanism on the side of the Xi car. Then they followed the flap into the interior of the joy car, surrounded by the light from the night pearl, so it didn't seem too dark.

"Joe, is that why you have to design a happy car? How did you know that someone would be assassinated today?" Fang Wenhao asked with a smile.

"Hehe, don't forget that you still have an old opponent who hasn't been eliminated. That Xiliang king, he sent someone to assassinate us at the beginning. This is a good opportunity. How could he let go?"

Fang Wenhao narrowed his eyes and regretted. The heart said that it really shouldn't be kind and soft hearted. It was time to uproot that guy at the beginning. Although he has some relatives with him, after all, he has changed his body. If he doesn't recognize his relatives, no one will say anything more.

The ministers who greeted them at the gate of the palace were also panicked one by one, and quickly ordered the guards at the gate of the palace: "come on, escort, escort."

In the dark box, Tian Yuqiao said with a smile: "Hey, we didn't eat breakfast well. Let's eat first, or we'll be hungry until evening."

Then she magically took out several hot meals from under the table. Fang Wenhao stared out.

Just as they were eating and drinking in the carriage, there was a loud cry outside. The ordinary people who used to watch the excitement ran around one by one, but they scattered the assassins for a while.

"Don't worry, I've already made preparations. It's a part of my dowry. I'll help you eradicate rebellion."

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile as he chewed the chicken leg.

"Ha ha, I've already prepared for my husband. If you don't believe me, come and see."

Fang Wenhao put down the glass in his hand and opened the small window next to the dark box. Tian Yuqiao heard countless birds singing and people screaming outside.

At the moment, the old man is standing on the palace wall and playing the flute in his hand to give orders to the Raptors. Now the Raptor team in his hand has reached three figures. Such a grand scene naturally gives those little babies a chance to appear.

"Hei hei, your Majesty's calculation is really accurate. Indeed, there is a chance for our air force to appear. It's up to you, little guys. Be sure to find out all the rebels in the crowd."

The dark guards of the founding duchy, who were hiding in the crowd, soon wiped out all the rebels who were not well dressed in the crowd according to the instructions given by the eagles and vultures in the air.

With a "card" sound, the flap turned out again. The emperor and queen who had disappeared appeared in the car again.

"Tuan Tuan, keep going." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

Tuan Tuan seemed to be in a good mood. He directly raised his front paws and patted the bodies of two assassins on the ground.

Liang Kang saw something bad and hurriedly planned to run for his life along the line he had studied before. However, haidongqing above was not a vegetarian and stared at him.

Especially the two dragons, they played a big role this time. They can sweep away several assassin masters with one tail.

There is no doubt that Fang Wenhao and Tian Yuqiao won the war, and Liang Kang was finally spoiled by wealth. He was directly pecked blind by Haidong Qing and then caught.

"Hum, you dare to come out on the day when I'm very happy. Liang Kang, Liang Kang, you can only say that you picked the wrong day of reincarnation. Come and send him to the Zongren mansion for interrogation. After interrogation, you don't need to report to me. Just let Dahui and Erhui play with him."

Fang Wenhao issued a cruel order, which also played a great role in his future rule. Because afterwards, people found that the Xiliang king had been tortured by the bear.

As we all know, there will only be such an end if we rebel. Do you think it's too pleasant to play with a bear.

The happy car slowly entered the palace. Under the kneeling of the courtiers, the emperor and the queen sat on the highest throne together.

"I declare that Tian Yuqiao will be my only queen in the future, and there will only be room for her in my harem. The first Prince born in the future will become the crown prince of this dynasty."

"Long live congratulations, long live congratulations."

"Congratulations to the empress. Congratulations to the empress."

"Long live the emperor, long live the queen, long live the queen."

In the deafening sound of congratulation, the two worshipped the field. Then he paid homage to Tian Dahe and Wuhou, and finally the couple paid homage to each other.

Because Fang Wenhao patronized and peeped at the little girl opposite, he accidentally knocked his head. The hall burst into laughter, and even Wang and he laughed.

"These two children seem a little nervous."

"Yes, yes, after all, it's the first time. I was very nervous back then."

There were firecrackers everywhere. Tian Yuqiao's veil had been lifted. At this time, they were toasting the courtiers.

Today there are male and female guests, but they all sit in the same hall. The emperor exchanged greetings with the ministers, while the newly baked empress entertained the women.

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