At the wedding banquet, Fang Wenhao was really happy, while Tian Yuqiao was fake. Almost all her wine was cheap to Caicai and gold.

When the ministers were having a good drink, Fang Wenhao said he was unable to drink and needed to have a rest. Naturally, everyone dared not stop, so they let the emperor have a rest.

Tian Yuqiao naturally found an excuse to leave. He was worried that Fang Wenhao would have a headache when he drank too much, so he ordered someone to cook sobering Soup for him, which was naturally filled with virtual lotus pond water.

Looking at the man with closed eyes, his eyelashes flickered with his breath. Cheeks are reddish, sleeping handsome guy or something, which makes people want to commit a crime most easily.

After thinking about it, anyway, it's already his fair husband. It should be nothing to eat secretly. Tian Yuqiao slipped over and kissed him on the face.

However, just when she was proud of taking advantage of herself, she suddenly felt her shoulders tight, and then her body hung in the air. The next moment is to fall into a solid and warm embrace, and there is a burning breath in my ears.

"Wow, you pretend to be drunk!" Tian Yuqiao shouted in shame.

"Just now you stole advantage of others. It's no good. I want to get it back with interest."

Fang Wenhao finished saying that, regardless of Tian Yuqiao's still opposition, he directly blocked her small mouth with his own mouth.

What a long kiss. Tian Yuqiao experienced it. It was a call up when the brain was short of oxygen and was about to faint. His eyes were black and he felt like he was going to die.

"Joe, are you okay? I'm to blame. I should find someone to learn."

"Well, are you still going to find someone to practice together? That's hateful."

A feeling of small fist beating his chest came, but Fang Wenhao felt that the little girl's strength was very soft. It feels soft and comfortable.

"Your Majesty, have you rested?"

When the male duck voice of the eunuch outside came, Fang Wenhao immediately felt ten thousand unhappy. No way, this is the rule when getting married. He has to go out to deal with those officials.

Especially those foreign envoys, there are many dandies, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Thinking of this, he pressed the slightly drunk red and small broken tail around his waist.

"I'm counting on you two to help me stop drinking today. Don't get drunk."

Honghong shook her little head, faintly hiccupped and said, "Oh, people can't do it. They drink too much. Really, why prepare such strong wine?"

The little broken tail laughed and said, "you women just can't do it. I'm nothing. I'll see mine later."

"Hum, I blame you just now. I made people drunk."

"Blame me? I let you drink because I saw you rushing to drink. It's too much. I blame others."

Looking at the quarrel between the two little guys at his waist, Fang Wenhao looked at the little girl who was a little tired sleeping on the couch. There was no image of the, but his face was filled with the a happy smile.

She secretly printed a deep kiss on her cheek, and Fang Wenhao walked out with great strides.

Today, he wrote down the names of all the people who dared to make trouble with him, and there will be opportunities to find them back in the future. And the dandies outside who deliberately wanted to embarrass the little emperor sneezed together. Suddenly I felt a chill on my back, and an ominous premonition rushed towards me.

"Hao'er, how's qiao'er?" Wang asked with concern.

"Mother, don't worry. She's a little tired and has gone to bed."

For his mother, Wang didn't think it was abrupt. After all, he called it that when he lived in his own house. It's just that she was a godmother at that time, but now there's only one word missing.

At midnight, Tian Yuqiao woke up vaguely. As a result, he saw an enlarged fuzzy man's face appear in front of him.

Under the condition of reflex, she punched directly.

"Wow, where's the smelly man!"

The face of an emperor who was accidentally recruited was already black. You should know that the punch hit his eyes. It must be that his eyes are going to be blue. Tomorrow I have to go to the court. With a black eye, I can't be laughed at by the ministers?

After Tian Yuqiao rubbed her eyes and saw the "smelly man" in front of her, she remembered that she had married a woman. So he twisted twice and made room for him.

"Brother Hao'er, I'm really embarrassed. He didn't mean it. He was sleepy."

"Hum, don't explain. You did it on purpose. How can you compensate me?"

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing when he asked Lan'er for sugar.

"Come on, let's gamble. If I lose, I'll let you do whatever you want today. If I win, how about I own your country? Anyway, I've left all my property to my brothers and sisters. I'm going out of the house this time."

"Well, what you say is what you say. All my people are yours, not to mention the rivers and mountains."

Tian Yuqiao took out a color cup from his sleeve, and there were three more colors in his hand. She put the dice on the table and shook her wrist quickly.

Two people want to bet big and small, two wins in three games.

Fang Wenhao smiled and looked at the little girl shaking the dice there. Her eyes were full of doting. The white wrist and the bracelet on it are the engagement Keepsake he sent.

Suddenly, his eyes moved to the little girl's chest and saw a crescent shaped lanolin jade pendant there.

"Joe, who gave you this jade pendant?"

"Oh, it's a relic left by master Huiyuan when he passed away. Alas, you may not know yet. Marquis Wu is my father, and my father is my adoptive father. The secret of the jade pendant is actually my identity."

"I see, Joel, no matter who is close, at least everyone is very kind to you."

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "yes, that's why I gave all my wealth to my adoptive parents. It's also a reward for them. Anyway, I'll make more money in the future, won't I?"

"Come on, two out of three."

Outside, the people listening to the corner of the wall planning to make a wedding did not hear the sound that should be inside, but the collision between dice and dice came.

"Ha ha, I won again, four, five, six. I'm willing to admit defeat. Your country belongs to my sister." Tian Yuqiao stood on the chair with his waist crossed, looking like heaven is the boss and I'm the second.

"OK, it's yours, it's all yours. Joel, it's almost time today. The red candle is more than half. Let's have a rest as soon as possible." Fang Wenhao hurried.

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