"Eh!? Was Celine a half-elf?

"Yes, I have a round ear. Half the Elves and half the Humans resemble each other. As the elf's blood diminishes, the characteristics of the elf become harder to come out. Well, I can't tell you all about it, because there's a return from my ancestors."

Celine, with her hands blocked, leaned her neck to show me her ears. The tingling ears visible from the bright dark red hair were certainly round.

"Elves are a long-lived species, right? What about the half-elf?

"Not as long as an elf, but definitely longevity. It's not uncommon for people to have personal differences, but even when they're old, their face hasn't changed at all since they were young."

"Well, then, Celine's age..."

When Celine looked me in the eye and smiled, all of a sudden the temperature around me suddenly dropped and I felt mysterious pressure. Shit, this is a mine. It seems that I heard something I shouldn't have asked before my curiosity.


Oh, really ~

The mysterious pressure fogs away. Then Nicolas sent me a message with her gaze.

Fufu, you're immature. By the way, I knew Celine was half an elf. "

Really? Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't realize... "

If that were the case, it might be a little embarrassing.

I don't think that's true, but if we hang out for a long time, some people will somehow notice it. If you were a good mom, you might have noticed, and you might know the guild receptionist Lisa as her professional pattern and personal information. "

That's what it is, right? I was relieved, not just me. When I exhaled in relief, Nicolas looked up at Celine with her hands connected to her.

"No matter how old Celine's sister is, Nicola loves Celine!

He said that with a smile and stuck to his hips.

It's really nice that your buttocks and chests are still tight. Hah ~, thump thump "

It might have been a good story if you hadn't heard the memoirs.

"Oh, thank you, Nicola.... so, Marc likes me half elves?"

Celine looked at me like she asked.

"Hmm, I was surprised at first, but Celine is Celine, and it doesn't matter either way."

That's my honest feeling. Then Celine smiled and grabbed my cheeks with one free hand.

"How dare you! I'm not asking you that, I'm asking you if you like it."

* giggle *, have you been deceived?

"Oh, stop grabbing my cheeks, Celine."

Well then, tell me what you think ~

Celine won't stop rubbing my cheeks. Well, I like Celine, but it's very illuminating to talk about it. But until I say so, my cheeks won't stop ravaging.

"I love it! I love Celine too!

In the middle of the day, I shouted out in a mood. Then Celine smiled with a smile.

"Ufufu, I love Mark too ~"

I stroked my head with the hand holding my cheek.... you look so happy, I guess I'm glad to say it.

─ Is this a shota coming?

It's not like that.

Nicolas shrugged while holding Celine. That's clever.


Celine, who was in a very good mood, waved her connected hand through the woods. I was easily taught about this village as I walked down the street.

This is Surtoria, the birthplace of Celine. Fathia's town and territory seem to be the same. But it's in the woods at the edge of the territory, so the traffic is bad.

Surtoria is home to many half-elfs, but none of them are pureblooded.

I imagined that the elves respected pure blood and the halves were banished from the village... but it seems that the village where the half-elfs were simply more curious than the elves, and the people who left the village because of their curiosity, came together sometime.

Nevertheless, there seems to be a hard-headed half elf, and Deal I just met seems to be the head of it.

As I walked through the woods talking like that, I finally saw several private houses. However, the forest has not yet passed.

Is it a hut in the woods? No, there are a lot of huts, and it's strange that the huts used in the forest are so full of life. I thought I was cooking dinner and the smell was drifting from there.

"Is this the home of a villager?

"Ah, the first time you see it, you'll wonder. Yes, in this village we build houses in the woods."

Does it feel like you've built a house by fixing up a place that doesn't grow much in the trees? It's quite uncomfortable to have so many houses lined up in the woods, but living with the woods is perfect for the image of an elf in me.

Incidentally, in the image of the previous life, when it comes to the bed of an elf, it was a tree, but it seemed unlikely that I actually lived in a tree. There are no such big trees in the first place.

It's not gonna change around here either.

When Celine stopped, she stared nostalgically.

"Well, let's go home. For now, I have to call Delica-chan when it's settled."

Yes, Delica will be worried too. But even if I contact you, what can I do?

"How do we contact Delica?

"That's what I'm looking forward to when I get to my parents' house."

Celine laughed so well that she moved on again.

"- Here we are."

After a short walk, I arrived at a house built to be buried among the trees, just like the other houses. And open the door without knocking.

Inside, a blonde beauty in a black evening dress sits on a chair with a glass in one hand and an elbow at the table.

"... hmm?

The blonde looked at us blurry and shouted an idiotic voice. Apparently he's very drunk.

"Hah... Hi, Mom."

Celine shouted at the blonde beauty with amazement. Looks like this drunk is Celine's mother.

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