Follow Celine through the door into the room and look around.

The landlord had the first impression that it seemed ridiculous, but the room was out of the ordinary. However, only more than ten barrels placed at the edge of the room emit a strange presence. Maybe it's all barrels...

Celine approaches Tsukatsuka and Celine's mother with her hands on her hips in sermon mode.

"Mom, you've been drinking since daytime, right? I always told you to stop drinking at home, right?"

I sometimes see Celine drinking during the day. I thought... but I don't know, flowers here.

Celine's mother, listening blurrily to Celine's words, breathed heavily into the chair.

"I can't imagine Celine going home with her kids. I wonder if I'm going to get fucked up at last."

"Mom, I'm real!"

Celine took away her mother's glass and immediately drank the contents. Would you like a drink?

"Hmm? That's plenty to drink... Oh my, you weren't hallucinating. Long time no see, Celine."

"Yeah, it's been a while, Mom. I also miss the taste of this alcohol ~"

You're definitely Celine's mother around drinking plenty.

I nod silently to Nicolas's stupid voice.

"... by the way, you can't drink anymore and eat snacks anyway. It's bad for you to drink all the time ~"

"Because making it is a hassle. If you say so, you can make it."

Celine's mother moved her long ears with her mouth pointed. Seems Celine's mother has an elf character. I don't know, I can't say I look like Celine. They both look young and beautiful.

You know I can't cook, right? Rather, these children are better... "

Celine's mother clapped her hands against the bread to block Celine's words.

"- Yes, these kids! You finally get lonely because you're lonely? You can't do that. Give it back now!"

"Could you at least mistake me for my child?

Celine sighed greatly.

"I mean, I definitely don't think you can make a man. Even if you were to propose in this village, you'd be the one with the nose."

"I'm not a hobby of men who are small and organized in this village.... anyway, these two are the kids from the inn I'm taking care of now, Marc and Nicola."

Hello, it's Mark.

"Hello, it's Nicolas!

"Well, they're so polite and cute! Come here, both of you!"

As we approached, Celine's mother crouched down from her chair and hugged them together.

"Ufufu, I'm Celine's mother's Eclaine. Nice to meet you."

Eclaine seems to be an elf compared to Celine, but she is generally quiet. Maybe it's because you're living an unhealthy life. And because you were drinking, your body temperature is so high... * giggle *! Alcohol!

"... hmm. If you think this is the smell of beauty aged in your body, isn't it a nearby smell...?

Nicolas is looking a little pale but serious.

When are you going to stop forcibly expanding the strike zone?

When I alarm Nicolas about her sexuality, Eclaine releases us and faces Celine.

"So, did you take it from the inn you're taking care of?

"No, just get away from there, will you?... I went to work for the Adventurer Guild with you because of everything. When I entered the monster's nest for Yabo, it almost collapsed, and I used the portal stones to escape."

"Oh, my God, that was tough. But it sounds fun. If I was good at fighting, I'd be an adventurer instead of being in this country."

"My mom's good at magic, but the adventurers are a bit..."

That's right.

Both of you put your hands on your cheeks at the same time, fufu breathing. This kind of place looks like a parent-child.

"... well, that wasn't the case. I just need to get in touch with the kid I left behind. Let me use the table ~"

"That's fine, but... Where did you guys come from?

"Sadra Mine, you don't know it, do you?

"I don't know. But I don't think I know that much. They use resonance stones, right? Isn't that impossible ~?"

Celine did not reply to Eclaine and took the leather bag out of her chest, removing the fist-sized stone. Celine's chest is as cosmic as ever.

The stone placed on the table shows a beautiful cross section on one side, as if it had split the original one into two pieces. Celine pointed the cross section towards me.

"Marc, put a wind mana in this."


I don't know, but I can understand how much this is used to communicate with Delica with resonance stones. When I sat in the chair, I didn't think deeply, touching the resonant stone with my hands, and I put in the wind mana...

--I was instantly attacked by the feeling of being sucked by a stone.


No matter how many mana I put in, I couldn't help but let go of my hand, feeling disgusted and absorbed more and more, and the resonance stone that I was touching made a rattling sound. Then Celine gently grabbed my hand and led me back to the resonance stone.

"Don't let go. I think it feels disgusting to be sucked, but it means that you can properly notify (...) me (...) and (...) me (...), so I can put the mana in without worrying ~"

"Uh-huh. Okay."

Now I keep putting in the mana while enduring the disgust. The resonance stone began to shine dimly green. Seeing it, Celine raised her voice towards the resonating stone.

"Delica-chan, Delica-chan, can you hear me? Delica-chan, Delica-chan, can you hear me?"

"--Eh!? Can't you hear Celine coming from somewhere?

Then, from the resonance stone, a slightly ticklish voice sounded.

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