"Hey, Delica! Is there any light leaking from the leather bag that Celine gave you?

Next is Ney's voice.

After that, the sound quality seemed to be slightly cracked, but I heard Delica's voice that was quite clear.

"Miss Celine? I wonder if you can hear me from this stone."

"That's right. I'm talking about the resonance stone I gave Delica through the magic stone. I won't spend much time on it, so I'll be brief ~"

After all, it seems like a magic stone that delivers a voice. There are magic stones that do a certain amount of work by putting mana in them. "The stones are shining!" I can also hear Nay's voice.

Even so, my head became a little blurry as I kept sucking on the mana. It hasn't even reached the bottom of the magic vessel yet, but if it goes on for a long time, it's likely to reach the bottom. Celine talks to the resonating stone as she looks at me like that.

"The nest collapsed, but we're fine. We're moving to my parents' house now. It's going to be a little late to go home. And I saved Rack and Jack. Are they back yet?

"Wait, metastasis... They're not back yet."

"Yes, we were faster. I'm sure she'll be back soon, so Delica can explain the situation to them. Then will you come back to town with them? They owe us this time, and they won't be treated badly, so they should be safe."

"Uh-huh. Okay, so what about Mark? Is Marc really safe?

"I'm fine. I'm a little blurry from being sucked by a mana. Marc, can I talk to you?

Sure, I may not be a little crazy right now. Still, Delica had something to say.


Marc, are you okay? Are you hurt? I was worried because I couldn't get out! Nicolas is safe, right?

Delica spoke quickly. As she glanced at Nicolas, she was hugged and cheeked as she was placed on the lap of Eclaine, who was sitting in a chair.

Nicolas murmured like a spell with a masked smile on her face saying, "Poison turns over... poison turns over...", but... well, are you okay?

"We're both fine. So, Delica, can you tell your dad I'm sorry I'm late for the tentacles?

"Eh, yeah. I understand."

"Oh, well, why don't you tell Mr. Biyan about Tentacles? If you like it, you might be able to distribute the tentacles. I'll leave that area to Delica ~"

Celine sandwiched her mouth. Sure, I'd be relieved if Bjørn handled the tentacles. Whatever you say, you have a good personality.

"Okay, okay. I'll talk to Mr. Biyan first."

"Ah, and..."

I can't think anymore. I have to tell you right now.

"Marc, what?

"Tell your mom and Jill I might dry up the fields."


"Tell everyone in church and school that it's too late to bring souvenirs."


"Tell Pamela to go to church school even if I don't accompany her ~"



"Do you still have a message? What?"

I heard a slightly moody Delica. But I have to tell you this.

"Delica, I'm sorry I couldn't support Delica until the end of the trip."

"... yeah, that's not true. I'm getting enough support. Thank you, Maru."

I told you what I wanted to say, so I wonder if I've exhausted the magic in me as well as my energy, and my voice has been cut off. It's not enough to faint, but it feels very weak.

As I rested tightly on the table, I heard Celine's voice from above my head.

"Marc, thank you."

"Is there anything else you want to talk about? I'm sorry I hung up right away."

"What are you talking about? A normal adventurer level can cut you short before you count to ten. Besides, I don't think I can hear you clearly. I also told you what I wanted to tell you, and it's full of points ~"

Is that so? Though I was a little confident in the amount of magic, I was slightly hectic because my magic quickly ran out, but it seems that I can continue to be confident.

"Hey Celine, isn't this kid amazing!?... ah! That's why you took the risk...?

"Still pulling them?... These kids are special. I'm still surprised."

Phew. Nicolas is amazing, isn't she? Hey hey, what can I do? Let me see it again!

"Yeah, that's good...."

Nicolas on Eclain's lap answers with a blue face. Apparently the poison didn't turn around.

"Well, thanks to Mark, we can get in touch, and then we can head over to the town of Fathia... I'm getting ready to move, and I'm a little worried about this mother, so can we leave in a few days?

"It's okay. I rarely come to places like this, so I want to see them."

"And Nicola...."

Fantasy excites Half Elf villages.

"That's a decision. Well then, I'm getting hungry, and I'd like to start by saying that it's your welcoming party..."

Celine looks around the room. Then she went to the next room and opened the magic vault and exhaled.

"... there's nothing in this house. Hey, Mark, I'm sorry I'm tired, but if you take a few more breaks, can you get a proper repair from the groceries I'm stocking up on?


"Excuse me. I'll have a drink!

Eclaine raised her dissatisfaction, but nobody took her on. Now, let's get ready for the Self Welcome.

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