Delica said that she was on the move without encountering a monster rather than a bandit. It seems that if we keep going smoothly, we will reach the village of Sekkat by this evening.

And the next day, in order for Byan to start a full-fledged deal on Tentacles, Delica left the village in two escorts and is scheduled to arrive in the town of Fathia by noon tomorrow.

Sometimes that happens, and Delica told me to put away the magic to talk slowly with my parents without contacting them in the morning. To be honest, I thought it would be okay if it was a little bit, but I promised to contact you tomorrow at noon because of Delica's kindness.

And then Nicolas and Delica, and then Ney and I went on a loveless conversation.

Well then Delica oneechan, Nai-chan, babba!

"Yeah, Nicolas, Marc, see you tomorrow!

"I'll follow Delica! See you tomorrow!"

After stopping the mana supply and finishing the call with the resonance stone, Nicolas smiled and clasped my elbow.

"Delica and I should really like to talk to oniichan again tomorrow, but don't you think it's healthy? In today's conversation, I was sure Delica would forgive me for my parasite. Conversely, I'm a little scared if it's Nei. If you're going to marry Ney, be sure to talk to her about it.

Ah, yeah.

As I was responding, the front door slammed open and Celine and the others returned. There are piles of gupple fruit in the carrying basket on their backs.

"Welcome back, Celine. It looks like Delica's gonna be in Fathia by noon tomorrow."

I see. I guess I'll leave here the day after tomorrow. Sorry to keep you waiting ~ "

You're leaving the day after tomorrow. Apparently, I have to convince my parents by tomorrow. Tomorrow, stick to your magic stretch and win extra stays no matter what. When this happens, Delica's generosity becomes very thankful.

"Yeah, no problem. By the way, are you going to the portal crystal today after lunch?

When I asked, Celine stopped moving with her carry-basket down and shook her voice with a cold sweat.

"I see... Let's do it first...."

Apparently, it was quite tolerated yesterday. I feel a little sorry for you, but I can't miss the 10-fold effect, and Celine will do her best.

So we left Eclain at home, who started brewing despite the hassle, and headed for the portal crystal. Of course, Nicolas followed with a full smile.


We arrived in the Portal Crystal, but we did not encounter Deal today. Speaking of portal crystals, there was something like Deal, but it doesn't look like he's walking around every hour.

We proceed to the crystal branch where we poured the mana yesterday. When she stopped in front of the branch, Celine put her hand on her chest, looking a little suspicious.

"Well, wait. I'm a little prepared.... Suhahahaha. All right, come on!

Celine puts her temper into the trunk of the portal crystal and gives me the other hand.

Well then let's go ~

I held hands with Celine and slowly started pouring in the fire mana.


Thirty minutes later.

"Nh, nhh... Nku... I can't do it anymore...! I'm sorry...."

The sweaty Celine fell on the meadow.

I poured in mana for about 30 minutes, as I did yesterday. I thought I could pour mana a little longer if I got used to it, but it's not like that.

Oniichan is twisting her neck while letting Celine faint. Celine is already on her way to maturity as a wizard, so don't get used to it in a day or two. You shouldn't be with your big brother when you grow up. "

"Is that what this is all about... eh, fainting!?

He rushed to Celine in a hurry and turned his depressed body upside down to check his condition.

Slow, sweaty chest moves up and down regularly as you breathe, and your face is burning, but it's better than bluishing. It seems okay for the time being, so I stroked my chest down.... but this face of Celine...

― ― Nicola expressed her face in a calm tone.

This is a stunning face.


Celine decided to let her sleep for a while. And when Nicolas had finished experiencing all sorts of fainting, Celine woke up.

I asked the customer carefully, but there seemed to be no particular abnormality, and she wanted me not to worry because she fainted a little too much as a result.

Then Celine and Nicolas, who were dirty with sweat and dirt, took a bath, and I called Eclain from the bath and went home, and Eclain went to the bath, and I swapped and I made gruel liquor and waited for the three of them to get out of the bath.

― ― Spend the day like that and sleep on the floor with all three of you tonight.... I was, but I woke up unexpectedly.

Among the five senses that are gradually awakening, the first thing I felt was the strong smell of women's sweat. Next, it's like a fever that wraps around my body. And I heard a scattered voice.

"Phew, fu, no, no... The opponent is a child, the opponent is Marc...."

Celine's voice was murmuring. When I opened my eyes slightly, it seemed that Celine was lying at a distance from me to touch or not to touch me. Celine's breath blurred my neck.

Celine doesn't smell the calming woods she always felt. Instead, my surroundings are filled with the smell of sweat that is going to make me feel flustered.

I opened my mouth as if I had woken up by chance.

"Nh? What's wrong, Celine...."

"Fufu!? Ah, uh... no, I can't sleep. I spent the night watching Marc sleep. I'm sorry I woke you up. I'm going to the bathroom."

Answering in a hurry, Celine left the room as if she were. I exhale loudly as I drop it off.

In this case, which is the set meal?

Apparently, Nicolas sent me a message.

... yeah. Nicolas tells me it's dull, but I know this. It seems that Celine will attack me if I stay like this.

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