After all, is this the effect of the magic supply?

Looking at the dim ceiling of a room with a slight moonlight, I asked Nicolas.

Originally, Celine seemed to prefer oniichan, but there was a sense of acceleration with the magic supply.

Does the magic supply have a brainwashing effect?

It's not brainwashing. In analogy... while you're stroking the smell of sweat from someone you like... you can't be satisfied with just the smell of sweat... right? That's why people who haven't thought of oniichan in the first place will never be like that. You won't feel good if I pour you a mana.... ufufu, was it a pity that the mana infusion didn't make any beautiful women an instant erotic development?

Nicola turned to me with a smile.

Instead, I was relieved. That doesn't mean you twisted Celine's feelings, does it?

That's right. Oniichan's mana is definitely boosted by her body, but the roots haven't changed, and that's a minor problem if you ask me. "

I don't think it's a very minor problem that an adult like Celine is about to attack an eight-year-old. Nicolas continued her words.

The most important question is, will it taste good or will it taste good? This is the only point. It is an important and delicate issue that will lead to war, so I would like you to make a decision after careful consideration.... so I have a favor to ask, but I will definitely not disturb you, and I'm pretending to be asleep, so please let me visit you with a bump. "

When Nicolas got up from the duvet, it decided to sit down brilliantly. I exhale as I look at it.

I'm not going to let you take a tour... I mean, my body doesn't react at all yet. I'm glad Celine likes me, but my feelings and body don't follow me at all. That's why I didn't confess, but it's different to shake it. "

"What do you mean?

Nicolas asked me a little while keeping her head down.

"... in the direction of maintaining the status quo"

Then Nicolas raised her head and sighed the biggest sigh she ever saw.

"Ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~... Ah, yes. Thank you for your reply, which seems to be my brother. Hah, seriously hah"

Celine seems to be spicy for now, so I think we should stop sleeping together from now on.

That's right. Celine would have lived a normal life if she hadn't left her defenseless feed in front of her. As it stands, it looks like a naked beauty is sleeping next to a teenager who wants to do it. "

Celine is a teenager and I'm the naked beauty...

In that case, if I decide to postpone my stay, I'll build a house in the vacant space immediately.

I understand. It's such a waste. "

Nicolas replied indiscretionarily, no longer interested, and once again lay down on the duvet, she scratched Polypoly's butt.

In fact, if Celine, who is now a parent, had any trouble with me, it wouldn't be the level to have difficulty meeting my parents when I returned home. Celine must have put up with it because she thought so.

Therefore, it is best to put this matter on the shelf. Yeah, yeah, you know what a setup is.

I was finally able to take a breath because I was convinced that this was the best solution. Then the body of the eight-year-old, who had regained peace, tried to invite him to sleep in search of rest, but in the middle of leaving him to the flow, I thought.... speaking of which, Celine has a long toilet...


--The next morning, I finally fell asleep.... there is no disturbance in my clothes. Looks like I'm still pretty.

Turning next to her, Celine, who was waking up from the duvet, chewed her yawn to death.

"Hello, Celine."

Huh ~, good morning, Mark. I'm sorry I woke you up at night. "

I don't have eyes that were glued to my lust last night, but I have my eyes shriveled as if I were noticing. Looks like you haven't slept much. Speaking of which, I was sleepy yesterday morning, and maybe the first night of the magic supply was in a similar situation.

"Hey, Celine looks sleepy too, so don't go bartering this morning, let's have breakfast with the groceries in the item box. Why don't you sleep a little longer?

"Nh, nnh, that's right... I'll be home tomorrow and have my mother eat food outside this village. Let's do that ~"

"Then I'll go for a morning walk."

"Yes, I think Marc will be fine, but be careful ~"

Last night Celine was the most dangerous thing I've ever felt. Celine, who doesn't know what she's thinking, fell asleep as soon as she slowly knocked down her torso.

When I saw it, I was getting dressed early and I tried to get out of the room, and I noticed that I forgot to put the pillow away in the item box and looked back.

Then I saw Celine holding my pillow and burying it on her face, relaxing it to melt around her mouth and falling asleep.

Looking at that face, I didn't feel like picking up the pillow, and when I gave up the pillow storage, I slipped out of the room.

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