He passed through the square, where no one had gathered yet, and reached Esther's house. Compared to Celine's house, it has a slightly larger wooden bungalow and even a small garden next to it. Esther let go of me and opened the door.

"I'm here. I brought Marc and Nicolas."

Hello. Welcome.

We were greeted in the house by a man with long ears that jumped out of a short set of blondes and a short woman with long blondes in her back. The woman is sitting on a chair and has a large, swollen stomach. Looks like a pregnant woman.

They don't even look like newlyweds, but they already have a 15-year-old. I've seen many half-elfs in this village, but I'm still confused by the gap.

"My sister will take care of you from today. I'm Marc, my escort, and this is my sister, Nicolas."

"Nicola! Eight!

Nicolas bowed with Pyokon to match my bow.

"Oh, oh, thank you for being polite. But it's easier for us to help, right? I'm Miguel, Esther's father, and this is Stina, my mother."

After being introduced to Stina by Miguel with a gentle tone, I keep staring at her big stomach. Stina gently rubbed her stomach.

"Fufu, you're almost born. That's why I can't work very much, so I'm really glad you got a kid to help me. Thanks, Nicola."

I see. Is there such a reason for the apparent shortage of manpower? I only suggested helping Nicolas, but if I don't have enough manpower, I might as well.

"Well, if that's the case, let me help you if there's anything I can do."

"Will Marc help you too!? I did it!"

Esther jumps on my proposal to express her joy. I'm sure you'd be more happy to work with your friends than with more manpower. Such a pure smile. After seeing such an ester, Stina smiled nicely and turned to me again.

"Can oniichan help you? Thank you so much for doing this.... well then, Nicolas and Esther will be in the kitchen with Miguel, and Mark will you follow me?

"Mom, I've told you so many times, don't push me."

When Estelle stared at Stina's stomach worriedly, Stina lowered her eyebrows in a little trouble.

"I've told you many times, but if you don't move a little, it's bad for your health. I've been working ever since I gave birth to you."

"Mark, don't overdo it.

"Okay. Leave it to me."

When she replied to Esther who was still worried, Esther went to the kitchen with Nicolas and Miguel, leaving only me and Stina in the room.

"... so, Mark-kun?

Stina looked back at me sitting in the chair and called out to me with a smile.

"What is it?

"How far did Esther go?

"... eh?

"This is the first boy that his wife brought in. When I asked Estelle, she only said she was a friend, but she's really a lover, right? I heard you've known each other for a few days, but love has nothing to do with time, right?

"No, I'm just a friend."

"Oh, you don't have to hide it. I don't want to disturb you, I want to support you. You know, there are places that are kinda childish, so I don't think you're going to make much progress with that."

Stina kept on rubbing her belly without listening to me.

"Marc, you don't mind if I... (...) take care of her right away? Well, half elves are harder to get pregnant than people, but they're young, so I'm sure they'll be fine."

What the hell is this guy saying to an eight-year-old? I learned a little bit of fighting.

"No, I'm really just a friend...."

"Again, unless you're in love at first sight with the boy you've only known for a few days. It's about time the village started saying" masculine ester ", right?


"What? Really?

I nod cockroachy to Stina with a crispy face. When Stina stared me in the eye, she finally sighed.

"Hah, I don't think you're lying, and apparently you are. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry..."

Stina stood up slowly from her chair with a heavy stomach. Looks like this is the end of the story. I was relieved that my misunderstanding had been solved.

"Hey, hey. Let's go to the backyard."

"Um, if you tell me, I'll be there, so please sit down."

"Oh, you're such a sweet kid. But as I told Miguel and the others earlier, I have to exercise a little. They're both overprotective. Come on, this way."

Once she got up, Stina started walking lightly, and once she took me out of the house, she turned around.

In the small garden behind him was a large shelf with a roof. It is packed with firewood, and charcoal is piled on its edges. And beside the shelf is a small luggage truck.

"Could you fetch firewood and charcoal from this firewood shelf and put them in this truck? Not only do we use magic tools, but we also use firewood and charcoal to cook. It's a bit of a hassle, but it's better made with it."

Even in my previous life, I didn't use appliances and didn't dare to cook with firewood or charcoal, but it seems to be the same here. In the meantime, store the amount that Stina has instructed you to do in the item box. Stina watched over the lost firewood and charcoal.

"Eh!?... oh, an item box? Estelle said," Marc is amazing, "but that's Celine."

As always, Celine's reputation in this village seems high. You're getting kind of happy with me.

"What should I do next?"

"That's it. And Miguel said you could talk to me more easily. We're getting help, and you're Esther's first boy's friend."

"... uh, yeah. Okay."

Stina smiled at my reply.

"That's good. It's over now, but let's go to the kitchen. Could you take the van so they can get it over there?


So I followed Stina and pulled the empty truck back into the house.

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