I asked Stina to rest in her room, and I pulled the van into the kitchen and looked inside. It doesn't seem to be as big or equipped as my parents' kitchen, but it's still much bigger and more splendid than a normal house kitchen.

I put the firewood and charcoal out of the item box in the wagon and then I called Miguel, who was cooking in the back of the kitchen. Then Miguel answered my voice and came straight away.

"Oh, you're early. Then why don't you cut the vegetables with Nicolas over there?

As soon as Miguel received the truck, he pulled the truck and walked to the other side. Apparently, he's not free enough to stand up long enough.

I move on to Nicolas's cooking table to get to my next job. I saw Nicolas swinging a knife on the tongue and rhythmically. Sometimes I skip, but somehow it's been trained by my father, so at the age of eight, I'm there. Me too, of course!

Looking at Nicolas like that, it was onions that were carved. The stinking smell is drifting up to this one.

Looking at Nicola's face, she wondered if she was fighting onions with tears, and unexpectedly she was moving her knife with a cool face. But if you look closely, it looks like there's some kind of green mana around Nicola's face... You realize I'm staring at you, Nicolas sends you a message.

Yeah? Is this it? The wind magically keeps making a layer of air, flying the onion ingredients that drift around my face. Doyah..... "

Nicola shows me her face. As usual, I use magic for dexterity. Let's see if I can do it.

With the image of wind circulating around your face... woosh, woosh. Then the wind attribute mana began to gather around my face to respond to my wishes.

"Auntie! Auntie!

The wind bursts violently above your neck, as if you had just penetrated your head into a small typhoon. Wow, no, I can't! I wiped out Mana in a hurry.

Pupu! Oniichan, you can't control mana at all. But I think it would be stupid if I showed it to you at a banquet or something. That's great!

While bending her mouth to show Nicolas's aversion, she strokes her dry hair. The output of the mana is getting bigger and bigger, but I feel that the control is getting bigger and bigger. Besides the earth attributes, you have to practice hard.

As I reflected and sighed, Esther came with a basket full of vegetables.

"Marcou, I brought you some extra vegetables. I'll hang up, so let's do our best together."

When Estelle puts a pile of vegetable baskets on the cooking table, Nicolas murmurs "Uh-huh." Apparently, the pickled vegetable shop prefers the quantity to the type of pickled vegetables. Actually, there was only stew in the square the day before yesterday.

Then the three of them line up and slice onions, carrots, and vegetables they've never seen before, and Nicolas and Esther take them back to Miguel.

It seems that Miguel taught them how to cook while they took the vegetables with them. I refused, so I even cut the vegetables while the two of you were away.

--As soon as my arms became dull, I finally ran out of vegetables to cut, and it was time to make up for breakfast. Miguel is still cooking, so I'll surround the table with Stina, Esther, me, and Nicolas.

Breakfast served on the table consists of pizza with plenty of onions and bacon and milk in an iron kettle. Both are dairy products, but I wonder if there are people who keep livestock somewhere.

"You're boring me. It's been a lot easier today because you both worked so hard. Thank you."

Stina poured milk into a wooden glass while working with Nicola. If you take a sip of the milk, the milk that is so cold will pass through your throat comfortably. I have drunk the milk itself in the city, but I think it tastes richer than that.

"What kind of milk is this?

"There's a house with legion sheep as livestock. They're replacing it with people there."

Esther answered my question. It's called Legion Sheep. It's a noisy name, but maybe.

"Is that a monster?

"That's right. It's a monster of sheep that lives in a huge herd, but someone caught him on the way out and enslaved him with dark magic and took him home. Monster milk is often of better quality than normal livestock. They eat a lot of that."

Esther holds the pizza in her hand and goes on.

"So, my cheese is fermenting the milk with dark magic. They say it's much better than regular cheese. I've only ever eaten monster milk cheese."

That said, Esther rode the pizza deliciously. What a messy word to enslave a monster with dark magic... Dark magic is crazy after all. I will treat it peacefully only with fermentation.

When I finished eating breakfast with that conversation, Miguel arrived pulling a large wagon with three pots on it. By the way, it looks like beef stew and some extra pizza came out today.

Well then, I'll clean up after I take a break, so can you ask for the square?


The three children, all of whom raised their voices together, packed their bags of hand-over wooden utensils, bartered items, and foldable desks in the wagon one after the other.

Incidentally, when I suggested storing it in an item box, I was discouraged from saying, "I feel it when I'm not there." Maybe that's what I was told.

When everything was packed, Esther pulled through the big door at the back door, followed by me and Nicolas.

When I went out, the sky was completely bright at some point. The morning light dazzles my eyes. I put my hand against the light and started pushing the wagon around the back of Ester.

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