When I saw Tori walking up close to the white line, Nicolas sent me a message.


Yeah? What's wrong?

I'm just checking my physical abilities, and even if I lose... I know how much you think, but please win before you do it. If oniichan loses, I'm going to have a pair of athletes. "

Well, I'm not going to lose, but even if I lose, I don't know.

That's my advice. Avoid running with all your might all of a sudden. I'll give you a hundred parrots. Gradually get used to it and speed it up. "

"It's cocky. I'm not going to exercise that much."

At church school, I used to play with my body like a trick, but I'm sure it's not impossible or impossible compared to my age.

It's okay, it's okay. Understood?

Yes, I'll be careful.

Tori stood right next to me as I finished my conversation. A cylindrical magic tool was held in his hand. And he turned the magic device upwards.

I'll go then. Yikes.... "

- Pan!

With the sound of the empty artillery of the magic equipment, the football race began.

As Nicolas advised, I started running at about the speed of jogging, and as a matter of course, oniisan ran further and further away without me. The speed is much faster than the last elementary school seniors.

Though it is natural to lose, I am a little anxious. A boy who beats Nicolas might show up if he loses, so it's too much. Then I'll be in trouble too... but let's give it up as a necessary expense, yeah yeah.

It calmed my mind as I thought so. However, I didn't like the fact that my brother, who ran far ahead, turned around for a moment and smiled at me.

I suppress my moody feelings, and next time, I will run at the speed that I always run.

As soon as I started running, my legs followed me naturally. This is the usual feeling. But even if I run by myself, I feel a lot of leeway. This must be the power of ether.

But at this rate, oniisan is only getting pulled away from the runners. Okay, it's time to speed it up.

--The moment I put my strength on my legs, my body suddenly fell down and unexpectedly began to lose balance.

Oops! I almost got cocky! Sure, when I put all my energy into this from the start, I suddenly fell over and I might have seen something embarrassing. I'm glad you took Nicolas' advice.

Oniichan Ganbae

Nicolas went out of her way to send a cheer that seemed unwilling. Apparently, they found out that I had a stroke. There wasn't enough mental damage at first, but it didn't change being teased after all...

As I became accustomed to the speed and movement of my feet, I decided to further strengthen my legs. --Fast, unprecedented speed, including when I was a student in my previous life. Then the difference with oniisan narrowed.

Without one, without two, without three - finally caught up with the lead.

My first brother laughed at me. Looking at me walking along, I have a stunned expression on my face, but I can't afford to smile back here. Balance your feet so they don't get tangled up, so do your best.

I want to win anyway. I tried to strengthen my legs a little bit more. I think this is the fastest. My neighbor's brother disappeared from the edge of his vision, but his body was about to lose its balance again, and he stepped on his feet as he began to pacify.

When I managed to hold it back, I looked forward and saw a white line in front of me. And as I ran through it, there was a lot of cheer from the surroundings.

Apparently, they were able to golden in one suit. Esther is the biggest of the cheers. I could hear you cheering all the time during the competition. When I waved at you, Esther looked back at me.

In doing so, I saw oniisan arriving at the goal one after the other, with his shoulders breathing and his regretful face.

I thought it would be better to say something, but if I cared about it strangely, it seemed like it would spill excessively. Tori approached as he was holding his rising breath while not looking at you much.

"Hmm, Celine said she had hunted a big monster before, but that's right. Let's give you a gift. Now, what happens?

Speaking of which, you said you'd get one of Tori's special prizes. Tori grabbed a big cloth bag on his waist, took something out of it, and gave it to me whispering, "Wow, that's a big win."

Handed over was an elliptical object the size of an adult thumb. It is made of metal and it is smooth, but I can see a very small magic stone on its tip.

Put your magic into it.

When I put my magic into it, the elliptical object began to vibrate with a sound... Hey, Cora, this is...

"Sensei, what is this..."

I ask Tori while keeping my face from pulling.

"This is a medical device. The stiffness is relieved when applied to the shoulder. You got it? Because it's a medical device, right? But you should stop showing it to your parents and hide it in your pocket right now. At your age, your shoulders aren't stiff yet, so keep them safe until the time comes. And one day you'll thank me."

Tori answered with a sigh and slapped me in the back with a lewd smile.


When Tori told me to clean up the item box, I bowed and left.

I was moved by my leapfrogging physical abilities and lost my sense of accomplishment, and walked to the three people who were watching the game outside the truck with a feeling of weakness.

Nicolas stuck to Celine barefaced, but Celine and Esther greeted me with a smile.

"Fufu, congratulations Marc."

"Wow, Marc, congratulations! Hey, what did Dr. Tori give you?

"Thank you. Don't tell me what you got..."

To Esther asking with a smile, I did my best to return it.

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