Exercise enough to get hungry, and now it's past noon. It's about time. Nicolas also seemed kind of rough.

Then Nicola, who had eyes with me, pulled the hem of my clothes gooey, pointing her mouth at me with dissatisfaction. Yes, yes, I know. I spoke to Celine and Esther, who were very friendly.

"Celine, Esther, I'm going to come back home and contact my parents with a resonance stone. I think it's going to be a little longer, so enjoy the rest."

"Okay ~, come on. I'm inviting Estelle for dinner today, so don't forget to come ~"

"Oh, yeah."

"That's right. Whoa, look forward to it ~"

"Fufu, I'm looking forward to it!

Celine and Esther laugh fun at our brothers and sisters. We didn't hear about it, but the Harvest Festival is like eating dinner together.

I'd like to hear more about it, but Nicola said she left early, holding my hem. Compared to the usual good exterior, I can't afford it, but I don't know how Nicolas feels. As soon as we said goodbye to the two of us, we went home.


As soon as I got home, I put a resonance stone on the table and pulled the chair. Nicolas is already sitting in her chair and standing by. Sitting on a chair looking sideways, he sends a mana of wind attributes to the resonant stone. I've been used to it over and over again.

I think I've been going intermittently for a month, so I'm starting to have a lot more call time and less fatigue than in the first place. In other words, I think that's how many magical vessels are spreading. This is an unexpected magic workout.

"It's Mark. Is anybody there?"

Call as usual. Nevertheless, I'm sure my family will be waiting for you today. Soon I heard my mother's voice.

"I'm here. Marc, Nicola.... Happy birthday!

"Thank you."

"Thanks, Mom!

Today is my ninth birthday with Nicolas.

I feel kind of illuminated when I celebrate my birthday because of my previous life experience, but Nicolas is different. I look forward to being celebrated by my family on my birthday so that my mood and tension increase by 30% about a week before my birthday every year.

Therefore, it seemed that she was a little depressed on her birthday as she was away from her family, but now she is talking to her mother with a smile full of resonance stones in front of her eyes.

"Uh-oh! Nicola, Marc! Happy ninth birthday!

Suddenly a loud voice was heard from the resonance stone. Apparently Grandpa is here too.

"Thank you, Grandpa!

"Oops! I was lonely and celebrating our birthday so far, but I thought we could finally celebrate together this year. It's a real shame there aren't two people in front of me."

I wonder if it was also an air birthday party without the party. Grandpa, that's exactly what I'm pulling.

"I also buy a lot of birthday presents! Come back soon! Ah, but don't rush your journey and get hurt!

"Yes, Grandpa, you're buying more and more presents. I already stopped because I bought too much."

"I mean, when I think about my cute grandson, I always buy it. You can't help it!... oh, Jayne. You should celebrate Marc and Nicholas too!

After a bang on the bread and back,

"... Marc, Nicolas, happy birthday."

Shabbettaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I felt like saying that somehow.

Thank you, Dad.

"Thanks, Dad!

"... ahh. How are you doing today?

"Yeah, Dad! We're having a harvest festival in the village today! That's where oniichan was distributing cucumbers..."

It's going to be a long time from here. I took the drink out of the item box and put it gently in front of myself and Nicolas, and they listened to me.


"- Well then, Marc, Nicolas. See you tomorrow ~"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Mom, Dad, Grandpa!

The green light disappeared from the big stone when she stopped feeding the mana. The beverage on the table is already empty and today is the longest recorded call, but it seems to have managed to hold its magic.

I looked at Nicolas next door. Nicolas still seems to be in the finish, smiling at her mouth as she looks at the resonance stone, which is just a broken stone.

You must have noticed my gaze, Nicola turned her smile around and stared at me with a flickering look and her cheeks swollen.

"... what's wrong? You're looking at me with warm eyes like your brother watching over your sister."

"I've been your brother since I was born. Is there a problem?

"Kh...! What is it? I can afford that.... ahh, here we go! I'm thirsty and hungry to talk! Request snack time as soon as possible!

Nicola said as she banged on the table with an unusual wobble. I feel a little red on my face, but should I not notice it?

"Yes, yes. It's my birthday, and I'll save it for you."

Let's get out the special garette that Dad brought from my parents' house today. It's the most popular snack in my parents' house. I was always complaining that I didn't like Nicolas very much because it was bitter, but I'm sure he'd be happy to eat it today.

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