I stopped running and looked at Evil Funger. Shortly afterwards, Evil Funger widens his tentacles and throws nuts at him.

"Stone Wall"

I built a magical wall of earth in front of me, and when I prevented it, I heard a faint sound from behind the wall. It is likely that spores will scatter from the nuts. Make the current wall particularly high and spread it out sideways to avoid entering this side.

I thought it would be troublesome if the main unit approached in this situation, but it seems that it is best to throw nuts while restoring the body. Let me set the stage for you right now.

Used to build container houses and stuff. Usually a flat wall forms a box in four directions, but this time a wall is made in the shape of a U from the beginning. That might be close to how the dome house was made. Once you've stretched the wall a little to the left and right, the next step is to stretch it deep.

Increases magic output more than usual to increase speed. I can feel the magic gushing out, but it's still null compared to the plenty of resonance stones. I'll increase my output even more.

Stone and fallen tree stocks rolled before the wall was created, but I let them swallow it. It's an ugly wall, but I don't care.

Surprisingly, there was a sound of tree nuts thrown again across the wall, of course ignored. I don't care. I'm going to stretch the wall deeper.

- I got it! I can only see the stone walls rising, but space sensing is easy thanks to the carpet bombing that plunged the trees. Now I can clearly feel the stone wall surrounded by a U-shaped shape, centered on the Evil Funger.

This huge wall will definitely prevent the flames from spreading. I also thought about surrounding the whole circumference, but because the top of the wall is thick due to the penetration work, it is not suitable for standing up, and this is the shape because the tree nuts cannot be avoided in the television.

I rush along the stone wall to the extent of a few dozen meters. Running through the woods at full speed and reaching the end of the stone wall, he leapt out on the only side that was not surrounded by momentum.

Beyond his gaze, he saw Evil Funger surrounded by stone walls in three directions. The wooden pseudo remains peeled, but the hollow white fibers are completely undone.

The moment I stepped on my feet, I felt like I had eyes that weren't supposed to have Evil Funger. I flew nuts shortly afterwards - but that's exactly what I expected. Avoid flying over the sky quickly with the television.


Wherever it came from, the blunt sound of the air shivering began to rush towards me as I violently pushed the root tentacle back and forth. The speed is much faster than before.

When I get down on the ground again, I point my hands straight at Evil Funger.

Fire magic here. The stone walls will not allow the fire to spread. But still, I'm worried that a projectile system like Celine's Fire Arrow is going to take it off the hook.

That's why the fire keeps growing from your hand, and the magic that hits the target as it is. The image is a gas burner. Burn the Fire Mana, straightening it as if it had a core, just straightening it out.

When I knead a fire mana with my whole body, I let it go out of my palm... that? How does that feel?

I had a feeling that it was too moist. But I can't help feeling uncomfortable with the enemy approaching. I left it to my senses to activate fire magic.

"Fire blast!"

A flash of fire from my palm hits Evil Funger as he continues to thrust. And I wondered if the sound sounded, and in an instant, there was fire all over my body, turning into a pillar of flame.

Evil fungers who stopped rushing moved around like bonito dancing on an iron plate while being wrapped in flames, and eventually stopped moving, collapsing and collapsing.


I felt the ether flowing into my body. Apparently the crusade was successful. The hardship ended so easily that I wanted to say what it was.

And most of all, the surprise was that I could use fire magic more quickly than I thought.

When I practiced a long time ago, it was as if the faucet was swinging to a hose that twisted until it was fully open, and I could not control the flames that went wild, and I was slightly traumatized.

Since then, there has been earth magic, so I felt distant from practice, but despite the lack of practice, I was able to move as I wanted this time.... how did it work? There's only one idea.

Thanks to Celine's magic supply, I was able to adjust the mana of the fire attributes and keep sending it.

The plain tiredness of supplying mana with certain fire attributes, neither strong nor weak against Celine, apparently helped to improve the control of fire magic.

I was in the woods, so I never practiced fire magic more, but if I did a little near the river, I might have noticed an improvement earlier and been able to defeat it more lightly this time.

I stared at the Evil Funger, which was still burning with a rattling and burning sound, and suddenly gave out a bitter smile.

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