"Water Ball"

Sprinkle water on the carcass of the burning Evil Funger. Watch out for the oil fires.

The water-bathered carcass sounded and quickly extinguished the fire along with the smoking trees around it. This eliminates the need for Nicolas to pose badly directly.

When I see no burning residue around, I observe carcasses that are all wet and messy. It seems to have burned and spilled its volume, which is only about one-third the size of its original size.

Hmm, if you burn this much, it doesn't seem to be worth it as a material. But I know there's still something I can take.

I crouched in front of a black burnt, flooded evil funger and kept playing with the cadaver and carcass with a stick made of earth magic.

Oniichan, only girls with rolling glasses are allowed to wear that style.

I'm not pooping.

Looking back at the sudden thoughts, I saw the four men who were watching me from the woods walking towards us. Looking back at Celine waving her hand, she returned to work.

... I can't find it. Could it have burned with you? The tip of the arrow and stick hit the hard object.

After scratching the muddy carcass with a stick, I finally found the magic stone I was looking for. When I clean the magic stone from the carcass with water magic, I grab it with my hands and stare seriously.

It is a black magic stone about the size of an adult's grip, just like Nushi's magic stone. Speaking of which, I was using the magic of dark attributes, and black sounds like it. Will the attributes used be reflected in the Magic Stone color? Nushi's was blue.

"Hmm, it's a dark attribute after all. Dark attributes are rare at this size, so you can sell them high ~"

Cerine, who was approaching at some point, was peeking at the magic stone in her hand behind my back. I will ask because it is difficult.

"What kind of Dark Class Magic Stones are used for?

I see. Conversely, magic equipment that spreads darkness around, magic equipment that ferments food just by putting it inside... But perhaps the most famous is the magic equipment of a servant ~ "

When it comes to the magic equipment of a slave, it means that he can be attached to a criminal slave.... I'm getting a little crazy. When I served the likeness and magic stones in the item box, Celine smiled as she stroked my head.

"Fufu, I'm as scared as ever. Even though the way we fight is exhilarating."

I can no longer argue that you can only push chicken. There was something I had to report to Celine.

"Celine, I was able to use fire magic. In a way, thanks to Celine."

"Speaking of which, even though you said it was a piece of shit, I thought you had blown the flame straight and burned out a special object in an instant. I'm not even surprised about the firepower right now, but I don't know what that means.

"It seems that the magic supply of daily routines has become the practice of mana control of fire attributes. Thanks to you, I was able to move the mana as I wanted."

"... I see. Sure enough, the magic supply has disappeared from its initial roughness, and lately it feels like you've been sneaking around your whole body. That's fine, but sometimes it's rougher... no! Nothing!?

Celine shook her head with her face bright red and Nicolas gave her a nice voice.

"Oniichan... In order to prevent mannequins, it would be better to occasionally make you enjoy the change....."

"No, I'm not doing anything to entertain you..."

"That was really impressive. I've been an adventurer for years, but I've never seen a child like you."

Norwell nodded as he was impressed. I can't feel the weakness from that appearance.

"Mr. Norwell. What happened to dark magic?

"Ah, apparently you've been freed from control. Thank you. This will allow us to meet Matilda alive."

With that, he took a step forward and asked me to shake his hand. When I put out my hand, Norwell gripped it tightly with both hands and smiled gently. Looking at that face, I felt like I was somehow rewarded for my hard work.

Still... I look at Estelle a little bit. To be honest, I thought Esther would be the first person to rush at these times. For some reason, the long ears are slightly bent as the face is soft.

"What's wrong? Ester"

Esther answers my question leaning down.

"Marc was so strong. And yet I couldn't believe Marc. I feel kind of sad when I think about it. I'm sorry, am I disqualified as a friend..."

"Oh, Esther. Marc and I have been together for three years. I can't help it if it's only a month old ester ~"

"Is that what this is about...?

"Yeah, that's right. Besides, I was glad Estelle was worried about me. Does Celine trust me?

I'm glad you trust me, but I'm glad you're as worried as I am. Neither of them is good.

"Oh, am I trusting you too much? But even this time, you managed to win as well as I expected. Well, I didn't think I'd make anything like that either...."

Celine looked up at the stone walls rising around her, and she smiled as if they were attractive.

"Because I thought if I didn't, it would be a fire...."

"After I secured a certain amount of space, I thought I'd cut it with wind magic. I thought it would be dangerous to leave the tentacles intact even after they were attacked. I thought you could chop it all up.

"Ugh, when the Stone Barrett didn't work, all I could think of was fire magic...."

"That's what I thought. You still have to train him, right?

"Soft hands....."

I decided to get close to the stone wall, which seemed to me to be a symbol of failure, and start the demolition work. Then Celine, who followed me, stroked my head with a smile. The Esther who was watching the situation roared.

"Ugh! I envy Celine after all. I want to know more about Mark and get along!

"Oh, we're going out of the village together, so we'll be good friends from now on. Right, Mark?"

"... that's right. Why don't you just stand up and go home? I'm so tired....."

I feel tired and pushed by Celine's trouble. Nicolas was loosening her face by wrapping herself around Celine's waist, but Nicolas told me it was nothing but fire magic. She stared at Nicolas with a grudge.

I support you, but I'm not a soldier.

Nicola, who read my complexion, delivers a sweet tale with a gloomy face. Oh, I see... When I unexpectedly sighed loudly, Esther raised her hand.

"Ah, if Marc is tired, I'll carry him!

"Eh, that's embarrassing, because I'm not that tired."

"Ah, let me do something for you. Even though I'm hunting for Rumil today, I've done very little ~"

That said, Esther sharpened her mouth. Oh, I knew I cared. That's right, there was so much air I couldn't read. Should I at least take care of you here?

"Okay. Then I'm tired, so please go home. I don't want to walk anymore."

"Leave it to me! Come on, get in. Get in!

Finally, Esther crouched in front of me with a smile.

Then I put my chest around my back and wrap my hands around my neck. As expected, you've been in the woods for a few hours and you're moist and sweaty, but Ester still smells good. I tried harder not to fall. [M]


A little too strong or the ester leaks a voice. As soon as I loosened it, the ester stood up.

"Alright. Let's go, then!

Esther pushes forward when she shouts. Especially as I went home without encountering a monster, I felt Esther's warm back, and I was asleep sometime.

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