"Meriène! Meriène!

"Ah, shut up. Stay where you are!

Deal, who continued eating half a raw meat, was held hostage by the Battle Axe Man, and it was finally time for us to eat well-baked meat.

Grab the tray from the wagon that Tori brought and hang the sauce from the pot. Then the well-baked meat was picked with tongs and lightly dipped in the sauce and put into the mouth.

... good!

I don't know if it is suitable for monsters, but it was often said in the previous life that the unique smell of lamb was good but bad. This meat also has a unique smell that is different from the meat I have eaten before, but is this the smell that will drag me back? Anyway, it is a smell that is going to be bad. Besides, the smell of charcoal fire coming out of my nose is also fragrant.

Even the same monster meat is soft and juicy. This one is very chewy and rich in fat.

The sauce also has a sweet and spicy flavor that goes perfectly with the meat. If you look closely, the sauce pot is exactly the same as the one in Esther's house. Maybe it was made by Miguel.

Nicola, it's delicious ~

"Yeah, it's delicious!

Nicolas is eating meat alongside Shinya. I'm sure Tori was going to let Shinya eat from the beginning, and I don't mind dinner. But we have Celine's dinner, so it's not good to eat too much.

"Nicola, we have dinner."

Yes, oniichan.

While saying that, Nicola's hands and mouth didn't seem to rest at all. As always, she is a delicious sister. And Tyran, who was listening to our conversation, slapped Pong.

"So you didn't know about today. All right, then take a few and have some with Celine at dinner."

"Are you sure?

"Oh, I don't mind. Thanks to you, I was saved."

Thank you, Uncle Tyran.

"Yeah, yeah. We're not dark magicians."

That's why Tyran handed me a plate of meat like a mountain. Feel the nukumority of a minor genre buddy. They are new and kind.

I don't hesitate to store each dish in an item box and take out the replacement. I've just heard men complain lightly.

Well then, I'll pay you back. I made it, so let's all have a drink. "

The barrel of Gupulu liquor made from dark magic practice was taken out and shown at the feet.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Sure enough, the men around me cheered.

Alcohol! "Grandpa doesn't drink, so I don't like this kind of place." "Well done! - The kid made the gruel. - Cheers!

While the men thanked each other, they took a glass from me and poured Gupulu liquor out of a barrel. When it comes to yakiniku, alcohol is indispensable. I don't really want to drink it now, but it's unlikely that there was no alcohol in the yakiniku in my previous life.

"I rarely drink any of them, but I'll take a bite out of them."

Tyran leans his mouth against a glass of gupple wine. And when I put the liquor in my mouth to taste it slowly, I glanced at the cockroach and swallowed it.

"Huh, never a refined taste, but powerful richness and crispness backed by rough sharpening and intense magic. I'm not a really scary kid.... yeah, I'll have a drink today too! Here's to the birth of the Dark Lover!

Tyran put the glass over his head and mixed it up with a group of drinkers. That joy is enough for the SEOA fans who said that it was only in the world that Doris was born this time...?

◇ ◇ ◇

"Whoa, Marc."

Tori came next to me when Norwell sneaked home because of the noise of the men drinking and having his wife's dinner.

Tori shrugs his shoulders as he watches Deal as he eats meat from an axe man.

"It looks like Deal was stupid enough to take care of you today. Well, I'm sure it's stupid, but sometimes it helps. Please don't do this."

It seems difficult to develop without Deal, and someone as motivated as him will be needed in the village. I know it's stupid and I know why Celine hates it, but I don't really hate it. I don't want to be actively involved!

"Yeah, I remember the energy drain, and I think I got it."

"Haha, is that so? I didn't know you could use an energy drain because Tyrann was the only one in this village. Until just now, Tyran was asking me how amazing your energy drain is.... I won't be surprised what you do anymore. Hahagu"

Tori stretched her cheeks with distant eyes. I like to show my magic face, so I want you to be surprised all the time without saying that.

"Hey, Grandpa ~, Marc ~. Want to eat with me?"

Wow, I'm coming!

In response to Shinya's call, we headed for an iron plate with Shinya and Nicolas. Afterwards, he mixed with the old men and enjoyed the feast until sundown.

At the banquet, Deal, who had only eaten half a raw meat, suddenly went down to the house to get the potion, or Nicolas, who was laughing at it, would go to Celine's house in pain of eating too much, but that's another story.

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