"Nh, nnh, hah, ah, ah...!

Celine stands on her knees in the woods with one hand on the portal crystal and leaks a disturbing voice. The area is chilly and exhales white breath, but the body is sweaty.... don't feel a bit disturbed by mana. I stroked his back to calm him down.

"No, Celine. Don't rush."

"Nku, I know..."

Beyond the branches of the portal crystal we look up, Celine's portal stone, which grew to the size of her thumb, sways gently. You must be in a hurry to say that your wish will come true soon.

"Celine, it's usually time to go home, and today's the day...."

"Haah, haah, please, just a little more..."

"... okay. Just a little more."

When I exhaled lightly, I kept sending a fire mana into my connected hand.

― ― I wonder if I've supplied enough magic since then.

Exactly. Celine is at her limit. Short, rough breaths have been exhaling since then, making your hips twitch and bounce as if you were convulsing.... let's stop it now. That's what I thought.


A lump of crystal fell on the soft ground. A crystal that shines light and red as the sun bounces back. Celine's portal stone.

"I did it!

I slap Celine's ass with joy.

"Ha, yeah!

Then, at that moment, Celine shouted loudly and pushed herself to the ground. Apparently, he passed out in the current shock. Akan, I did it...

Ah, oniichan. If Celine has a strange sexual habit, please take responsibility and take care of her.

Nicolas, who was as far away as possible from Celine's view, approached us with a thoughtful account.

"It was kind of easy to hit, so follow me...."

I've been bullying Celine before, and oniichan looks like an S. In that case, it is acceptable as my hobby, so please continue to work hard ~ "

As Nicolas approached Celine, she crouched down and pinched Celine's cheek. Nicolas usually looks lewd in front of the collapsed Celine, but today she looks bored like a child on the last day of summer vacation.

"... and now you're looking at the erotic Celine...? You're not half empty, are you? Ha ~

Is that so? Nicolas's hobby has been a pleasure these past three months. I've had a lot of fun since I learned that it's going to be magic practice. Celine would have been ashamed of herself, so I'm a little sorry to say she agreed.

"... for now, I'll catch a cold if I stay like this, so let's wake up soon."

I put Celine on my back and slapped her on the cheek.

Why don't you hit your ass anyway? Let's do what we have to do now, Fuhihi. "

You're not going to do it.... ah "

It looks like Celine's awake. She leans her neck strangely when she wakes up.

"... ah, oh, I fainted again... The moment I thought the portal stone fell, my consciousness flew, but I wonder what it was?

Apparently I don't remember hitting my ass. Good, please just forget it.

"You know, I guess you're relieved to lose your mind. It's better than that."

I pick up the portal stone and hand it over to Celine to distract her from the story. Upon receiving it, Celine began to crush and observe while changing the angle raised above her head.

As far as I can tell, it doesn't look like what I saw when I escaped the mine before, but what do you think? I am a little worried about Celine's, even if it's just a little help from Estelle.

"Hmph... I made it in an unexpected way, but apparently there is no problem with the quality. I also feel the connection between the portal crystal and the stone... It's all right, it's done."

And when I put a portal stone in the valley of my chest, I turned around and smiled at both of us.

"Marc, thank you so much. Thanks to you, I didn't have to drag you to the village for three years. Thank you for accompanying Nicolas."

That's how he stroked our heads.

Oh, is there a problem? I'm relieved. Good luck with Celine.... I think I've had a lot of embarrassment, but I'll keep it in my chest... "

"Ba, stupid! Hey, don't worry about the kids! Well, I'm done with that, so let's go home. If you stay here forever, you'll get cold!

Celine stood up slowly, blushing her face, putting a cold shield on the nearby tree on her shoulder. It gets hot during the magic supply, so I took it off, but this season, my body gets cold with just the usual black dress.

--Yes, the season has already entered the winter. It took almost three months, as I first saw it, but the portal stone was completed before it actually snowed. The day of departure is near.

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